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雅思真题听力健康方面 雅思听力 IELTS Mock Test 2020 February (question...

更新:2023年06月08日 16:00 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思真题听力健康方面 雅思听力 IELTS Mock Test 2020 February (question...,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思真题听力健康方面 雅思听力 IELTS Mock Test 2020 February (question...

雅思听力四个部分考什么?分别考什么?都有什么题型? ...










s1 Pennington, , 66 lake road, radio, Uk765024EG, flat, organic, bike, dance

s2是一个人找工作 前面4个是他要今天开始还是过几天开始还是说不是他的职责 后面是购*流程需要审批经过什么部门之类 s3前面是几种商业分析模型填的答案是适合的公司 时间之类的 后面几个单选是教授跟他们讨论那个case s4是讲巧克力豆


听力4旧,50110s1 ,20219s2,40101s3,40896s4。

延伸阅读: 雅思听力评分标准解析


听力通常有四段录音,四十个问题,考试内容以大量的真实的语言环境为素材,前两段内容涉及一般生活及社会形态、人际关系等,后两段则涉及教育性、学术性、世界性等的内容。 考生需根据听到的录音内容回答四十个问题,题型为多项选择,填空,完成句子等,考生只能听一次录音,不能重复。因此,考生在听读的同时,还要边写。


















Q21-23 CIRCLE 3 CORRECT LETTERS,如果答案分别是A,B,C那么答案可以写成:






关于大小写的问题有两个版本。有考官说:所有的答案大写和小写均可接受。也有的考官说:专有名词必须大写。我更倾向与后面一种说法。比如,答案是Mr. Green,假如你写成Mr. green,那么就变成了“绿先生”。



在剑桥系列的听力答案中,经常会出现这样的情况:April (the) 18th , put (it) together或者(the) best buy。在这个答案中,括号里面的“the, it”是可有可无的。要注意,能够放在括号里面的只能是一些不重要的单词,如果不写的话肯定不会影响答案的意思。



这个问题是本次澳洲之行最大的收获之一。我们在剑桥系列的答案中经常会见到下面这样的情况:15/15people, move around/move about, the best/the best buy/safe, a term/one term, 2 modules/for 2 terms, a topic/one topic, children’s education/their children’s education。但是请各位考生同学们注意,这只是在答题纸上表示出了各种有可能对的答案而已。作为阅卷的考官可以依据这些不同的答案来判断考生是否写了其中的一个,然后来判定考生是否得分。就如同在前文第二点中关于选择题的答案的写法是一个道理,如果在答题纸上写两个或以上题号的多选题的答案时,不能在一个题号后面写所有的答案,即便是加上“OR”也不允许。例如:在21-23题写答案的时候,不允许写成:21A OR B OR C,22,22B OR C OR A,23C OR A OR B。这样写答案是绝对不允许的。否则你可以写成A OR B OR C OR D OR E。


6、如果答案指定你必须使用几个字或一个(或多个)数字,你若使用超过指定数目的答案,将会被扣分。比如,如果问题规定你的答案不能超过3个字,而正确答案是“black leather coat”,你的答案若是“coat of black leather”,就算答错。

在雅思听力考试中,凡是要求写答案的题目要求中都会出现“no more than three words”,“no more than 2 words”或“only one word or number”的字样。考生在写答案的时候要特别注意这些要求。很多人可能最熟悉的是“no more than three words”,容易忽略“no more than 2 words”。在此,我建议学生在预测的过程中把题目要求中的字数要求勾出来,这样就可以避免类似的低级错误。


1) 省略小品词---如果答案总字数超过题目要求的时候,我们可以省略答案中的一些连词、冠词和介词。比如:(a) double bedroom, near (the) railway station, (in the) entrance hall等等。像AND,OR等一些词都可以省略。

2) 加连字符---我们还可以在一些相关的单词之间加上连字符。比如:a double bedroom可以写成a double-bedroom, near the railway station可以写成near the railway-station, in the entrance hall可以写成in the entrance-hall。

7、如果是填充题,你只需要把正确答案写在答题纸上。比如要填充“in the ____”,正确答案应该是“morning”,而你如果写“in the morning”,就算答错。

关于该问题,一位叫做Steve Ruston的前考官明确表示,如果重复题目中的任何一个,哪怕是一个小品词都会影响得分。







英语考试中,单词的拼写一般都接受来自不同国家的习惯性拼写,当然IELTS也不例外。比如:neighbour=neighbor, metre=meter。在此,Steve Ruston建议大家在写答案的时候统一用某一个类别的拼写,最好不要交叉使用。

另外,在写答案的时候可以用你习惯的单词来回答问题。比如:shopping mall=shopping center,flat=apartment, dustbin=garbage can。但是也要注意单词使用的统一性,不要一处用美国英语,而另外一个地方又用英式英语。


在雅思听力考试中会经常把数字、日期和货币作为考点。在写这一类答案的时候,既可以写成英语单词也可以写成*数字或者是金钱符号。比如:twenty=20;ten percent=10%;July,20th=July,20;15 dollars=$15;120pounds=£120。在此我提醒大家要注意:关于金钱的单词要写在数字的后面,而符号要写在数字的前面。

建议大家最好使用*数字和金钱符号,这样既节省时间又可以节约空间。因为10%只算一个单词,而ten percent则算两个单词。另外,使用这些符号也不容易犯错误。

有一个需要特别注意的是:20 minutes 30 seconds不能写成20’30’’,只能写成20.5 minutes。因为20 feet 30 inches在英语中的习惯性表达方式也是20’30’’,这样会引起歧义。


关于缩写的问题,雅思听力考试经常会出现。比如:街道有很多种说法,Street=St,Road=Rd,Boulevard=Blvd,Avenue=Ave,Drive=Dr;一些组织,United Nations=UN,United Nations Education Science and Culture Organization=UNESCO;一些称呼,Doctor=Dr,Professor=Prof,等等。

建议考生最好使用熟悉的标准缩写,但是不能用错。比如:20 minutes不能写成20m,因为这可能会与20米混淆。


雅思听力 IELTS Mock Test 2020 February (question...

Woman: Hello! Welcome to the travel depot! How can I help you?

Man: Well, I'm looking for a reasonably priced holiday. I went to South Africa for a month last year and I'd like to see North America this time maybe Canada.

The customer says he went to South Africa last year so the correct answer is C. Now we shall begin, you should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time. Listen carefully and answer questions 1 to 6.

Woman: Hello! Welcome to the travel Depot! How can I help you?

Man: Well I'm looking for a reasonably priced holiday. I went to South Africa for a month last year and I'd like to see North America, this time maybe Canada but I'm also interested in Europe if the prices to Canada are too expensive. I'm on quite a tight budget, you see.

Woman: Well, you could go to Europe but I'll get some prices for Canada first. I've been to Vancouver, it's lovely at this time of year. And we have some special offers on at the moment.

Man: Ok, well I have some relatives over in Vancouver so that would be good. I can always travel around Europe next year. Besides, it may be a bit too hot for me at this time.

Woman: Right! Let's have a look at some prices then. When would you like to go?

Man: Sometime at the end of next month if possible but I'm quite flexible any time between the 24th and the 31st. I'd like to go for 3 weeks.

Woman: Well, there's lots of availability for those dates. Now if you're concerned about the cost, it's cheaper if you don't mind not flying direct.

Man: Sorry, what do you mean?

Woman: Well, if you don't mind changing planes then it's cheaper.

Man: Oh, well I don't mind changing things.

Woman: In that case, the cheapest flight I have leaves on the 25th and changes in New York. It's only a short stop. You'll be in the airport for two and a half hours. How does that sound?

Man: Sounds good! But what's the price?

Woman: That's four hundred and twelve pounds for a return flight but that doesn't include airport tax. Would you like to arrange any accommodation?

Man: No, I have a cousin I can stay with. All I need is the flight so think I'll take that one.

Woman: Right, I'll just check availability for your return. Three weeks did you say?

Man: Yes, that's right!

Woman: Okay, well there are seats available on the 14th or the 15th. Which one would you prefer?

Man: The 14th sounds good. Yes, from the 25th to the 14th sounds fine.

Woman: Our reserve that for you then. Can you tell me your name, please?

Man: Jim Jackson.

Woman: Is that J A C K S O N?

Man: That's right!

Woman: And can I take an address and contact number?

Man: Yes, it's 10 Allen Road, Oldham. Do you want a home number or my mobile?

Woman: Either's fine.

Man: Well, my home number is 051 433 398.

Woman: Okay, so you booked on flight number VN217 to Vancouver, leaving London Heathrow at 11:35 in the morning on the 25th, and returning on the 14th. So that's 20 nights. Now one more thing.

You now have some time to read questions 7 to 10. You now listen carefully and answer questions 7 to 10.

Woman: Now one more thing, do you have any travel insurance? We recommend all our clients take out some kind of cover even though most people don't end up needing it. Most people have it just for peace of mind.

Man: Well, what type of cover do you have?

Woman: There are two choices, the gold star and the silver star. Our most comprehensive cover is the gold star which will cost twenty-one pounds for the period you are away. It's a good policy because it covers almost all eventualities even extreme sports such as snowboarding and skydiving.

Man: Mm-hmm. What about the silver star?

Woman: That's 18 pounds but it doesn't cover you for any dangerous sports

Man: Well, for three pounds I think I'll take the first one, the gold cover please.

Woman: Right, and is there anything else I can help you with?

Man: Well, do you have any information about what to do in Vancouver?

Woman: Yes, I'm sure there's something on the computer that can help. Ah yes, there's a Shakespeare play at the theater but at $54. It's quite expensive. That starts at 8:00 p.m. The City Museum is really popular too, if you like that kind of thing. They have a special exhibition of Japanese armor next month. The entrance is free and the museum is open from 9 to 4:30 Monday to Saturday. Would you be interested in either of those?

Man: Oh well, maybe.

Woman: Well, I'm sure you can arrange that when you get there anyway. So, it's the flight and the gold star insurance, that's 433 pounds in total.

Man: Can I pay by Visa?

Woman: Yes, of course! If you start….

That is the end of Part 1. You now have half a minute to check your answers. Now turn to Part 2.

Woman: Thank you very much for inviting me here today. I understand that you all own your own home and some of you may be interested in buy an additional property here in the city so I hope you will find the information I am going to share with you useful and informative. I'm going to talk about the situation with property here in the city. The city center of any area is obviously going to have the highest prices and as more and more people are competing for houses in this area, both renting and buying are becoming increasingly difficult. It is most people's dream to one day own their own house. House ownership gives us a feeling of having achieved something and we can see clearly what we have worked so hard for all our lives. It can give us a sense of security for our old age and a knowledge that we will hopefully have something to pass on to our children. However, buying a house, particularly for first-time buyers is becoming more and more difficult. Not only due to increasing prices but also because of the need for a substantial deposit. For younger people, buying their first home is very difficult and often impossible. Young couples who cannot get the deposit together, need to rent for a long time and sometimes forever. While traditionally, homes near the center of the city have been the most desirable people are now looking further a field. This has happened for a number of reasons, the main one being that our style of work is changing along with that of other countries such as the USA. In certain professions, for example sales and computing, it is no longer necessary for people to be based in an office full-time. More and more people are beginning to work from home which means they can avoid the hustle and bustle of rush-hour traffic jams and to work and have more freedom to choose to live in a more rural and peaceful location. My company deals with finding property for both purchasers and renters in the city area. One of my main roles within the company is to find investment properties for people who wish to ahead for their future.

Woman: An investment property is usually at the cheaper end of the market. People buy investment properties not to live in but in addition to their own home in order to rent it out to other people. The advantage of putting your savings into property for the future is that you can be pretty certain that as a long-term investment. Your money will safely increase in value in line with inflation. Many people are turning to property investment instead of pension schemes as we hear the horror stories of countries such as the UK where people have invested all their lives into their pension schemes to find that now their money is relatively worthless. Houses automatically earn what is known as capital gains. That is for every year you owned the property it becomes more valuable and often gives a better rate of interest on your money than most banks do. However, that is not to say there are no risks. There are people who buy property when the market is high and prices are inflated beyond their true value, only to find that when the housing market slows down, they are in a state of negative equity. Negative equity is a situation that arises when you owe more for the house than the house itself is worth. In short, the best devices to be aware of the ups and downs of the housing market. property investment if handled correctly can be enormously satisfying. I hope that this has given you an insight into the basics of the property market. Thank you for listening! Please raise your hand if you have any questions and I will try to be of assistance.

Woman: Thank you very much for tuning in today to listen to our weekly hour on conservation issues. Last week, we spoke about the impact of environmental changes on primates and this week to continue the theme. We have invited Ana specialists by the name of Professor Andrew Ripley all the way from USA to tell us more about the problems faced by the cat family. Professor Ripley thank you very much for joining us today.

Man: It's my pleasure, thank you very much for inviting me.

Woman: So, I understand that you spent a great proportion of your time traveling the globe and monitoring changes in population levels of the cat family.

Man: Yes, that's correct. Of course, we're not talking about the domestic cat here but there man just a cousin such as the lion tiger and Jaguar to name but a few.

Woman: Which member of the cat family do you yourself find to be the most fascinating?

Man: Well, I've spent a lot of time recently studying Jaguars but the lion is still my personal favorite. It is the world's most social cat and unusual in the way in which it chooses to group together with others of its species. Pride of lions basking in the sunshine probably one of people's most vivid perceptions of the African bush.

Woman: Yes, certainly. I totally agree with you.

You now have some time to read questions 25 to 30. Now listen carefully and answer questions 25 to 30.

Woman: Can you tell me the current lion population in Africa these days.

Man: Well, it's very difficult to measure it accurately. The figures range from 100,000 to as few as 30,000 but it's generally estimated that there are 50,000. In order to maintain the population and protect the species from poachers, many move to protected areas.

Woman: Which member of the cat family do you feel is most at risk?

Man: For different reasons, a number of species of the cat family are endangered sometimes due to natural predators or environmental changes but mainly because of the threat of hunters. For example, I'm sure you're aware the bones and body parts of tigers have been and still are traditionally used in medicines in the Far East. Because of this and the demand for medicine made from tiger parts, their numbers have been falling for some time. And to date there are fewer than 6,000 tigers living in their natural habitat of the forests and plains of Asia.

Woman: What is being done to curb the population decrease?

Man: Well, specialists such as myself work closely with conservationists groups such as the World Wildlife Federation or WWF to protect tigers from illegal hunting. WWF considers the drop in tiger numbers to be catastrophic and they're working hard to conserve the populations in China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Russia.

Woman: I understand that the poaching is not the only problem faced by the leopard. Let me get this right! Is it the Snow Leopard which lives in the mountains in Asia?

Man: Yes, it is. The poaching has been a problem but not the most important. Its natural prey the animals at hunts is declining too. Its natural habitat in high-altitude area specifically the pastures as threatened by the growth of agriculture. It is the main problem for the Snow Leopard. It's going to be extremely difficult for numbers to recover, but again the WWF has been working hard to continue to fund projects to aid the snow leopard in Nepal and Pakistan and hopefully Bhutan very soon.

Woman: Well, this is fascinating information you are giving us, Professor. We are just going into a short commercial break when we come back, I have a few questions for you about the Puma and the Jaguar. Remember lessness there will be an opportunity to phone in and voice any opinions or questions you may have for the Professor in ten minutes.

Woman: Good afternoon, I'm pleased to see so many of you here today as I told you all on Monday the lecture on overpopulation has been postponed until next week as we have a guest speaker today. I'd like to introduce you all to Donald Mackenzie who has recently returned from a 12-month research project in America. He is here to share with us some of the results of his studies into the problem of illiteracy

Man: Hello, now as sociology students I have no doubt that you are aware that it is commonly believed that one indicator of a developed country, the level of education of its citizens. Now most of these nations have free compulsory education for all and strict teacher certification requirements, so it would logically follow that people from countries such as America would be highly educated. Yet, this isn't always so. In America alone, 42 million *s cannot read and 50 million can recognize so few printed words. They each have the reading ability of a ten-year-old frightening statistics indeed, but not as frightening as the trend suggested by current estimates, the number of illiterate *s is increasing by approximately two and a quarter million people each year and although global statistics have not been compiled as it suggests an extremely disturbing figure. Inevitably, this is having an impact on employment. In America the annual cost and welfare programs and unemployment compensation due to a literacy stands at six billion US dollars and an additional 237 billion a year in unrealized earnings is forfeited by people who let basic reading skills. There is also the cost of post school literacy programs which have been put in place in order to counter this increasing figure. A conservative estimate places the cost of these programs at 10 billion dollars each year and growing steadily.

Moving on, I'd like to talk about some of the causes of this increasing illiteracy. Children were taught to read by first learning the alphabet then the sounds of each letter, how they blended into syllables and how those syllables made up words. They were taught that English spelling is logical and systematic, and that to become a fluent reader it was necessary to master the alphabetic code in which English words are written. To the point where the code is used automatically with little conscious thought given to it. And to make myself to you, I mean readers could sound out the letters, spelling them phonetically. Once a child learned this ability, attention could be turned to more advanced content. It seldom if I ever occurred to teachers to give children word lists to read or to make beginner level readers memorize whole words before learning the components of those words or to memorize whole stories as today's proponents of the whole language approach recommend.

Several recent studies have found that 90% of remedial reading students and developed countries are not able to decode fluently, accurately and at an automatic level of response. The currently used whole language method was originally conceived then used in the early 1800s to teach the deaf how to read, a method which is long since being discarded by the teachers of the deaf themselves as inadequate and out murdered. English is an alphabetic language that when written uses letters to represent speech sounds when students were taught to read, they consciously identified the speech sounds and learned to recognize the letters used to represent them. They were then trained to apply this information to decode the names of unwritten words, understand their meaning and comprehend the information presented as a complete thought. The English language contains approximately half a million words. On these words, about 300 compose about three-quarters of the words that we use regularly. As I said in schools where the whole language method is taught, children are constantly memorizing sight words during the first three or four grades of school but I never taught how to unlock the meaning of the other 499 thousand seven hundred or more words. Whole language learning causes frustration, poor spelling and hostility towards reading. Very bright children who can't memorize long lists of words and retain their meaning are placed in special education. When all they need is to be taught that 26 letters of the alphabet, the 44 sounds they make, and the seventy common ways to spell those sounds.

Some researchers believe dyslexia and the symptoms of attention deficit disorder actually caused by this reversal of the normal learning sequence. So, why do faulty reading methods continue to be used? Well, in short, it's big business. The sale of instructional reading programs is big business today. Each year publishing companies compete for the adoption of reading programs and workbooks which have to be replaced annually concentrating on phonics would seriously reduce the cost of education.

spelling:name,address,flight number, the spelling of words
numbers :contact number, passport

420 pounds
jim jackson
weekly hour
cat family
lion - most social animal
threat of hunters
snow napital
speech soudn
common ways

expansion of agriculture
growth of agriculture

Part one

Part two

Part three

Part four

Part one

Part two

Part three

Part four

Red: numbers - listen carefully
Yellow:wrong spelling of words
Blue: only need to focus on keywords

If you have missed one part, then you can choose the word that you heard in the recording. Don't guess!!



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