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雅思作文修改:传统文化在流失 雅思写作指导:雅思作文的引导观念

更新:2023年03月24日 15:33 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思作文修改:传统文化在流失 雅思写作指导:雅思作文的引导观念,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思作文修改:传统文化在流失 雅思写作指导:雅思作文的引导观念


  题目:As the development of modern science and technologh,some aspects of traditional culture are being lost, so some people think that the traditional culture and technologh will be replaced by the modern science and technology such as computer or internet, what is your opinion?
  It has been widely noted that some aspects of tradional cuture are being lost along with the development of modern science. As far as I concerned, the traditional culture and technologh will be replaced by the modern one for several reasons as follows,
  My first reason is that the traditional culture is hindering the development of new science which can improve people's life. Traditional technology always combines with low efficiency. Suppose if the scientists are still using cars to go abroad and attand meetings, the cloning technique will be found many years later, and consequently, a lot of patient have died.
  My second reason is based on the high fees used to protect the traditional culture. Government provide a huge amount of money to rebuild or decorate the old buildings just because they were built by our ancestors, never thinking of their uselessness for accomodation. If the money used to protect these buildings is delivered to the poor, a lot of them will solve the accomodation problem.
  My third reason is that people prefer the modern science and technology with the increasingly improved education system. Twenty-first century has seen a great deal of development in the proportion of people who have taken the high education. They are more willing to use the modern science. For instance, college student always collect their thesis materials by surfing the Internet instead of borrowing books from the libraries.
  All in all, although traditional culture is a heritage from the ancient, it couldn't keep pace with the development of society. The traditional culture and technology have no place in the future and will be eliminated in the end.
  I want to ask what aspects I should improve if I want to get 6.5 in writing?
  It is widely noted that some aspects of traditional culture
  has been lost along with the development of modern science. As far as I concerned, the traditional culture and technology will be replaced in this modern erafor several reasons.
  My first reason is that the traditional culture is hindering the development of new science which can improve people's life. Traditional technologies are always considered to be low efficiency. Suppose if the scientists are still using cars to go abroad and attand meetings, the cloning technique will be found many years later, and consequently, a lot of patient have died.
  (this doesn’t make any sense, going abroad by car is nonsense, and it has no relationship to cloning technique, patient’s death is not necessarily as of the result from the delay of commuter.) Recommendation: revise and think of a more persuasive reasoning and logics.
  My second reason is based on the high cost used to protect the traditional culture. Government provides a huge amount of money to rebuild or decorate the old buildings just because they were built by our ancestors; they seldom
  considered their usefulness for accommodation. If the money used to protect these buildings was instead delivered to the poor, a lot of them will solve the accommodation problem.
  My third reason is that people prefer modern science and technology with the increasingly improved education system. Twenty-first centuries has been seenhigh the proportion of people who have taken the higher education. They are more willing to use the modern science. For instance, college student always collect their thesis materials by surfing the Internet instead of borrowing books from the libraries.
  All in all, although traditional culture is a heritage from the ancient, it couldn't keep pace with the development of society. The traditional culture and technology have no place in the future and will be eliminated in the end.


一、 指导学生多阅读

阅读可以积累写作素材,可以丰富知识,开阔视野。积累词语、佳句,可以充实作文的内容。多读、熟读、广记这是积累写作素材有效的办法。 阅读积累是作文教学的“重中之重”。教学中,我们要把它视为一个关键的环节来抓,力求丰富学生的语言库存。 

1、推荐好的读物 

为了避免学生读书的盲目性,我常给学生推荐一些好的课外读物。趣味浓厚的科普读物、图文并茂的童话故事、催人泪下的战斗故事、意义深远的抒情散文。此外,还给学生推荐相关课本知识的拓展阅读材料。如学了《*火柴的小女孩》后,让学生阅读《安徒生童话选》……。 

2、指导学生作好读书笔记 



作文训练是一项语文综合能力训练,需要观察、思维、表达密切配合。观察是有目的、有方向的知觉,是学生认识事物、了解世界、获得知识的重要途径,也是训练学生说、写能力的基础。只要我们注意观察、感受一番,就会发现周围有许许多多的事物可以入文;只要我们热爱生活,留心周围的生活,认真地想一想,就会发现生活中有许许多多看似很不起眼儿的小事,但确确实实是很好的作文素材。鲁迅先生曾说:“若要创作,第一须观察。”所以每一位教师都要注意全面地指导学生观察,使其掌握相应的观察方法,写出内容丰富的、有创意的作文因此,在写作教学中,我们应鼓励学生全景式的扫描生活,用自己的眼睛,以自己的心去感受、理解生活,挖掘生活中最熟悉、最能打动心灵的宝藏,*人真事,抒真情实感。如“以自然景观”为话题的习作,我们可以引导学生有意识的去发现,如在放学路上、公园里、家里的庭院中,发现的花草树木;又如晚间繁星、日出日落、雨后彩虹,或者在外出旅游时,看过一些奇特的景观等等,引导学生去体验身边的自然美。有这样一句话:“必须寻到源头,方有清甘的水喝。” 这“源头”就是五彩缤纷的生活,让生活成为学生自己真正的创作源泉。 


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