雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思口语考试之问题种类解答:what effects..?,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
Think about the consequences of eachproblem. Whenever you come across a question such as“What effects.../Whatimpact.../What consequences...?”try to list the results triggered by thesituation.
...As a result......
I guess that...
It will influence...
It sets off a series of consequences...
It generates... It definitely results in...It pushes people to...
...In that case.. ...I think that... Itwill affect...
I suppose that...
...Consequently... I assume that... It willtrigger...
It will cause...
It has a huge impact on...
1.What effects could using technology haveon a child’s personal development?
Well, I guess that using technology is adouble-edged sword. On the positive side,
using a computer or a mobile phone can helpchildren think independently. I have heard that spending time on a computercould trigger healthy activity in the brain. A lot of computer programs orgames require children to make decisions on their own. In addition, technologyhas become part of our daily lives, so whatever kids learn from a young agewill very likely be useful in their future studies and career. On the otherhand, I think that technology is addictive for children. You can always seekids playing with their portable PSP or their parents’ mobile phones. Ifparents don’t control the amount of time their children spend in front of ascreen, this will have negative consequences for the children’s social life.Kids need to go out and socialize and interact with people.
2. What impact have international productsand brands had on local cultures?
That’s a tough question. I guess thatinternational products generate competition in
any country. And competition is usually beneficialfor customers. However, imports like international food, clothes, and houseappliances have modified(=changed) local cultures. I suppose that French peopledon’t only eat French food anymore. Chinese teenagers don’t wear traditionalclothing anymore, and European basketball players frequently get to play in theNBA. International products and brands influence people’s daily habits andtastes. It’s the result of globalization, the fact that the world’s culturesare all blending together and losing their particularities. To some extent itmight eradicate regional diversity.
3. What effects can newspapers have onsociety?
Newspapers definitely have a huge impact onsociety. They keep people informed
of what is going on across their countryand the whole world. I guess that journalists can make people believe anythingthey write, because people take it for granted that journalists write afterinvestigating the facts.Newspapers can definitely influence public opinion.Consequently, in many countries the press is controlled by the government. As aresult, newspapers are often written to generate feelings ofpatrioti*(=nationali*) in the readers’ mind. If too many articles arepessimistic, the society might worry, and this could influence the national mood,and might even affect the economy.
4. What effects does climate have on whatpeople do outdoors?
Well, the weather has a great influence onpeople’s activities. If the temperature is too hot, people stay home, becausethey don’t want to get sunburned or sweat too much. On the other hand, if it’sfreezing outside, or pouring rain out, the result is the same:people don’t wantto go out. I think that mild weather is the most appropriate for outdooractivities. In my country, most teenagers like to play basketball, but they canonly enjoy this sport if the weather conditions allow it. A few months ago, forSpring Festival, most of my relatives did not go to the temple because it wasraining hard...You see, the weather can even have an impact on ancient traditions!
5. What impact do leaders have on people?
Well, leaders usually motivate their staffor teammates; as a result, people can work with more passion, you know, moreenthusia*. Leaders should be able to inspire everyone else, so the team canreach higher goals. In addition, leaders, and especially political leaders,should be good at guiding people. They make decisions that will influencepeople’s lives. They create laws and policies that definitely have a hugeimpact on our lifestyle.
6. What do you think are the positiveeffects of competition?
Well, competition is a powerful source ofmotivation. It can push people to work harder in order to achieve betterresults. For example, in my country, students are really eager to getinto aprestigious university, but it’s very challenging. So they study more in orderto beat the harsh competition. I guess that somehow competition can bebeneficial for some students. In terms of business, I think that competitioncan generate a lot of ideas, because it requires a lot of innovative ideas toremain competitive.
7. What effects can a person’s standard ofliving have on their happiness?
Well, in theory, money should not have ahuge impact on people’s happiness. But in practice, it’s a whole differentstory. I think that in modern society, everyone understands that the more moneyyou have, the more freedom you get, and consequently the more fun you can have.Technically, people should just worry about having enough money to lead acomfortable life. But the problem is that a lot of people are ambitious andsometimes greedy: the more they have, the more they want. And this might be whysome rich people aren’t able to be happy. Too many people compare theirsalaries to what their acquaintances get, and
as a result they sometimes become jealousor envious.This is not healthy. People should probably worry more about whothey spend time with, and how much they laugh, rather than counting how muchmoney they have.
8. What do you think people in the futurewill find hardest to understand about our world today?
Well, if we believe all the articlespublished about environmental issues, it seems very likely that the nextgenerations will find it hard to believe how stupid and careless we were aboutthe planet. I am afraid that our great grandchildren might just not understandwhy we had to exploit the Earth so much, and pollute it so badly when weactually had a gorgeous environment to start with.
Now it’s your turn to answer!
9. What are the effects of increasedautomation on people’s lives?
10. What are the problems that oldresidential areas can cause in a moderncity?
雅思培训Task description You will be provided with tw
2021年09月29日 05:41Task description You will be provided with tw
2021年09月30日 16:51雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“
2023年01月11日 02:06雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“
2023年01月12日 05:54