最近经常有小伙伴私信询问2023年9-12月雅思口语话题Part3范文:Describe your dream house(9-12月雅思口语话题Part3范文:Describe an invention that changed the world)相关的问题,今天,雅思无忧小编整理了以下内容,希望可以对大家有所帮助。
2023年9-12月雅思口语话题Part3范文:Describe your dream house
苦于没有词穷口难开?怎么办?别怕,此文专为此而生,提供全部雅思口语part3范文。各路烤鸭速速来收藏,与口语的新题旧恨,请在小站处一笔斩断。本期为9-12月雅思口语Part3参考范文:Describe your dream house,更多精彩内容小编正疯狂整理中,尽情期待。此范文仅作参考,唯一的王道在于勤加练习,攒足了勇气值,攒足了训练量,口语必高分。加油。
参考范文:Describe your dream house
1. Why do people change their places of living? 为什么人们要搬家?
Well, I guess there can be plenty of reasons for that. For example, people can do it in search of a better way of life because they find the places they live in boring and uninspiring. Or there can be too many bad memories attached to their place of living connected with somebody's divorce or death, which pushes people to move to a different house or apartment. Sometimes people change their place of living for a better employment moving from the rural area to the city or from a *all town to the capital. In terrible cases people can do it for safety reasons trying to escape from war zones or polluted areas posing threat for health. Quite seldom but still people also change their places of living just because they need a change, nothing more nor less.
2. Do most people in your country live in a flat or a house? 你们国家的大部分人住公寓还是别墅?
Well, the majority of people live in flats 'cause it usually involves less costs and provides more security as there are a lot of people around. What is more, it is more comfortable to live in flats because they are usually located in the city. so it doesn't take too much time to get to the city centre and there are no problems with shopping for basic essentials because of availability of convenience stores. One more factor which attracts people to living in flats is the fact that flats already have all necessary facilities such as power and water backup, uninterrupted supply of cooking gas and so on. Though there are also quite people in my country opting for living in houses mainly because houses usually have more living as well as outside space and provide people with greater degree of freedom.
3. At what age do people in your country start living independently? 你国家的人在什么年纪开始独立生存?
I guess it can happen at any age when people start making enough money to afford to pay for a flat and utilities. Young people usually leave their parents' families in order to learn not only to earn money but also how to manage their own life. set priorities and take challenges. They start living independently to learn more about themselves, be able to make decisions by themselves and take responsibility for these decisions. Though, there are also young people who leave their parents' apartment in order to get the ultimate freedom to wind down and relax and forget about the pressure of having constant family duties to fulfill.
4. Do people in your country mostly buy their own home or do they rent their home? 你们国家的人大多数情况下是自己*房还是租房?
Well, I guess both. Those who have enough money mostly buy accommodation 'cause it's a kind of investment in their future. What is more, home ownership is something that. on the one hand. gives them and their families a sense of stability and security and, on the other hand, provides with freedom to do whatever they want both inside and outside dispensing them with the necessity of having humiliating, awkward and frustrating relationships with landlords. But there are also a lot of countrymen who don't have enough money or want to be more flexible their lifestyle having a wish to pick up and leave pretty quickly, and they always opt for renting their home considering home ownership an expense.
5. Do you think the design of a home is important? 你认为房子的设计重要吗?
Oh yeah, it is. I guess it is, first of all, important because it plays the key role in the building's functionality. I mean a good design can make even a really *all flat or house functional and cosy. I also think that being surrounded by comfort and beauty unequivocally makes our daily experiences better and increases our satisfaction not only short but also long term making us productive and happy. So, no doubt, home design is of great importance.
6. What makes a location suitable for old people to live? 什么地方适合老年人居住?
Oh, access to good health care, first of all. In some cases climate if there are some pressure problems, for instance. I would also add proximity to family and friends in order to keep in touch and not feel lonely. One more important thing that comes to my mind is low crime rates which can make old people's life calmer and more relaxed. And, of course, accessibility and good amenities of the neighborhood.
7. What makes a location suitable for young people to live? 什么地方适合年轻人居住?
Well, I guess affordability, first of all. I mean housing expenses, the prices for consumable goods, the price of petrol if the young have cars and the price of utility services and taxes. Next, education system and employment opportunities if they are career oriented and have kids of school age, And, of course, accessibility, appearance and amenities of the neighbourhood. I commute time and public transport options for those who don't have private cars, and cultural offerings like galleries, concert halls, theatres and so on for those who take care of their leisure time.
8. In what ways can buildings be more 'environmentally friendly’? 建筑的那些方面更环保?
Well, in order to make existing buildings more 'environmentally friendly' we, first of all, need to turn off any lights or appliances when we don't use them. buy only recyclable containers, reuse plastics for food storage and eliminate the extensive use of the television or the Internet. We also need to try to eliminate the products that have a negative impact on the environment, choose energy efficient appliances for homes and use eco-friendly lighting. If people are only starting to build a house and want to make it environmentally friendly, I guess they should think about using sustainable building materials and insulation, installing solar panels and programmable thermostat as well as try reusing old materials such as wood floors, doors and windows. I guess it’s the main stuff they have to do.
9-12月雅思口语话题Part3范文:Describe an invention that changed the world
本文为9-12月雅思口语Part3参考范文:Describe an invention that changed the world,一件改变世界的发明,各路烤鸭还不速速来收藏,与口语的新题旧恨,请在小站处一笔斩断。更多9-12月雅思口语题库高频话题Part3范文小编正疯狂整理中,尽情期待。此范文仅作参考,唯一的王道在于勤加练习,攒足了勇气值,攒足了训练量,口语必高分。加油。
雅思口语Part3参考范文:Describe an invention that changed the world
1. What do you think have been some of the most important inventions in the past 100 years or so? 你认为过去100年中最重要的发明是什么?
Oh, I have no doubt that the inventions that have significantly improved people's lives in the past century are a computer, a *artphone and the Internet. All of them have greatly simplified all spheres of human life and brought about a lot of new opportunities. For example, thanks to computers people have managed to speed up business operations, organize all of their information in a very accessible manner and become more efficient and productive saving their valuable time in the office. The Internet has provided people with a chance to have instant communication with anyone in the world, get instant access to an endless supply of knowledge and entertainment and the ability to work from home or have a virtual office. A *artphone has united all the devices needed for daily business and pleasure such as a GPS receiver and a camera as well as provided people with Internet access wherever there is cellular coverage letting them tackle different issues on the go. Frankly speaking, I even can't imagine present-day life without these inventions.
2. Why do you think some inventions have not been successful in the marketplace? 为什么你认为有些发明没有成功投入市场?
Oh, I guess there can be a variety of explanations for this. For example, a failure to understand customer needs or targeting the wrong market. I mean launching some products or services with the same characteristics as the ones already used by customers and failing to offer any reasons for customers to switch. I can also name incorrect pricing as the reason for fiasco in the marketplace, oh, and a lack of internet capabilities which will 100% lead to hindrances in satisfying end-users.
3. Do you think it's good that new inventions are appearing so often? 你认为新发明经常出现时一件好事吗?
Why not? I guess it's not bad for sure. New inventions make our life easier, more interesting and more comfortable, help us accomplish specific tasks. save our time and money and always try to meet our growing needs. Sometimes things that were invented yesterday fall into oblivion today because of changes happening in our lifestyle and work processes, so frequent appearance of inventions is a necessity which helps us get adapted to changes happening in our way of life. All in all, the main goal invention is to simplify our life in different ways, which proves their need and the fact that their frequent appearance is good.
4. Do you think there will be any negative effects resulting from future technology? 你认为未来科技有什么消极作用吗?
Well, unfortunately, there are always two sides of the same coin, and future technology is not an exception. The main thing is not to let the negative outcomes outweigh the positive ones as it will lead to a real disaster. All the rest is in human hands, to my mind. So, what's the worst that could happen resulting from future technology? Well, human unemployment may increase as robots may substitute for humans in manufacturing and production. I also guess future inventions may exacerbate environmental problems and even wipe out a huge portion human race which can happen, let in case of developing super-germs with a help of genetic engineering. And the last risk factor that comes to my mind alterations in cognitive and social development in cognitive and social development of future generations with a risk of becoming increasingly detached from nature and society and enjoying a solitary life.
2023年雅思口语新题part1预测配范文:Training 变题不慌!
当当当当,2023最新的雅思口语题目预测,最火热的口语高分答案。虽然常常受到冷待,但是在雅思考官的心目中,part1可是意义重大哟, 本文话题:Training(培训),共4个题目配范文!注意题目之间的答案是相对独立的。烤鸭,加油!
1.Have you ever taken any training?
i didnt take any traning lesson except a swimming lesson when i was 10.
2.what skills have you learned?
i have learned the basic cooking skills in a cooking course by the instructions of a charming chef last year, and also have grasped a bit of how to raise a stray cat in a pet center. You know, there are so many good kind cat or dog people there and their lessons are wonderful!
3.what skills do you want to learn?
I seriously want to learn some social skills, how to blend in a group, how to break the ice, how to pick some girls up politely.So basically, all the great weaknesses for an introvert, i want to overcome them all!
4.How do you feel about it?
i think that training can help people to improve the particular skills in a short time and with a high efficiency,but a low quality of groundwork.
physical training
job training
He received training in first aid.
a young doctor who's still in training
Metrixware Education Services provides training services designed to fit your unique schedule and technical requirements.All of our trainers are highly skilled consultant on technologies presented in our training.
We delivers customer (on-site) Dedicated Training, based on a class size of eight students. Client will provide an adequate classroom equipped with appropriate materials, a whiteboard or flipchart and a PC for each or for 2 students with appropriate software installed.
Cost-effective solution that facilitates the transition from the classroom to the workplace. Our training experts adapt Metrixware’s course material to your unique goals, data, and work environment. Customized hands-on exercises teach participants how to access and work with their own data.
We can provide an on-site mentor to assist students, reinforce concepts, and provide focused guidance as they begin to use Metrixware’s product.
Experience a privileged and extraordian moment. Share avaec Vanessa Godet and her 20 years of passion and love for the world of sailing.
This training is above all:
The discovery of a rich sport within spectacular surroundings
The improvement of navigation techniques
The thrills you will get from the many sailing offers
Your training will include:
All sail and engine maneuvers
Driving under sail of the trimaran
The notions of security
Daytime and night navigation
The whole navigation is done on the NEEL Trimaran of 45 feet. The duration of the internships varies from 3 to 14 days depending on the type of course, dates and destinations. We can accommodate up to 6 trainees.