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厦门雅思考试口语多久出成绩单 厦门雅思:雅思口语话题

更新:2024年12月21日 14:07 雅思无忧

最近经常有小伙伴私信询问厦门雅思考试口语多久出成绩单 厦门雅思:雅思口语话题相关的问题,今天,雅思无忧小编整理了以下内容,希望可以对大家有所帮助。


厦门雅思考试口语多久出成绩单 厦门雅思:雅思口语话题


以下是小钟老师【 雅思考试 】频道为您整理的11月19日厦门雅思口语考试时间安排,想了解更多雅思考试动态、备考指南、留学资讯,欢迎访问小钟老师 雅思 频道。

接英国文化教育协会通知,报考2023年11月19日雅思考试的考生口语安排如下, 供广大考生参考。请在笔试日期前十天登录雅思考试报名网站查询您的口试安排,打印准考证并以准考证信息为准。

如果您有任何疑问,欢迎致电教育部考试中心雅思全国呼叫热线010-8234 5671。

延伸阅读: 雅思口语考试流程
雅思考试口语第一个部分:introduction and interview部分
introduction and interview我们主要可以分为;两个部分解答:在开始的时候,考官会问你一些基本的问题,主要是一些关于身份的问题,可能会问你:名字是什么,看你的证件吗等等简单的问题,这个过程之后就会正式进入到这个所谓interview的部分。interview的部分是关于基本的一些生活相关的问题的一些口语的交流,可能会问到关于你学业,你的生活,你的家乡,你的兴趣爱好这样方面的问题,这整个过程持续时间大约是四到五分钟的时间。
雅思考试口语第二部分:Personal long-turn部分
雅思考试口语第三部分:Two-way discussion部分
A、Fluency and coherence,流利度和相关性
B、Lexical resource,词汇量
C、Grammatical range and accuracy,所谓的语法的范畴和我们的所谓的什么,准确度
1. 在碰到听不懂的动词或者是问题时候,可以问考官,在第二部分中若对题目有不了解可以问一下考官。
2. 保持良好的形象,不要慌忙也不要无所谓。
3. 说的过程中要尽量多说,回答不要就短短的几句应该尽可能的多,在第二部分要说到考官说停为止(但是请注意要控制话题各部分的比例,不要到考官叫停了还没有把CUE CARD上的要点讲完。
4. 要用例子来充实自己的话题,给出你的观点亮出你的实际例子,给考官以直观的感觉。
5. 千万不要说的太快,说的太快有以下问题即容易犯语法或者是词语上的错误,容易被考官认为你是在背诵答案,容易导致考官问更加有难度的问题来为难你,容易在评分标准的速度上扣分。
6. 对于想不出或者是自己一时不熟悉的话题,应该学会使用寻找类似问题或者是观点的方法来解决,如:
I don't know, but my brother think that .....(我不知道,但我的兄弟认为……)
I don't know, but my father think that .....(我不知道,但我的爸爸认为……)
I don't know, but my friends thinks that .....(我不知道,但我的朋友们认为……)
7. 在第二部分中,在拿到卡片后要注意几个问题。
8. 切记口语考试的控制权在于你自己,你可以把话题带到你想说的范围去,另外口语考试是一个互动的过程。
9. 口语基本原则——正确、新颖、有趣、轻松。


第二步 在导航栏中有新考生注册,报名流程,IELTS信息,英语学习,联系我们选项。选择IELTS信息 点击。






雅思口语话题:Interesting Story On TV

Describe an interesting story you saw on TV

You should say:

what the story was ①

when you watched it ②

who was in the story ③

and explain why you remember it ④

① I'm pretty sure everyone got a clue of what "The Terminator" is about.

② The story is about the war between Human and Cyborgs:A terminator is sent from the future to prevent John Connor being borned. John Connor is the leader of those who fight against the terminators. The terminator's job is then to hunt down the mother of the leader, Sarah Connor.

③ I first saw the film version at the age of six or seven and unsurprisingly it confused me. A few years later I caught it again on Television and loved it. I was browsing through New Oriental School's video stores a few months ago and it caught my eye and brought me back to childhood.

④ This is the most groundbreaking action TV back in the day. The story develops quickly and each character is different. I watched closely to understand what's happening and there's no way you could fall asleep.There are good performances and tons of humorous bits throughout the episodes that lighten up such a suspenseful, frightening story.

"Terminator" is an impressive masterpiece because it offers me food for meditation. Science now performs miracles like the gods of old, creating life from blood cells, or bacteria, or a spark of metal. But those are perfect creatures. And in that way, they couldn't be less human. We appreciate beauty,create art, obviously we all have weak moments, moments where we lose faith. But it's our flaws, our weaknesses,  that make us human. There are things machines will never do.


Cyborgs 机器人

unsurprisingly 毫不吃惊的,无疑的

catch someone's eye 引起某人注意

groundbreaking 开拓的,创新的

episodes 剧集

masterpiece 杰作

food for meditation 值得深思的东西



这个一个描述人与机器人之间战争的故事.一个终结者从未来被派遣到现在来阻止John Connor的出生.John Connor是未来人类抵抗机器人组织的领袖.终结者的任务就是杀死John Connor的母亲以阻止他的出生.




雅思口语话题:A Performance

Describe a show or performance that you enjoyed watching.

You should say

what kind of performance it was

when and where you saw it

who you saw it with

who the performer(s) was (were)

and explain how you felt about this performance.

Sample Answer:

I'm crazy about hip-hop music. My favorite musician is an American rapper- Eminem. I went for his Hip-hop concert in Glasgow 5 years ago.


I remember in 2023, Eminem came to Scotland for his Europe Concert tour and his first station was Glasgow. I went to get the ticket as soon as I heard of the exciting news. Still a wee bit late, it was "on the pitch".


50 Cent, D12, Marilyn Manson, Dido were all along with Eminem on that tour and performed on the stage.

那次的欧洲行,50 Cent, D12, Marilyn Manson, Dido 都随Eminem一起来了,而且纷纷上台表演。

The stadium was totally full, left no one seat empty. 20,000 people at the very best were on the pitch, 70,000 in total more likely. When 50 Cent was on stage, it was pretty tame. But as soon as Eminem came out, all the girls started rushing up towards the stage. I was almost trampled. He played a song with his heart which was written by himself to his daughter. I was blown away by this song, and it was the highlight of the night for me. Eminem played over his time limit, had lots of contact with the audience, and played 3 curtain call songs. We were all surprised when Eminem came back out with the lights up and no back up.

体育场爆满,没有一个空座位。大概两万人站在场地中间,一共有估计7万多观众。50 Cent上台表演的时候,有点闷。但是当Eminem一出来,在场的女孩们全都朝舞台涌去。我差点被踩死。Eminem深情唱了一首他亲自写给自己女儿的歌。我被这首歌彻底震惊了,那也是那一晚演唱会的一个亮点。Eminem的演唱会还延长了,和观众大量的互动,他唱了三首谢幕歌曲。而他伴着灯光亮起最后一次的返场,也让给了我们一个惊喜。

I must say that it was an AMAZING performance!


雅思口语话题:Famous Person

雅思口语话题:wild animal in your country

雅思口语话题:Important letter

Describe an important letter you wrote.

You should say

who you wrote to ①

when you wrote it ②

what you wrote ③

and explain why you wrote that letter ④


…… 下面是应考生要求给出的这个话题卡的样板答案——一封情书。纯属意淫之作,本人从没那么浪漫过,惭愧。

Note:This story is purely fictional. Any resemblance to actual individuals or events is coincidental.


①②Many years ago i once wrote a love letter to a girl - a Pisces girl. I remember I sent her favorite orchids with my handwritten love letter attached.

③She became my girlfriend not too long after she received my letter. I guess she really liked the way how the letter was written. It was more of poetry than prose. I poured all my love and affection like sweet real orange juice to a shiny glass. She decided to have the love letter read by all her dorm mates it was passed from one hand to another and she was so proud of it and she even framed it like it were the picture of a saint. NOS

④Why I wrote this letter? It's a love letter, surely because I loved her. I can explain a bit why I handwrote it. Sometimes a thoughtful handwritten letter is just what a girl needed, and it is sometimes better then an email. I just think it takes more effort to sit down to write and then send it through regular mail. That makes it more special. For a girl, it's satisfying to hold a letter written by a boy's hand, and it's lovely that the boy took the time and care to do so. WangDong

Nowadays, people tend to write letter by computers, there was a time, not so long ago, when letter writing was a real craft.

Lexical Resouce:

Pisces girl 双鱼座女孩

orchids 兰花

poetry 诗歌

prose 散文

poure 倒入 倾入

affection 感情

dorm mate 室友

frame 装裱

saint 神 圣人

thoughtful 细心的 体贴的

satisfying 令人满意的 开心的

craft 手艺 工艺







Here is a loveletter from a boy to a girl.... However, the girl's father does not like him and wants them to stop their relationship...and so.... the boy wrote this letter to the girl....... He knows that the girl's father will definitely read this letter:


1.The great love that I have for you

2.is gone, and I find my dislike for you

3.grows every day. When I see you,

4.I do not even like your face;

5.the one thing that I want to do is to

6.look at other girls. I never wanted to

7.marry you. Our last conversation

8.was very boring and has not

9.made me look forward to seeing you again.

10.You think only of yourself.

11.If we were married, I know that I would find

12.life very difficult, and I would have no

13.pleasure in living with you. I have a heart

14.to give, but it is not something that

15.I want to give to you. No one is more

16.foolish and selfish than you, and you are not

17.able to care for me and help me.

18.I sincerely want you to understand that

19.I speak the truth. You will do me a favor

20.if you think this is the end. Do not try

21.to answer this. Your letters are full of

22.things that do not interest me. You have no

23.true love for me. Good-bye! Believe me,

24.I do not care for you. Please do not think that

25.I am still your boyfriend.

So bad!! However, before handing over the letter to the girl....the boy told the girl to "READ BETWEEN THE LINES", meaning-only to read (Odd Numbers.) So.. please try reading it again! It's so *art & sweet.... It is betterto laugh about your problems than to cry about them.


雅思口语话题:Childhood Game

Describe a game you enjoyed when you were a child. (Not a sport.)

You should say:

what the game was

when, where and with whom you usually played it

how you played it

and explain what was special about this game.

what the game was

Back to my childhood, I used to play many games. Hopscotch, was my favorite game.

when, where and with whom you usually played it

When I was a little boy, most afternoons I used to play Hopscotch with my friends in our neighbourhood.

how you played it

It's pretty easy. We draw grids (squares most often) on the sidewalk or on the ground. After that, you have to hop into each square, from one end of the grid to the other. for example, we draw 8 squares on the floor, u starting with square 1 and ending in square 8.

If there are two squares together, you jump landing with one foot in each square; but if there is only one square, you must hop on one foot.

and explain what was special about this game

The game has some rules. If any of the following things happen, the player has to stop and another player takes a turn.

The player can't put his/her foot or feet on the lines of the square.

The player can't jump with two feet in every single square

The player can't fall down.

It is nice to remember playing games like hopscotch because it reminds me that I had a happy childhood surrounded by special people who always loved me.

3. instill road courtesy.

希望以上的答复能对您的留学申请有所帮助。如果您有任何更详细的问题或需要进一步的协助,我强烈推荐您访问我们的留学官方网站 ,在那里您可以找到更多专业的留学考试规划和留学资料以及*的咨询服务。祝您留学申请顺利!


4 p& G9 ~+ r9 N; s# [* ~! y祝大家都好运,考出好成绩~~~~~~祝大家考出好成绩!
0 d, K6 j! z3 y' `; Y3 x0 c% \
5 Z" i$ ^, f' p; |# ~/ A4 Y% R4 L; ]   room 116 一个很慈祥很nice的老太太?P1:介绍自己,问你有没有觉得study very hard,平时after work or study 会做些什么...P2:topic是描述一个plant is important in your country,要说明这个植物是什么,生长在那里,为什么重要,你为什么喜欢它,为什么不喜欢它。P3:问Plant相关的问题,你知道的一种可以吃的植物;Do you like the plant in your home?现在很多人都自己种植物,你怎么看;Australia有很多那种community garden 在每个suburb,do you know that?你认为未来会不会有很多人自己种植植物。
6 {/ F3 _/ @/ R2 M4 T' Z0 u$ q/ R
5 a" ]9 C$ V6 F5 e  澳洲 口语,2个人的 part2, game/film about future, part 3 关于GAME的,以前的游戏和现在的游戏?老人的游戏和小孩的游戏?! y+ j. l/ A# \" h; J
$ Z7 h7 n+ C' N2 g7 X  仲铠Room303韩国大叔P1howntown ArtP2trainning session P3围绕training session的各种问题,好多好难的问题啊!!!完虐+ `; D+ T8 P0 e, t5 c7 ~; k
8 Y8 H: }: I: m
松江外贸。203。英国绅士。P1,entertainment.P2,products that not satisfied.P3各种关于商品和购*的问题。购*习惯,商品质量等。 说的语速太快了,被问了好多问题,语无伦次的,求人品!/ R( {0 f& o5 d& m1 \/ r
) j2 V# U1 u4 P- g2 d! d+ n
上海财大402,一次不愉快的购物经历,part3和雅思哥口语卡片上的类似!7 m8 x- m! C; V. J# f
. X o' u0 R0 {
墨尔本 deakin part1 hometown,weather,part 2 training session,part 3 education 各种问,求人品,
2 @. s, d5 _/ f7 `. q1 Y0 T: q! J$ w
+ d5 ?* [ O8 `' H4 p  厦门大学RM601 白人青年男,每次我一句话没讲完就在那边why,P1家庭,住宅。P2描述一个本国近年数量增长的植物。P3本国近年增长的种植食物,人们爱不爱干农活,农业对国家经济的影响
* h3 s, @6 ^2 }, u+ C# x$ z2 D- k H. D0 r
辽师ROOM4 。口语。Part1 family ,why love your family,what family do u have in the future .part 2 discuss a language not english do you learn in the future. Part 3 打算通过什么学习这种语言?学习有难度么?一个带耳钉的男考官。紧张死了,我一直嘻皮笑脸缓解气氛% V7 M9 O% `4 b5 s* v
: J+ d1 O' w. F" i* \
广州仲剀part1 study or work, music,sleep. Part2 the most polite person. Part 3 respect, politeness 。
, C( U: C+ |6 F+ {# |" Q$ }; E/ A4 u% M ~% u) x
深圳。Vip8:名字,工作或学习,工作内容。什么时候需要专注、什么时候最专注,能一心二用么?家乡,家乡附近的变化。good parents。都在工作的父母对小孩的影响。觉得哪一个(父亲和母亲)更需要多花时间给孩子、青少年从父母身上获得什么,需要什么样的关心。。。6 M$ n3 n. b5 L/ M- R
# ]" s% O& Y; D7 @7 Q  澳洲口语,part1自我介绍在读书还是工作,你平时上网麽?part2 你去过的garden,花园有啥,有神马好处之类的,part3你喜欢garden嘛?中国的公园和澳洲公园有啥不同,你觉得小孩子会喜欢花园嘛?小孩子去花园有啥好处?在中国年轻人去公园玩嘛?一般在花园裏干嘛?花园除了种花还有啥东西) R6 X( D( z, j! x9 L( C; {/ D
$ ~$ O! E P7 F% Q  悉尼,口语。Part1 hometown, internet. Part2 a film about real people or event2 y8 |1 n" Y" {- f8 ^5 X2 R% _
part1 house or flat , hometown ,building traditional building vs modern building. Part2 language you would like to learn except English. Part3 the way to learn language, why children learning language easier? Why * learning language difficult? Older children?5 A! Z3 L) f2 Z! w' ~' x" x
# L8 T3 W2 F* S/ e9 [7 `8 L" T4 t, Z+ N  深圳赛格VIP13,东南亚口音男生,全程满脸堆笑。一开始问了work or study,之后问了concentrate on sth的一系列问题,然后问了下班以后做什么,part2问的是介绍自己常呆的一个room,part3就围绕房子拓展了很多,比如大房子小房子,城市和乡村的房子等。
/ x7 P) S: T! w! y1 l
7 H& }' S i' l2 ?. [2 B1 [email protected]
, l* k' ~: Z0 C; S; G) c墨尔本 1.12 RMIT 考场 口语 考官是个叫Hellen的白发老太太~ Part 1 1.问是喜欢手写还是电脑打字 中学时写的什么 2. 问现在的作息什么的 一天之内最喜欢什么时间 Part 2 喜欢的衣服 貌似雅思哥的题卡里有 Part 3 人们对时尚的看法 和穿衣风格的理解 呵呵 求过7~ 祝大家好运啦~
, u, i( G/ T. Q$ H. f1 c$ r7 {9 F. G9 }4 u+ N8 x3 R
[email protected]:澳洲 口语,2个人的 part2, game/film about future, part 3 关于GAME的,以前的游戏和现在的游戏?老人的游戏和小孩的游戏?。。。 K1 h N W" v6 A
# b) ~! n& v2 [1 t# [email protected] 口语:room 116 一个很慈祥很nice的老太太〜P1:介绍自己,问你有没有觉得study very hard,平时after work or study 会做些什么...P2:topic是描述一个plant is important in your country,要说明这个植物是什么,生长在那里,为什么重要,你为什么喜欢它,为什么不喜欢它。P3:问Plant相关的问题,你知道的一种可以吃的植物;Do you like the plant in your home?现在很多人都自己种植物,你怎么看;Australia有很多那种community garden 在每个suburb,do you know that?你认为未来会不会有很多人自己种植植物。 finish〜
( _0 p6 Q/ y9 a5 }9 z4 E1 N+ @, F
, A" ^# ?! n z& B# h6 c* @4 [email protected]:S4记得有外形airplane,act like robot,level of salt,water quality,oil 涌出,surfaces,其他忘了。本次听力1、3、4都比较简单。除了那个奇葩的S2种植物完全靠蒙!!!!求7.5!!!$ {2 I. J& z! c: R% Y
; C" n" Y6 b& f8 i6 w& [email protected]$ \& A5 M" B( Z- y1 Q" g6 l4 k
奥克兰unitic part1 boat,occupation,part2 person who has important job,part 3 something about career 求人品,哭天喊地以头抢地而过吧
2 W" S7 a" w5 B# x4 k( P6 G) h
~. N# ~% l0 ~0 j! J衡思齐
1 r6 \0 @; i6 V: O& M; L( h/ T2 S e9 W3 v1 B9 r
p1喜欢什么样的房子,想住什么样的,睡觉前会干什么,老人应该多睡吗,每天睡多久好p2描述去的一个人很多的地方干了什么,为什么p3还有哪些很挤的地方,你经常去很挤的地方吗,人多好还是人少好( M4 Z+ R' t& c7 I# B: ~
2 B3 X0 f' z" r6 _9 y
8 G$ }7 R9 ?5 s7 B) K' t; ^1 q9 Y$ v" S; o6 W
张嘉玥回复 删除站内信2023年01月12日 14:33:50% R3 ?9 E$ m* j U' N
/ @5 y; w. V6 o" z6 ?8 }! Z1 @
攒人品。。湖北大学rm24,小帅的英国男人,名字,天气,电视节目,电视机质量。。。说得好差6 H" N9 v. E. Z# N8 B. Z' y( _
2 m$ j, Z' T# u. k4 L2 L- Z
: R- G: D1 L4 P" i4 Y7 F; N1 F/ T3 `5 ^# x. S g9 |$ y0 `* p8 }
[email protected]:深圳。Vip8:名字,工作或学习,工作内容。什么时候需要专注、什么时候最专注,能一心二用么?家乡,家乡附近的变化。good parents。都在工作的父母对小孩的影响。觉得哪一个(父亲和母亲)更需要多花时间给孩子、青少年从父母身上获得什么,需要什么样的关心。。。
( `. p/ T& l6 L; q5 s& ?/ ~6 o. e% a9 q+ }0 Y( o
/ i4 y" Z1 c! U8 i0 }7 U/ F) k F6 E
[email protected]_要加油
2 g8 h$ ?' H" G$ x7 k0 u! O( f
澳洲口语,part1自我介绍在读书还是工作,你平时上网麽?part2 你去过的garden,花园有啥,有神马好处之类的,part3你喜欢garden嘛?中国的公园和澳洲公园有啥不同,你觉得小孩子会喜欢花园嘛?小孩子去花园有啥好处?在中国年轻人去公园玩嘛?一般在花园裏干嘛?花园除了种花还有啥东西
( ]1 m5 ]0 J+ }$ c! z5 v& P2 ~) h! H+ e$ ~3 |
9 |# I2 f( O0 O6 t( _2 D% F0 f2 f2 }
[email protected]
" e! W2 y; O+ m( m7 O7 p5 k( {9 Y# B5 q1 I
悉尼,口语。Part1 hometown, internet. Part2 a film about real people or event
& o( f$ Z0 A T" @, ^6 G( E0 N: m8 P- S$ n8 o
9 f: D9 ?+ {+ w& f4 N
: ^: R3 d' r5 K9 H
[email protected]_猫也要跟雅思分手) Q2 N$ C+ F) V+ a8 _+ p7 p
) W& K0 c% G" f2 K5 |1 d
part1 house or flat , hometown ,building traditional building vs modern building. Part2 language you would like to learn except English. Part3 the way to learn language, why children learning language easier? Why * learning language difficult? Older children?3 H; [- W b# z8 }* J& ~' [
; j" `- k0 X1 M7 y Y
3 N6 c4 r. H( ?! k5 ~& p" k. C, G3 ~/ v; L1 c
[email protected]
, L. P: g3 [' ?5 G7 J' m
) g* ^8 x _# V4 y攒人品来了!!深圳赛格VIP13,东南亚口音男生,全程满脸堆笑。一开始问了work or study,之后问了concentrate on sth的一系列问题,然后问了下班以后做什么,part2问的是介绍自己常呆的一个room,part3就围绕房子拓展了很多,比如大房子小房子,城市和乡村的房子等
0 [3 t/ Y g+ i I3 o E, X5 `$ h. S k' U
) o, b g {4 c1 S; t/ [" i3 z# w
) x# r' G; M6 Z6 Z* [email protected]
4 c- X5 d3 K4 G
* L: K7 f8 [ H5 c4 I/ a( G& spart1 study or work, music,sleep. Part2 the most polite person. Part 3 respect, politeness 广州仲剀。 攒rp
/ V# Q5 y- W7 G% _+ I3 b9 s. g5 g
3 r [8 J( k5 \/ J o- j
b2 N# Q. M: V) [( f
" O- t1 M- m" r. [email protected] 厦门大学RM601 白人青年男,每次我一句话没讲完就在那边why,P1家庭,住宅。P2描述一个本国近年数量增长的植物。P3本国近年增长的种植食物,人们爱不爱干农活,农业对国家经济的影响' k0 I5 f/ @# s+ n
+ R( V8 k1 k! D- F; {# o. b g" T7 V* t
5 l+ W* n7 k, J- x7 G0 j
2 ?$ I' L6 |- A& W h. ~0 [email protected]
! B7 g+ u0 O0 M1 ` Z
5 _) [5 w k1 Z% J! T5 p1.12辽师ROOM4 。口语。Part1 family ,why love your family,what family do u have in the future .part 2 discuss a language not english do you learn in the future. Part 3 打算通过什么学习这种语言?学习有难度么?一个带耳钉的男考官。紧张死了,我一直嘻皮笑脸缓解气氛- F8 E( @) f0 j; z: h/ F# F K
+ s$ \- G4 ~0 F
7 y" l1 H! b" i+ o6 v. k, f5 a6 I
2 N1 s1 \0 H/ ~6 _8 R" B7 b# {
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8 r3 _* Y% Z$ m; N9 W
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* O |5 i: K) o& H5 j$ Z2 W
1 U" z8 m5 m, w4 l" Z! O5 I4 } A1 O4 B( A- a; J
; ^$ X& ~4 H- s& ^2 K6 F. o
[email protected]
. R L0 I0 d0 z0 T7 w* T
|3 t) G! g' g* r% d仲铠Room303韩国大叔P1howntown ArtP2trainning session P3围绕training session的各种问题,好多好难的问题啊!!!完虐
( s3 l! C( C( E& y3 q) m) z1 E
" y4 W# Z. o o4 W0 i0 r
. A0 v" D0 [4 W
[. l4 w. o- b" G$ H) a9 S5 ~ b& E6 }; t8 U( O
" l# D7 W, _* J1 U$ K8 o5 i% m
[email protected]
, q9 m2 Z6 j* \0 x- [% x
/ I) u7 _' z+ m: S s; v松江外贸。203。英国绅士。P1,entertainment.P2,products that not satisfied.P3各种关于商品和购*的问题。购*习惯,商品质量等。 说的语速太快了,被问了好多问题,语无伦次的,求人品!8 E7 c! o0 _' w! e }
9 e, |9 f2 I( @+ c
8 H7 v" `# a. s& D$ s
8 F$ ]% m- V$ c
. F+ y( o* W/ c) t/ m( ]7 Z5 L. e3 ~- _1 q2 @
[email protected]
# `# S1 I d( I9 Q# G% ]/

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