在此文章中,笔者特地拿Cambrigdge IELTS 3当中的Test 3第一个Section 部分内容为例,向大家较为详细地讲述如何通过精析听力的权威试题,达到听说并进之目的。最终希望大家征服雅思,笑傲天涯!
Section One
JOAN: Right...let's get it sorted out today so we don't have it hanging over us. Ok?
PETER: Good idea. I'll take notes.
JOAN: First thing...numbers...have you got anything definite?
PETER: Well...I've been working it out and I think 40 to 43.
JOAN: Shall we put 45 to be on the safe side?
PETER: Yep, fine.
JOAN: Dates...well. That's straightforward.
PETER: The last working day before Christmas...which is...
JOAN: ...which is December the 21st.
PETER: ...which is going to be pretty difficult to book at Christmas so we'd better think of two or three places just to be on the safe side.
JOAN: Well, last year's was hopeless.
PETER: The red lion, wasn't it?
JOAN: Yep. We ought to go for something more expensive, cos you ...
PETER: ...you get what you pay for.
JOAN: That new Indian restaurant in Wetherfield is supposed to be excellent...the Rajdoot.
PETER: How do you spell that?
PETER: But it's bound to be packed.
JOAN: Well, let's put that down as the first choice and have some backups. What about the Park View Hotel as a second choice?
PETER: Yes, that's always reliable. Park View Hotel...
JOAN: And the London Arms in case.
PETER: London Arms...
JOAN: I will call them now if you want.
PETER: No. I'll do it, Joan. You're really busy. Have you got the numbers?
JOAN: Not for the Rajdoot, but...right...Park View Hotel:777912 and...London Arms:208657.
PETER: Great. Before I ring, we'd better just make sure they're within the price range.
JOAN: Up to $ 15 a head?
PETER: I think you'll find some people won't be able to go that high.
JOAN: Well, you can't get anything decent under $10.
PETER: OK. We'll say $12?
PETER: And we'd better make sure there's good vegetarian food.
JOAN: And a non-*oking section! You know what the boss is like.
PETER: Don't remind me. I'll let you know as soon as I get anything.
2021年05月28日 18:25在考场上,无论之前的的准备有多充分,听力考试的过程中都会有各种问题,提前准备一下如何应对这些问题会好
2021年05月28日 23:51雅思听力考试中大家要做到正确拼写,明确哪些内容必须拼写完整,哪些内容可以省略。今天小站老师为大家详解
2021年05月29日 09:23听力考试分为四个部分,共有六大题型。四段语音前二段中,内容以一般生活及社会状态、人际关系不同情况模拟
2021年05月29日 09:28雅思考试的三大主办都是国外的知名机构,其中包括剑桥大学考试委员会外语考试部、英国文化协会及IDP教育
2021年05月30日 09:23雅思考试一共分为四个考核部分,包括听说读写四个单项。在此,小站教育针对雅思听力部分,给大家做一个简要
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2021年06月07日 17:10听力的考试中,雅思词汇是会比较丰富的,而且和大家生活中常用的词汇不同,会有一些少见的词汇。七分雅思网
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