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剑桥雅思4 14听力 请问2023年4月14号雅思听力机经Section Two预测

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剑桥雅思4 14听力 请问2023年4月14号雅思听力机经Section Two预测


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请问2023年4月14号雅思听力机经Section Two预测

对于很多正在准备考雅思的同学来说,不知道准备的怎么样呢?今天就和小钟老师一起来了解一下2023年4月14号雅思听力机经Section Two预测。

雅思听力Section Two
雅思听力场次 2023046 20230704
雅思听力场景 求职
雅思听力题型 填空5 单选5
雅思听力内容概述 job center of compus:学校为学生提供*part-time job
1. Special policy applies to overseas students.
2. It will locate in the Woodside Campus.
3. The enquiry office opens till 8:10 PM.
4. The lawyer is only available on Tuesdays.
5. University Website will show the job information.
6. Where can find the latest news of new listed jobs?
A. *** B. IT faculty C. parking centre
7. Employers will visit the school
A. only in the first semester B. twice a year C. throughout the year
8. The advantage of doing part-time job:
A. does benefits to the full-time jobs in the future B. good record
C. to form the teamwork ability
9. Student salary will be
A. taxed B. paid by every week C. need to buy private insurance
10. You shall contact with the boss via (建议学生准备*)
A. writing B. Email C. Mobile
雅思听力Section Two
雅思听力场次 20230921
雅思听力场景 其他
雅思听力题型 地图5 填空5
雅思听力内容概述 home improvement plan,商场
1. Paint Section ----bottom left
2. Kitchen Section ----middle
3. Children’s play area ----between the Cafe and the Paint Section
4. Bathroom Section ----between the Cafe and the Tool Section
5. Garden Section ----between the Tool Section and Staff
6. The attraction of Home Improvement store is(公司的优势): the low prices
7. What are the benefits of working at Home Improvement Store? (员工
最喜欢的): flexible working hours
8. The staff must promote to the customers by giving them (必须给顾客) magazine
9. What the company will offer if customers buy a new kitchen: free installation; free appliances; free delivery.
雅思听力Section Two
雅思听力场次 20230414 202308 2023
雅思听力场景 其他
雅思听力题型 填空7 配对3
雅思听力内容概述 介绍一个会所,社团
1. Hot drinks and cakes
2. 中午会提供的食物:salads
3. Parent and tutor
4. Story
5. 运动:stretching movments
6. Bring your own mat
7. 人名:Mrs. Waddell. *号码 667812
a. book in advance 提前预订
b. free enter 不要钱
c. pay at the door 来了交
d. pay after your finish 来了以后走时交
e. pay in advance 提前交
8. 小孩的那个-A
9. 体育的那个-C
10. Quiz 的那个-B
雅思听力Section Two
雅思听力场次 20230809 20230108
雅思听力场景 场馆介绍
雅思听力题型 填空6 单选4
雅思听力内容概述 女导游介绍电视塔
1. *地点:A parking place,B wait at ticket desk,C. back of the entrance
2. 天晴的时候能从塔上看到什么,选 B. HILL
3. people feel proud about the symbol B. landmark
4. 这个塔 begin to be used as 什么选 B. conference centre,接着是一张塔的图片,有 8 个左右的功能,包括 cinema,indoor,outdoor,shop,post,cafe 等
5. glass floor 玻璃地面,可以俯瞰下方
6. 有一个餐厅 restaurant,你可以吃饭休息,外面有个art gallery艺术画廊
7. 有 weather observing
8. post office 可以*卡片寄给家人
9. indoor 观景台
10. 是 cinema,在这里可以看到激动人心的 film
雅思听力Section Two
雅思听力场次 20231020 202306
雅思听力场景 其他
雅思听力题型 单选6,配对4
雅思听力内容概述 志愿者工作的种类很多,雇佣者(老板)支持,一个男的做志愿者原因是喜欢孩子,一个女的觉得干活干得和自己的工作一样起劲儿,负责准备伙食,而且可以远程进行服务,不必到现场,后来是一个流程先表示感兴趣,后来找问题,见其他志愿者。
1. 选 C. 现在的志愿者情况?C. from a wide range of backgrounds
2. 选 B. encouraged by employees
3. 选 B. take care of the kids
4. 选 C. 女孩儿叫 Reith ----- C. buy something in the supermarket
5. 选 A. 女孩儿享受志愿者工作的什么方面? A. sharing opinions with other volunteers
6. 选 C. Advantages of being a “virtual volunteer”? ----- C. no longer need to leave
申请志愿程序 Process for application:
7. 选 email personal information to 志愿者申请流程是先 email
8. 选 prepare several interviewing questions 准备几个问题
9. 选 meet other potential volunteers 和其他志愿者见面
10. 选 submit/file a formal application 提交正式申请
雅思听力Section Two
雅思听力场次 2023078 2023018 20230110
雅思听力场景 其他
雅思听力题型 填空3 单选7
雅思听力内容概述 说的是一个组织在澳大利亚机场检查违禁物之类的一些规定。
1. The main aim of the service is to A. educate people
2. The number of people working at Sydney airport is A. 410
3. Dogs are chosen because B. They stay calm.
specifically: A.have good *ell B. kept clam C. easier trained
4. The number of postal items that were dealt with last year amounted to A. 52,000
5. People carrying items that are not allowed C. will be given a warning.
6. When goods carried are found with insects, they will B. be dealt with by the customs
7. A video that was checked was found with B. plant seeds


2023年4月14号雅思听力机经Section Four预测

对于很多正在准备考雅思的同学来说,不知道准备的怎么样呢?今天就和小钟老师一起来了解一下2023年4月14号雅思听力机经Section Four预测。

雅思听力Section Four
雅思听力场次 20230613 20230606 202306 2023
学科 动物
雅思听力题型 填空6 单选4
雅思听力内容概述 蜜蜂用什么来navigation以及这个功能在人类身上的应用帮助盲人等,蜜蜂视觉和
1. The amazing part is
C *all brain (bees can fly *oothly even though they have very *all brain)
2. How do people distinguish one bee form another?
B color stripes ( by looking for signs in different colors on bees’ body)
3. Wings clings
B a sign applied to their bodies ( the science stick a sign under wings)
4. Choose we can calculate the distance ( we can know how far the bee can fly by knowing the time it flies)
( it talks about the current problems and advantages of road detection)
Current problem advantages
5 sticks have not enough warning (lack of enough warming ) 6 drivers can find instruments with the help of radar
7 urban area 8 the way of flying can help us know distance and speed
9 the Mars or the earth(不确定) 10 if there is water
雅思听力Section Four
雅思听力场次 20230410 2023089 20230915
学科 科技
雅思听力题型 填空10
雅思听力内容概述 有关bionomics仿生学的,人从自然和昆虫(蜘蛛)中获取技能。
1. Arctic (Eskimo) people copy the hunting skill spider.
2. silk which is stronger than steel.
3. finer than human hair application
4.environmentally friendly equipment for fishing
5. treat sports (athlete) injures
6. medical stitches: self-dissolving (removal) pain.
7. Problem: noise of a train
Owl : artificial skill
8.skatingboards used by Olympic
9. vibration on plane and end of a tunnel
10.reduce the loss of energy
雅思听力Section Four
雅思听力场次 2023013 202303 2023017
学科 其他
雅思听力题型 填空10
雅思听力内容概述 澳大利亚轮胎回收的流程
1.the typical tire dealer may generate 6000 to 8000 waste tires per month
2.there are companies recycle rubbers for profit
3.recycled no limit no size of tire
4.(5%) of the research has been completed
5.wheel hub to be production of steel wires
6.get rid of dirt segments and
7.The rubber can be molded with plastic for products
8.rubber-molded products are carpet padding or floor materials
9.XX is based on water and therefore environmentally friendly
10.MSDS is an ink applied to the thread of the tire as a visible colour
雅思听力Section Four
雅思听力场次 2023109 20230105 2023 2023
学科 其他
雅思听力题型 填空10
雅思听力内容概述 一个男生介绍如何做演讲
1. 演讲者会变得更紧张,people get more nervous if the speech is important
2. The speech is not a gift 天赋 but can be learned by people.
3. 说昕众往往记住你的 audience will only remember the last thing you said
4. 确保你的演讲雅思听力内容 be well-organized
5. Don't start your speech until audience pay attention
6. 你可以把你的大意记在 card 或者 you can make your notes on cards or a sheet of paper
7. don’t need to write speech in full
8. 可以只写 just one or two ideas
9. 记住要 time yourself
10. 不要 just read your talks
雅思听力Section Four
雅思听力场次 2023031 2023067 20230418 20230811 20231219 2023
学科 自然环境
雅思听力题型 填空5 单选5
雅思听力内容概述 巴西国家土著公园,巴西热带雨林
1. Map covers the areas of: 9.000 hectares
2. This rainforest is the: world's biggest national park
3. Cooperation from: government; scientist and help from local Indian tribes
4.They applied the GPRS data, local knowledge and aerial photographs
5.Some places are unmarked; besides forest, the plants used for medicine
6.this map out come will be the first and most important step in: C. protect the local and world forest land
7.another result can be:A. develop community
8. map can be used to educate them: B. local history
9. The problem when making the map: A. language barriers
10. Finally the most important success is: C. we won local people's contribution
雅思听力Section Four
雅思听力场次 20230704 2023084
学科 植物
雅思听力题型 填空10
雅思听力内容概述 藏红花
1. number of saffron 50 grams made: 11000
2. method of preservation: by drying
3. to sell it as powder
Modern usage
4. diet of rice/common dishes (and is widely used in cooking in many cuisines)
Medical applications
5. to treat disorders of eyes
6. in a rats experiment, to avoid light damage (early studies show that saffron may protect the eyes from the direct effects of bright light and retinal stress apart)
Domestic applications in Ancient countries
7. In ancient Greek and ancient Crest, people dye for clothes
Ancient Rome
8. co*etics
9. In bath, it is used as perfume for women
10. Persian (Iran) dye for carpets
雅思听力Section Four
雅思听力场次 20230109 20230219 20230115 2023
学科 环保
雅思听力题型 填空6流程图4
雅思听力内容概述 利用太阳能进行水净化
1. High level of salts makes bore water unsafe to drink.
2. SW10 makes the bore water clean it can be used in hospitals
3. SW10 can work effectively but sometimes it is quite slow
4. They want to get money from an agency called Health International
5. SW10 can provide a maximum output of 9 litres on a sunny day.
6. Each SW10 can support the water use of a family
7.盖子 is made of glass
8. SW10 和水平面的夹角是 12.5°
9 UV radiation 紫外线 can destroy germs
10. 一个管子滴水到一个圆心的桶里,这个桶叫什么?water collection tank
雅思听力Section Four
雅思听力场次 20230109 20230219 20230115 2023
学科 环保
雅思听力题型 填空6 流程图4
雅思听力内容概述 利用太阳能进行水净化
1. High level of salts makes bore water unsafe to drink.
2. SW10 makes the bore water clean it can be used in hospitals
3. SW10 can work effectively but sometimes it is quite slow
4. They want to get money from an agency called Health International
5. SW10 can provide a maximum output of 9 litres on a sunny day.
6. Each SW10 can support the water use of a family
7.盖子 is made of glass
8. SW10 和水平面的夹角是 12.5°
9 UV radiation 紫外线 can destroy germs
10. 一个管子滴水到一个圆心的桶里,这个桶叫什么?water collection tank

希望以上的答复能对您的留学申请有所帮助。如果您有任何更详细的问题或需要进一步的协助,我强烈推荐您访问我们的留学官方网站 ,在那里您可以找到更多专业的留学考试规划和留学资料以及*的咨询服务。祝您留学申请顺利!

以上,就是雅思无忧小编给大家带来的剑桥雅思4 14听力 请问2023年4月14号雅思听力机经Section Two预测全部内容,希望对大家有所帮助!

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