雅思无忧小编给大家带来了2023年5月雅思口语真题汇总 急需6月26号郑州雅思ielts的口语题,去蹲点的同志们分享下吧!谢谢了!相关文章,一起来看一下吧。
Part 1 题目范例
1.What form of transport do you usually use?
2.What will become the most popular means of transportation in China?
Part 2
Describe an interesting person from another country.
Part 3
Do you think communicating with foreigners is a good way to learn about foreign culture? >>>2023年5月5日雅思真题解析汇总
Part 1
Work or studies
Rainy days
High school
Part 2&3
Describe someone who is a good parent
Describe a popular person
Describe a famous athlete you know
Describe someone who is talkative
Describe a popular comic actor/actress in your country
Describe a situation when you had to be polite
Describe a time when someone visited your home
Describe an unusual meal you had
Describe an important event that you celebrated
Describe a time that you saved money for something
Describe a special day that you went out but didn’t spend much money
Describe something you enjoy doing with an old person in your family
Describe a memorable story told by someone
Describe a TV program
Describe a piece of furniture
Describe a good service you received
Describe an interesting animal
Describe an interesting subject that you learned at school
Describe the time when you received your first cell-phone
Describe a piece of technology (not computer-related) you like to use
Describe a historical period that you are interested in
Describe a good photo of you taken by someone
Describe a public place that you think need improvements
Describe a building you like
Describe a new development (such as new roads, shopping centers) that appeared in your town or city
Describe an important river/area of water in your country
Describe a place in your city or town that you like to visit with your friends
Describe a leisure facility (cinema/ theater/ sports center) you would like to have in your home town
Part 2 题目范例
Describe someone who is talkative
You should say:
who this person is;
how you know this person;
what this person likes to talk about;>>>2023年5月19日雅思真题汇总
And explain how you feel about this person.
1. Describe a city or country that you would like to live or work
2. Describe a website that you often visit
3. Describe a leisure facility you would like to have in your hometown
4. Describe a thing you own that you want to replace
5. Describe a magazine you enjoy reading>>>2023年5月24日雅思真题解析汇总
1. 新题——加入20%的全新题,全新题,出现频次一般较高,重中之重!
3. 重点老题——更新30%的改编题,为各大考场出现频次极高的题,要重点准备~
1、 What music do you like?
2、 What music do you dislike?
3、 Do you often listen to one type of music?
4、 What music do your friends like? Do you enjoy the same type of music?
5、 What's the most popular type of music where you live?
6、Which singer or musician would you like to see in person?
1、 Do you like weekends?
2、 What do you usually do on weekends? Do you study or work?
3、 What did you do last weekends?
4、 Do you make plans for your weekends?
1、 What made you happy when you were little?
2、 What do you think will make you feel happy in the future?
Part 2
Describe a person you have met who you want to work/study with
You should say:
Who this person is
How you met this person
How long you have known him/her
And explain why you want to work/study with him/her
Part 3
1、 Why should children be kind to their clas*ates?
2、Can children choose their deskmate?
3、 What matters most about a colleague's personality?
4、Are good colleagues important at work?
5、What kind of people are popular at work?
6、 Are knowledgeable people popular at work?
Part 2
Describe a new development in the area where you live (ping mall, park...)
You should say:
What the development is
When/where you noticed it
How long it took to complete it
And explain how you feel about it
Part 3
1、 What transportation do you use the most?
2、 ls public transportation popular in China?
3、 What can be improved in public transport services?
4、What leisure facilities can be used by people of all ages?
5、Do you think young people in your country like to go to the cinema?
Part 2
Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted
You should say:
Where the place is
When you visited there
Why the air was not good
And explain how you felt about the place
Part 3
1. In what ways can air pollution be reduced effectively?
Part 2
Describe a noisy place you have been to
You should say:
What it is
When you went there
What you did there
And explain why you feel it's a noisy place
Part 3
1、Do you think it is good for children to make noise?
2、 Should children not be allowed to make noise
under any circumstances?
Part 2
Describe an interesting old person you met
You should say
Who this person is
When/where you met this person
What you did
And explain why you think this person is interesting
Part 3
1、 Do you think old people and young people can share interests?
2、 What can old people teach young people?
3、 Are there benefits when one person is interested in another person? Why?
Part 2
Describe a gift you got
You should say
What it is
How you got it
What you did
And explain how you felt about it
Part 3
1、Should employees have their own goals?
2、 How should bosses reward employees?
3、What kinds of gifts do young people like to receive as rewards?
Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well
You should say
What it was
When you heard it
How you knew it
And explain how you felt about it
Part 3
1、 Is it good to share something on social media?
2、 Should the media only publish good news?
3、 How does social media help people access information?
4、 What kind of good news do people often share in the community?
5、 Do most people like to share good news with others?
6、 Do people like to hear good news from their friends?
Part 2
Describe something you did that made you feel proud
You should say
What it was
How you did it
How difficult it was
And explain why you felt proud of it
Part 3
1、 Which is more important, personal goals or work goals?
2、 Have your life goals changed since your childhood?
3、 Does everyone set goals for themselves?
4、 What kinds of rewards are important at work?
5、 Do you think material rewards are more important than other rewards at work?
6、 What makes people feel proud of themselves?
Describe a time when you missed or were late for a meeting
You should say
When it happened
What happened
Why you missed/were late for it
And explain how you felt about this experience
Part 3
1、 Are you a punctual person?
2、 Do you think it is important to be on time?
3、 Do you always avoid being late?
4、Why are people often late for meetings or appointments?
5、 Why do people miss important events?
6、 Are people in your country often late for meetings?
比如说到四大名著,没有提前准备过但是又想和考官聊这几本书,我们完全可以简单的将故事的大概内容说一下:I don't know how to translate their names into English, because I never needed to talk about them to a foreigner. But I can try to tell you something about them. The first one is about a monkey who protects his master and fights with a lot of monsters...
句式本来就跟新题旧题什么的毫无关系。考官对句式的要求是多变——主谓宾,主系表,it is, there be, 再来几个because和so连接的从句,这个变化也不少了。会就是会,不会就是不会,不存在“旧题会用、新题不会用”的情况。
考官的核心能力之一就是判断我们对句型的掌握程度,所以正确的备考方法是掌握句型本身。我们需要知道的是there be用于形容某地有某物;it is 形容某人做某事有某种属性等等。
答案当然是否定的,面对这种问题我们实话实说,知道多少说多少就行了,以某一个part 1话题为例:Are you interested in other’s dreams? 这个问题还挺奇葩的,别人的梦和我有什么关系啊,莫名其妙跑过去问人做了什么梦也很奇怪。所以这个要怎么回答呢,很简单,实话实说完全OK的呀!
“Honestly, I have no idea how to answer this question because I think other people’s dreams have little to do with my life. I don’t think I have any extra attention for others’ dreams when I can’t even remember my own ones. Even if I really ask others about their dreams, it would be kind of weird. So, I don’t have any idea how to answer this question.”
A Neighbour
首先呢 对于人物大家都要描述的是 1.background information 也就是背景信息 你跟这个人的关系你们是怎么认识的其次就是2.Appearance 长相的话一两句话带过特征就可以 第三点就是最重要的要描述这个人的性格特征因为这是支撑人物描述的灵魂 记住 一定要有一个能表现这个人物性格的故事
邻居的话大家可以讲这个邻居的特征是很热心 热心要通过什么例子体现呢 比如你小时候父母工作很忙而邻居呢就主动要求你每天可以去他家吃饭而且他还辅导你功课 这是不是能体现出他的热心?
A person you are living with
讲一个你的家庭成员 相信这个大家都有准备 时间紧迫 在这里就不多说 如果有同学有疑问可以去翻MIA老师以前的博文 都会找到的
A modern building
再讲这个建筑的特点比如说CBD有个建筑是类似于博物馆的那它在顶楼的上方有一个大的书轴这就表现出了这个建筑的文化含义 MIA老师建议不要具体去讲楼的结构之类对于大部分同学来讲客观描述的难度都比较大但象征意义的却比较好讲
A book you read when you were young/a gift
先讲一下自己小时候非常喜欢读书 而印象最深刻的就是一本关于历史名人的书 然后讲其中一个故事 ,那最简单的就是讲历史名人的故事以武松为例(这个已经被很多同学用过了 但是很典型) 一说到武松同学就会想到武松打虎这个故事因此简单介绍一下武松然后再讲这个非常著名的故事就可以了 那么这时候同学们要记得提炼一下故事的精髓比如在开始讲故事之前要讲一下 这个故事呢 讲的就是武松赤手空拳打死一只老虎的经历WuSong beat the tiger to death without any weapons. 然后再去讲故事的内容 同学们千万不要讲故事的时候罗嗦 捡重要的讲。最后提一下这本书给你的影响。
如果讲礼物的话 就直接说自己小时候的生日礼物是一本书 然后对其中一个故事印象深刻 接着就可以继续讲书里的故事了。
The changes happened in your hometown
1.我的家乡发展迅速 变化很大
2. 交通 道路加宽 即使现在私家车辆很多 也很少出现交通阻塞的状况
3. 建筑 越来越多的高层建筑 到了晚上就会有很漂亮的灯 整个城市的显得非常漂亮
4.绿化 *更加注重对环境的保护 城市里有越来越多的树 我的家乡有越来越多的游客来度假休闲 因为这里的空气清新
5.更多的娱乐场所 KTV,BARS 人民生活水平提高 因为有更多人愿意在周末的时候去这些地方休闲
A school you've been to when you were young
其次讲一下整个学校的建筑风格 比如说
the whole school was built in the western style just like the beautiful castle in the movies
然后讲一个在学校的某个地点发生的一件事如果讲教室的话比如你生平的第一次外教课如果讲图书馆 可以讲以前你在这里准备一个比赛
Your favorite TV program (the world of animals)
首先可以进行概括性描述,例如:我很喜欢看电视 因为我可以做这件事情消遣时间还可以学到知识。接下来就可以讲下看电视节目的经历,比如有次你看到动物世界介绍海豹(seal),他们生活在哪个地区,多么的可爱,可是后来很多的海豹都因为海水的污染以及人们的猎杀死掉了,那这是不是会引起你的思考?野生动物也是我们自然环境的一部分,那保护野生动物也是我们人类的职责,如果我们不停的猎杀他们的话,当世界上只剩人类这一种物种(species)那将是多么的可悲
A famous person
van gogh 梵高
1、声望世界著名的画家,他独特的画风曾经影响了几代的画家,可以被成为艺术界的王者 the field of art
2.谈 你怎么认识他的:通过他的那副著名的向日葵 画中的花让你有种被激励的感觉 从那时喜欢上了他
3.谈他的生平: 梵高生活坎坷 没有朋友作品不被当时的人们所认可爱情不被接受生活贫困 一直靠唯一的弟弟的帮助生活可是梵高的画却总是非常有生机鼓励着在困难中的人们(这部分可以扩展成故事来讲)
.a movie
In my spare time, I like watching movies the most, and I have already seen Forrest Gump for many times. Every time I watch it, I can get some new things. The most impressive line is that life is like a box of chocolates, you will never know what you can get. Yeah, life is like a journey which is full of unknown stuff and obstacles. The beginning of the movie is a symbol of the process of life, a feather flying on the sky floating everywhere without directions and was blown by the strong wind. It is a coincidence that the destiny of Forrest reveals the truth of life. When he was a kid, his mother often told him he was ordinary as everyone else. Jenny gave him confidence and their kid is so *art. It is a comedy to some extend. Movie is not only a way to relax but also provides us advices for lifeyour family
a piece of exciting message
这个很好讲比如同学们申请学校等待offer,当时多么的焦急,每天都睡不着觉,只要*一响起来总会蹦起来去接*,发现不是找自己的就很沮丧的躺回床上,突然有一天接到了*,*那头的人告诉你说你被录取了,很快就会收到offer,你高兴的跳起来... 对于一条简单的信息 我们却不能放松警惕 因为你的经历以及对于心情的描述将是很好的加分点。
something you bought but don't use too much
女孩子可以讲一件*的礼服可是后来却发现总是找不到穿的场合最后终于由此派上用场了却发现已经过时了. 男孩子可以讲下定决心要健身*了哑铃(dumbbell)做了两天就放弃这个东西从此之后就不怎么用了。一本雅思书籍也是非常好的选材烤鸭们可以根据自己的意愿或者经历进行选择
一个你计划去的地方 a place you plan to go
之前同学应该都准备过旅行这样的话题 那么不要在推翻以前的准备重新准备一篇 首先 还是讲要去的地方这个地方的介绍就按照同学们之前准备的旅行的方式展开即可 然后谈下为什么想去 这时候 你之前准备的旅行的风景描述就用的上了只不过这次要讲成 我是从网上得知这些信息的 最后可以讲一下怎么去 就是资金哪里来啊 和谁一起去啊 等等 就可以
对话 a conversation
首先,讲一下因为高考失败 我很upset 所以爸爸就带我去我最喜欢的餐馆吃饭
然后,在吃饭的过程中呢 爸爸就给我说了两件事 第一呢 就是告诉我并 不是只有一条路通向成功 也就是 cheer me up 第二件呢 就是 offer me another option which is to go abroad 也就是提供给我另一个出路 也就是出国啦 顺便呢 可以提一提可口的饭菜
最后,就讲一下这 次 吃饭和谈话让我豁然开朗 现在我就奔赴在积极烤鸭的道路
something old your family keep
b.这个传家宝有什么意义 或者是外形上的特殊 或者本身带有的故事 比如一幅画 武松打虎 就可以介绍一下武松打虎的故事
c.家里为什么留有这个东西 比如MIA的例子 就会说家里人很欣赏武松的勇气 希望家里面的人都可以像武松一样有勇气
这个大家可以从两方面入手 第一个就是讲自己做一个手工的经历 M 讲一下第二个就是别人做的一种手工艺品 1. 我见过一个朋友戴的项链这种项链的材料是纸制的是由一些非洲妇女*的
2. 这个由某个公益团队开展的活动是为了帮助非洲贫民而开展的活动、
3. 这个项链不仅帮助了那些靠自己双手挣钱的非洲人民 另一方面 也是我们这些热衷公益的同学去帮助别人的机会 意义非凡
a TV program
一个电 视节目
A. 电视节目的名字 比如美国偶像或者超级女声O(∩_∩)O
B. 为什么你喜欢它
C. 这个电视节目对你的影响意义
.your hobby when you were young
这个题目的重点在于 为什么以前喜欢 现在不喜欢了 这就要求我们要介绍两方面原因1. 以前为什么喜欢 2.现在因为什么原因不喜欢了
兴趣很多啊很好讲啊 比如 I had a lot of hobbies such as reading, listening to music, doing sports, but my favorite thing was to travel around . I thought travelling was not just to see different places but also an opportunity to see difference people and experience different culture. 接下来就可以讲一个旅行的例子 然后介绍一下为什么现在不经常旅游了 比如说很忙啊 在准备考试啊 这个兴趣就没有坚持下去
How to educate kids
1. parents should set up a good model for the kids.
2. help the kids to develop the awareness of taking care of others, and we can achieve that by letting the kids keep pets.
3. help the kids to develop the good habit of studying, for example-reading
a host
1. who he is and what he has done,like LuYu has been a host for around 10 years, she is well experienced and her TV show has attracted millions of audience.
2.how did you know him
3.a story about him
2.the descripition of its' exterior
3.the descripition of the interior and what attracts you the most--varity of goods? good service? a lot of discounts?
1.the disaster may has gone but there's still bad memory that people got from it, so we should care more about those people who suffered it and help them to get over it mentaly.
2. we should rebuild the roads first or all kinds of supplys can't be brought and help couldn't be offered
3. we should rebuild the school buildings first cuz no matter what happens, life is going on and studying is the most important thing for kids to do.
以上就是雅思无忧小编给大家带来的2023年5月雅思口语真题汇总 急需6月26号郑州雅思ielts的口语题,去蹲点的同志们分享下吧!谢谢了!,希望能对大家有所帮助。