例词:also, apart from, besides, moreover, furthermore
例句:The Victorian style of heavily ornamented interiors prevailed in middle-class homes in England and the United States during the latter half of the 19th century. Moreover, in both countries, techniques of mass production promoted the use of reproductions in many different styles.
例词:but, however, though, although, yet, nevertheless, on the other hand
例句:Education is the passport to modern life, and a pre-condition of national prosperity. But more than a quarter of the world‘s *s cannot read or write, and more than 100 million young children are deprived of even a primary school education.
例词:like, as, likewise, similar to, in the same way
例句:Like other ways of generating electricity, wind power does not leave the environment entirely unharmed.
例词:now, later, before, after, since, when, first, second, next, at last, eventually, finally
例句:As the volunteers began to fall asleep, the electrodes detected the slow rolling eye movements which could be seen easily through their eyelids. Soon after, the volunteers fell deeper into sleep and their eyes became still.
例词:another, the second…even more…the most… the best… the least…
例句:This situation is compounded by yet another factor.
例词:as, because, for, since, owing to, thanks to, which in turn, lead to, as a result, result in, consequently, therefore, thus, hence
例句:As they became independent, most developing countries enthusiastically embraced education.
例词:that is to say, in other words, i. E. Such as, for example, for instance
例句:More recent developments such as those seen on California wind farms have dramatically changed the economic picture for wind energy.
2021年05月26日 13:252019年的雅思考试已经过去了两个月,在这两个月内,我们依然可以大胆的预测出2019雅思变化有哪些。
2021年05月27日 22:36雅思考前指南——雅思阅读相关的备考建议为大家带来雅思阅读的考点题型全解析和在备考过程中可能出现的疑难
2021年05月28日 18:20雅思考试跟国内考试在内容和考核方式上有很多的不同,即是在考试的注意事项上,也有很多独特的地方,大家须
2021年05月28日 22:16本文为大家带来2019年雅思阅读评分标准表及9-0分的各个分数段的分数解读,看看你的阅读水平目前处于
2021年05月28日 22:21雅思阅读题型多样,各有各的难点和特点。若能突破其难点,掌握其特点,对在规定时间内完成题目并保证正确率
2021年05月29日 00:42雅思阅读考试,其实算是中国烤鸭们的重头戏,因为我们都是从高考,大学四六级甚至考研的大量阅读理解题目里
2021年05月29日 06:23综合2019年上半年的考试情况看,雅思阅读文章题材平稳,但是题型与文章内容的融合度在逐渐增高,总体难
2021年05月29日 11:19雅思考试一共分为四个考核部分,包括听说读写四个单项。在此,小站教育针对雅思阅读考试,给大家做一个简要
2021年05月30日 12:39在雅思的阅读考试中,阅读题型有很多种类型,不同类型的题目有不同的解题方法,七分雅思网小编为大家整理了
2021年06月01日 16:23