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雅思复习资料7听力 Test2Section3

更新:2022年04月27日 06:27 雅思无忧

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雅思复习资料7听力 Test2Section3

规划师点题雅思复习资料 7 听力:


规划师点题雅思复习资料 7 听力:

题号 21-26 27-28 29-30
题型 选择题——单选 分类比较表 选择题——多选
测技能 倾听具体信息

规划师点题雅思复习资料 7 听力:

Question 21 B
通过题干分析,此题需要锁定的信息是南中心建在基督城的原因。当录音中主持人问到Why Christchurch?考生应意识到此题的答案即将出现。博士回答说New Zealand is the second closest country to Antarctica and ...,采访者在录音中又具体确认说so it’s because of where we are ... ,对应卷选项,Christchurch is geographically well positioned和录音中表达的意思相近,于是答案确定为B。

Question 22 A
通过题干分析,此处需要锁定的信息是南中心的作用是什么?当录音中主持人问到 … So tell us — what is the main purpose of the centre?考生应意识到此题的答案即将出现。博士说we have two complementary roles. One is as a scientific base for expeditions and research and the other is as an information centre.对应卷选项,答案为 A。

Question 23 C
通过题干分析,此处需要锁定的信息是游客中心的目的是什么?当录音中主持人问到what does the visitor’s centre offer?考生应意识到此题的答案即将出现。博士介绍说the visitors’ centre aims to recreate the atmosphere of Antarctica.对应卷选项,show people what Antarctica is like和录音中的表达意思相近,于是答案确定为C。

Question 24 B
通过题干分析,此处需要锁定的信息是博士对南洲的看法。当录音中主持人问到What is actually like at the South Pole?博士回答说I’m struck by the awesome beauty of the place。对应卷选项extremely beautiful和录音中的表达意思相近,于是答案确定为B。

Question 25 A
通过题干分析,此处需要锁定的信息是博士认为南洲非常冷的原因是什么?当录音中主持人问到colder than the North Pole? Why’s that?博士回答说unlike the North Pole, which is actually a frozen sea, Antarctica is a land mass shaped like a dome, with the result that the winds blow down the slopes at speeds of up to 150km an hour and that’s what makes it so cold。对应卷选项of the shape of the continent和录音中表达的意思相近,于是答案确定为A。

Question 26 B
通过题干分析,26题考生需要锁定的信息是Antarctuca属于另外一个洲的原因是什么?当录音中主持人问到How can you be certain of this?博士回答说because fossils and rocks have been discovered in Antarctica which are the same as those found in places such as Africa and Australia对应卷选项there is geological evidence of this和录音中的表达意思相近,于是答案确定为B。

Question 27 1882(to/-)(18)83
通过卷上已经出现的信息可以确定,此题要填写的是数字时间。当录音中主持人问到 When was that exactly?博士回答说in 1870。And it was called the Polar Research Meeting。这是卷上已经出现的信息,接下来博士介绍说And then, not long after that, they organised something called the First International Polar Year,这部分正是27题所需填写的时间段发生的事情,考生应意识27题的答案即将出现,接下来,主持人问And that took place when exactly?博士回答说over two years from 1882 to 1883,于是答案确定为1882(to/-)(18)83。

Question 28 signed
通过卷上已经出现的信息可以确定,此题要填写的是动词被动形式,而且是1959发生的事件。当录音中博士介绍说in 1959 the Treaty was actually signed,于是答案确定为signed。

Question 29&30 A 、D (in either order)
通过题干分析,此处需要锁定的信息是南条约的两个成就是什么?当录音中主持人问到What do you see as the main achievements of the treaty?博士回答说firstly it means that the continent is reserved for peaceful use ...对应选项信息 no military use,紧接着博士又提到 but not as important as Article 5,which prohibits any nuclear explosions or waste disposal,对应选项信息no nuclear testing,于是答案确定为A、D。

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