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雅思口语music话题范文 雅思口语范文赏析:aquizTVshow

更新:2023年07月18日 13:17 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思口语music话题范文 雅思口语范文赏析:aquizTVshow,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思口语music话题范文 雅思口语范文赏析:aquizTVshow


雅思口语part2备考一直是众多考鸭们的头等难事,不敢开口,开口说不出,说不地道,相关正旅话题的经历太少,让人抓狂。下面我喊清友给大家带来雅思口语 范文 赏析:a quiz TV show,希望对大家的口语有帮助!

雅思口语范文赏析:a quiz TV show

Describe a quiz TV showWell, it seems that many TV channels like to present some quiz shows to the public, such as “the lucky 52” in CCTV2, “happy dictionary” in CCTV 3, and “great competition of intelligence” in CCTV 1. But here, I’d like to talk about a quiz show from Shenzhen TV channel, which is named as “who is cleverer”.

This quiz show brings the *s back to the primary school class, helps them recall those happy memories in the childhood, recollects those forgotten knowledge. It aims to attract audience of primary school students, as well as *s.

In this quiz show, a group of primary school students and a team of *s are competing on the same stage, for those seemingly familiar and seemingly simple questions from primary school subjects. It is fun to see the embarras*ent of those * compe*s unable to answer those easy questions, and it is also fun to see those primary students showing off their knowledge in front of their * compe*s. Altogether, there are 10 questions for each compe*, and those *s who can answer right all the 10 questions may have a chance to get the prize: 50 thousand YMB , but if he fail, he has to say to the audience, “wow, I am not so clever as a primary school student” and then he is replaced by another *s.

Wow, it’s so funny that after so many years education, almost no *s could win the game and get the prize. And it’s so interesting that this quiz show can bring so many parents and children in front of their TV sets to enjoy their get-together. I like the feeling of watching this kind of TV programs.

雅思郑槐口语Part 2话题:A Show or a Performance

雅思口语Part 2话题参考答案

Describe a show or performance

You should say:

what kind of performance it was

when and where you saw it

how it was performed

and explain how you felt about this performance.

My friends and I visited Laoshe Teahouse in Beijing last summer. It was our first time to visit such a famous place. We not only had nice tea but also enjoyed Chinese traditional art performances. It has been quite an impressive experience to me, and to my friends, too.

The teahouse is to the southwest of Tian’an Men Square. Its amazing Beijing style has attracted hundreds of visitors from home and abroad every day.

Before we decided to go, we had heard a lot about that place and we got very excited. We got even more excited when the performance was about to begin-audience from different parts of the world made the atmosphere hot. The performance began with a thrilling starting music. It was folk music played with Chinese traditional instruments. by Teahouse Music Band. The drum beats immediately dragged people’s attention. After starting music was Peking Opera Highlights with the name Presents from Magu. I didn’t quite follow its plot because I didn’t understand their singing. However, I like the music and the way it was presented. The most unforgettable show came when an artist from Sichuan started performing Face-Changing of Sichuan Opera. It was just like magic. He changed his face so quickly that no one could tell how he could manage that. This show gained much applause from the audience.

I am glad that I took my friends from the US to the Laoshe Teahouse that evening. We had wonderful time there. I like this kind of performance. It has become a special showcase of the essence of Chinese national culture, and a bridge connecting China with the rest of the world.

Part 3

Artistic Performances

1. Are traditional art forms performed very much in China?

In some *all cities and towns, where popular modern art is less introduced into, traditional art forms are still playing an important role in entertaining local people. In big cities, like Beijing and Shanghai, traditional art forms are kept well and performed a lot in big and *all theatres. I think people are getting more aware of protecting our own traditions, including traditional art performances. And this is why it’s now a fashion to go and watch a really good Beijing Opera show at a not so low price.

2. How does TV program help to spread traditional culture?

TV program helps greatly to spread traditional culture, definitely. For an obvious reason, people have easier access to a TV program than to a live show. Every one can afford it. So, with the help of TV show, more people would have the chance to be exposed to traditional culture.

3. What benefits do you think people derive from watching performances or visiting art exhibitions?

In my opinion, art is not a necessity in our life, like food and drink. But life cannot be without art. Sounds contradictory? Well, I mean, what people derive from watching performances or visiting art exhibitions is mental pleasure and satisfaction. People say art is the reflection of life. I agree. Suppose after a day of hard work, what will a piece of beautiful music bring to us? Comfort, relief, refreshment, and so many other mental enjoyment. Life is hard, but thanks to art, we become less depressed.

4. Do you think people generally prefer to go to a concert or to listen to recordings of music?

Generally, the majority would prefer to listen to recordings of music. It’s much easy to get and every one could afford the money and time. Besides, concert is concert. It’s live, and it’s one-time. You get there, you listen to it, and it’s over. Recordings can be listened to for many times. People choose to listen to their favorite recordings at any time, any place they like to.

The Performing Arts and Children

1. What is the value of watching artistic performance (or experiencing artistic activities) in relation to children's development?

Beauty education is important in children’s development. Watching artistic performance or experiencing artistic activities is a good way to have such an education. It helps children to build up their understanding of this world. They get to know what is beautiful and what is ugly, which is good for their growing-up. But there is one thing we have to be careful about. That is to choose the proper performance and activities, improper ones could only lead to a bad education.

2. What is the value of children learning to perform, such as learning to sing or dance in front of an audience?

It depends on if the child him/herself likes to do it or not. If it’s his/her own willingness to learn, it’s a hobby. Learning to perform will be a pleasant experience. Knowing how to perform could be a treasure for the child’s future development. Performing could be a well-paid occupation. However, if it’s not the child’s own wish to learn, it could be torture and I don’t think the child could get anything positive from the learning.

3. Do you think the performing arts should be included in school curriculums? (Why?/ Why not?)

Performing arts should be included in school curriculums as an optional course, but not a compulsive one. If it’s optional, students with interest can choose to attend the course and develop their performing talent. For students who are not that involved in performing, they can have enough freedom not to choose to attend the course. Otherwise, it would be a waste of time for those who don’t like performing.

4. Do boys and girls have the same feelings/attitudes about performing (or watching) an artistic performance?

For me, it’s a little blind to give a yes-or-no answer to this question. Well, if there is difference, I see it as the difference between individuals, but not between boys and girls.But…well, yes, I guess it’s easier for girls to get involved and become part of the story. I remember when I watched the play Cinderella many years ago, I cried when Cinderella was being tortured, but the boy sitting next to me didn’t.

5. Who do you think is more suited to learning how to dance - boys or girls?

It’s hard to say. We have female dancers as well as many successful male ones dancing on the world stage. I mean male dancers can achieve as high as females dancers do. However it is a fact that more girls are learning how to dance at an early age than boys. The Chinese thinking is like this. Girls have to be pretty, and dancing girls are just fancy. But for boys people hold different expectations. Boys are expected to be playful and tough. It is not seen as a right thing for boys to learn how to dance.





第三:写 日记 。这个习惯看上去练习的是写作,其实它更是练习口语的妙法。当你动笔的同时,你的大脑正在激烈地做着英文 体操 。用英文进行思维是高级的口语训练 方法 。

第四:大量阅读报刊、杂志及各种 故事 、杂文,之后将它们复述出来。(超级提示:是"复述"而非"背诵"。)同一篇 文章 的复述工作应该反复滚动。

第五:一年左右逐渐过渡到用英文进行日常的思维活动。每当遇到不会的词、句就记录在本子上,集中解决,并定时更新、复习最理想的练习口语的方法是有个说英语的外国人天天在你身边陪你说英语,但这个条件一般谁也不具备,那么怎么来练习口语呢,有一个好办法非常可行,就是自己和自己说练习 英语口语 (当然后期还要找一些外国人进行语言交流体验),请相信自己和自己练习口语这一办法很管用,新体系英语有一个方法,叫“反述式口语练习法”,推荐给你:




一些初识雅思的学生在口语上遇到的最大障碍之一就是没话可说,每个问题的答案都只有寥寥几个词。比如:Are you working orstudying-

I am working now. How do you spend your weekends- I spend my weekendsreading and watching TV. Do you read a lot in your spare time- Yes, I read a lotin mysparetime.其实如若您拿着这些问题去问一个初中生或甚至是小学生,他恐怕也能非常流利的给出这些答案的吧。既然如此,您又怎么能显示出您的水平决不仅止与此哪?雅思口语的高分诀窍就是要在很短的时间内将您的浑身解数都使出来。那么我们就要有意识的积累一些答题的技巧,也就是如何拓长自己的答案,并且灵活运用各种句型的方法。





私人化的问题需要个性化的答案,背诵答案,下搭数场往往很知孙首惨! 范文 仅作参考,唯一的王道在于你的开口练习,下面是我搜集整理的关于雅思口语part2家乡话题的资料,欢迎查阅。

雅思 口语part2家乡话题

1. Where are you from?


雅思口语考官范文:I'm from Manchester, which is a city in the north west of England.

2. Do you like your home town? (Why?)


雅思口语考官范文:Yes, I like living in Manchester because it's where most of my friends live, and because there are plenty of things to do there. The only thing I don't like is the weather.

3. Would you prefer to live somewhere else? (Why?)


雅思口语考官范文:For the moment I'm happy living here, but at some point I'd like to live in a country with a warmer climate, and I'd like to live near a beach!

4. Do you think your home town is a good place for young people? (Why?)


雅思口语考官范文:Yes, Manchester has lots of things for young people, such as sports facilities, music and cinemas.

雅思 口语 part1描述家乡

1. Where do you come from?

Well, I’m from HanDan, an inland city that is in the middle of China. It’s well known for its historical architecture. Also, many travellers like the traditional spicy food, which is a “must-eat” for visitors once they come to town.


2. What tourist attractions are there in your hometown?

Actually, there’re several must-see spots here, like the national museums, international shopping malls and other historical heritages. Well, I’d like to mention a place called Sai Kung, which is a famous fishing village. What’s more, there’re many roadside vendors selling different kinds of trinkets along the sea front.


3. What do you think needs to change in your hometown?

Um…traffic! Driving here can be a nightmare. I get stuck in the middle of the bumper-to-bumper traffic every day when I’m on my way to work. It drives me crazy and sometimes I’ve even thought of jumping out of the car and run! Well, fortunately, the newly built subway will be in service this year and I hope it really can help release the pressure on the road.

交通!在这开车简直就是噩梦。每天上班的路上我都被堵在 保险 杆相互碰撞的交通中。太让人抓狂了,有时候我甚至想跳出去跑着算了。幸运的是,新修的地铁明年就投入使用了,希望它能够缓解道路压力。

4. What do you like about your hometown?

I think you’ve probably heard of the vibrant nightlife in Beijing. In fact, I love enjoying my time with my friends here. And I think you should jump in the rush and experience the dynamic charm of this city too.


5. For you, what benefits are there to living in a big city?

Well, obviously, living in a large city brings me lots of convenience, well I mean, there’s a well-developed public transport network, like the subway, bus or even taxi. What’s more, I’m a shopaholic, I like shopping in fancy boutiques at shopping arcades and I’m quite sure that *all grocery stores in a village can’t satisfy me.



关于hometown家乡类的雅思口语话题的主要针对Location , Scale, What’s special三个点,在准备part1家乡的话题时,我们还可以和part2 地点题describe a tourist attraction一起准备。


My hometown is Hangzhou, the capital/provincial city and biggest city in Zhejiang province. It’s situated in the lower reaches of Qiantang River, the best position in Yangtz Delta. It has a population of about 5 million, but in recent years, more and more immigrants settle down here. Hangzhou is especially famous/noted for the west lake, which has breath-taking sunrise and sunset.


provincial city


settle down

be noted for


1. Developed/developing city /Booming economy /Abundant job opportunities

2. Places for entertainment/amusement

Pubs, cinemas, theaters, clubs of various themes

3. Make friends with people having different culture backgrounds

Enrich the knowledge

Broaden the horizons

1. Living environment

Fresh air




2. City facilities made for the senior/elderly

Welfare system

Guarantee of retirement life

Advanced medical service


Compared to the past years, my hometown has become more and more polluted and congested. It has paid too much to gain the fast rapid of economic development. In the future, I’d rather live in the countryside with good environment and fresh air. Besides, I can also plant some organic food for the family.




fast rapid of economic development

good environment/fresh air

organic food



I live in Beijing, a typical metropolis with booming economy, a dense population and various places for entertainment. People can choose different life styles here. For instance, the city could be fashionable for the large-scaled shopping malls; it could also be cultural for the ancient buildings and museums.

My hometown is a middle-scaled city with a *all population, developing economy and limited places for entertainment. Life of the local people is quite routine. They work, study and enjoy the leisure time. Thanks to the relatively low living cost and peaceful environment, living here is relaxing and less competitive.


1. 地理位置得表达:

A在B的东方/西方/南方/北方,A is/lies/is located/is situated in/on/to the east/west/south/north of B.

A在B内部的某个部位,A is in the eastern/southern/western/northern part of B.

A在B……角落,A is at/in the south-eastern corner of B.


2. 家乡类型的表达方式

An industrial city 工业城市

A coastal city沿海城市

An inland city内陆城市

A tourist city旅游城市

A capital city首都

Metropolis 大都市

3. 家乡交通(需要特别注意,这些范畴,也可能会出现在单独的交通话题中)

基础设施:public transport公共交通; Train火车; plane飞机; bus公交; taxi出租车; subway地铁; ferry渡船; mini-bus面包车。

其他设施:shopping mall购物中心;entertainment places娱乐场所;sport facilities 体育设施;high-rise buildings高楼; skyscraper摩天大厦。

4. 名胜古迹特点表述

Cultural diversity多元 文化


Numerous historical sites许多历史遗址

Tourist attractions旅游景点

Pleasant climate宜人的气候

Gorgeous landscape华丽的景观

5. 食物描述

Delicacy 精美的

Snack 小吃





Where is your hometown?

Do you like your hometown?

What is famous about your hometown?

What are the biggest changes in your hometown in the past decade?

The environment problem of your hometown?


Describe an area of your hometown that has recently changed.

You should say:

what part of your hometown has changed

what changes have been made

what caused this change

an explain how you feel about these changes.


Ok, well my hometown has changed quite a bit in the last few years, which I guess is also probably the case for most other cities in China, and as for which particular area of my hometown I’ll talk about, well, coincidentally, I’d say the part which has undergone the most changes would actually be the district where I live, called Binjiang, which is in the southern outskirts of Hangzhou, so this is the area I’m gonna talk about.

And regarding what changes have happened, well I suppose one of the biggest has been the number of high-rise apartment buildings which have gone up in the area, because not that long ago, this part of the city was pretty derelict, and a lot of it was just wasteland, so hardly any people used to live there. But now, you can see high-rise blocks up all over the place, especially along the riverfront, which is where the most high-end ones are, as you can probably imagine.

And as for what caused this change, well, I’m not sure of the exact reason, but my guess would be that there was hardly any space left in the city centre for building new developments, and seeing as there was so much unused land in Binjiang, it must have been an ideal place to put up more flats. I also imagine that the land prices there would have been a lot lower than other parts of the city, although that’s probably not the case anymore!

Anyway, finally then, with regard to how I feel about these changes, well, thinking about it, I would say that, overall, I’m very happy about it all, the reason being that, because of the increase in the number of people now living in the area, a lot of shops and restaurants have opened up there, so it’s actually become a really nice place to live, and I would probably go as far as saying it’s now one of the most up-and-coming parts of the city.

雅思口语part2话题之描述家乡相关 文章 :

...your favorite song话题:What kind of music do ...

1. 结构提示
In China, different people possess various tastes of music.
Some like…, while some prefer…
… is now very popular in China, and his/her CDs are the bestsellers.
2. 要搭判点提示知慧改
various types of music: pop/rock/R&B/piano/Latin/碧指jazz/traditional Chinese/opera…
foreign and domestic

急~需要有人帮我写篇雅思口语的范文 Describe your ...

I am a college student now and the ideal job for me is a teacher.
For starters (pat推荐的饥猜开篇小词) ,I was told that being a teacher is one of the most worthy thing a person can be(teenage drama queen 里面的台词).Teachers fill young minds with knowledge, but more importantly, give those minds a compass so that knowledge doesn’t go to waste(也是一个电影里面的台词,忘了电影名了,能搜到).
Also, I’m crazy about kids. I’m pretty sure I will enjoy the time being with adorable children. I’ve pictured that moment in my dream many times.

As for the place I can be a teacher, I think schools would probably be the best. You know, most children study at schools. I will meet all kinds of lovely children there and it must be nice.(微笑一下,表情作戚前高兴状)

I don’t care how many hours I will be working every day. Being a teacher would give me a better appreciation of life. You know, life is not always about how much you can get or how much you have spent, the true genius of life is about pursuing what you like. In contrast, I don’t think I would be delighted when I’m not what I wanna be, I don’t wanna be a busines*an or a lawyer or something, even if I could be well-paid.

Anyway, it’s no exaggeration to say that teaching is the ideal job that I want to do later in my life.






为了帮助大家备考雅思口语,并乎提高口语水平,下面我给大家带来雅思口语 范文 :绝隐悉有趣的歌曲,希望大家会喜欢!


Topic:Describe an interesting song

You should say:

where does the song come from

how do you know that

what does the song tell

and explain why do you think it is interesting.

Sample answer:

The legendary song Annie's Song'by John Denver is a piece of music that I really like. I like this song so much that every time I listen to it,I get a fresh and inspiring feeling. This is probably the piece of song that I have listened several thousand times.

This is a song that always inspires me and I like the lyrics and the music of this song. John Denver and his band Beatles and their songs are in my favorite lists. The 'Annie's Song'is a piece of work that the world will revere for a long. This is one of the most rated songs of the world history and I like it for the magical tone it has.

I listen to music almost every day and this song is in my music player. So I would say I listen to this music one in every two days on an average.

This particular song was sung by a gifted singer and the lyric is pretty impressive. The music and vocal was just perfect to make it a legendary song. I love it because of its appeal and magical power to me.


有趣的歌 Describe an interesting song you like

You should say:

What it is

Which country the song comes from

What story the song tells

And explain why you think it is interesting.

雅思口语Part 2范文:Both Of Us

主题:Both Of Us by BOB and Taylor Swift


I really love music and over the years there are lot many songs that have come up to inspire me and help me to get out of the rut that I am living in. But, the one song that I really fell in love and have enjoyed over the years is, “Both Of Us by BOB and Taylor Swift”.

The song is about the people who are trying to fulfill their dreams. It talks off their struggle, their emotions and how they feel when the world rejects them. The singer says that he is there for all of the people who are trying to fulfill their dreams. It is about how it is not about just lifting yourself from rut but also the people near you.

I love this song because in some ways it helps me to stay focused and move on towards my dreams. It is very motivating and the background music is amazing. I remember hearing this song on a loop when the days are tough and I am not able to do anything. Because it is on these days that I can fully relate with this song.

Most of the people hear to it, most probably the ones who are bothered about something or are trying hard to achieve something in their lives. It is that powerful, that strong, that you can actually feel powered hearing it.

雅思口语|Part1: Music 音乐

1 stay highly focus 高度集中

When the workload is too heavy that requires me to stay highly focus, music is a huge distractor. 工作任务重的时候我需要告诉集中。音乐会让我很分心。

2 instrumental music 纯音乐

Unlike many people who likes listening to instrumental music because it highly benefits for their concentration and study, in my case the music makes me feel instantly sleepy. 不像其他人一样,他们喜欢听纯音乐,因为他们能够集中注意力。而对我来说纯音乐只会让我犯困。

3 cheerful music 欢快的音乐

I usually listen to cheerful music when I need motivation while sad music is my go-to choice during emotional days. 我通常在需要激励的时候,喜欢听欢快的音乐;在情绪化的时候,悲伤的音乐是我的首选。

4 music taste 音乐品味

My music taste varied widely from West to East and

from the 1990s to modern time. 我喜欢的音乐种类比较多,从西方到东方,从上世纪九十年代到现在。

5 passionate 热情的,激昂的

The more I know about Korean pop, the more passionate I've become. 韩国的流行歌我听得越多,就会变得越有热情。

6 fluctuate 波动

As the music changes, my mood also fluctuates. 当音乐改变的时候,我的心情也在波动。

雅思口语Part 2范文模板:一首怀旧老歌

Describe a song that reminds you of a particular stage in life

You should say:

what is it about

who is the singer of this song

when you first heard it

and explain why this song has a special meaning to you.



3. 故事 线:我妈妈经常给我唱一首催眠曲,我小时候听过这么多次,至今记忆犹新。这首歌通常在我国农村地区很有名,母亲经常用它来安抚婴儿并让他们入睡。


My mother often sang me a lullaby titled "Oh my sweet angel look the Moon has come to play with you…” in my bedtime and I have heard it so many times in my childhood that I can still remember it very vividly. This was a song usually famous in the rural area of our country that mothers often use to soothe the baby and to send them to sleep. It was an 8-10 lines song with great harmony and the way my mother sand it was extraordinary. It still echoes in my head and I miss those days.

I can remember my mother often sand this song till I got admitted in the school and I heard it from my father as well in my bedtime. I was pretty touched by the lyrics and in my childhood, I often imagined that the verses used in this song were true and would happen to me as well.

We often remember things from childhood especially the stories or songs we hear with great enthusia*. This song was no exceptions. I heard it hundreds of times and as a child I fanaticized those things to be true. Thais is the main reason I still remember it. Maybe, someday when I will become a father/ mother, I will sing thins song to my children as well. This has in fact become a permanent memory and I still love the great and calming piece of music.

雅思口语Part2范文:有趣的歌曲相关 文章 :

★ 雅思口语Part2答案范文:最喜欢的歌手

★ 雅思口语part2&3事物类话题范文汇总

★ 雅思口语part2范文:第一次吃的东西

★ 人物类雅思口语话题part2高分范文

★ 雅思口语part2范文:谈一部你喜欢的电影

★ 雅思口语Part2新题范文:去过的大城市

★ 雅思口语part2范文:Describeaproductadvertisement

★ 雅思口语part2话题之故事

★ 雅思口语Part2话题范文:喜欢的电视剧

★ 雅思口语part2范文:电视节目


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