雅思无忧小编给大家带来了乌海雅思口语安排考试时间 请问2023年11月21日乌海雅思口语预测相关文章,一起来看一下吧。
一.Part1 Name
What is your name? How should I call you? Does your name have any special meaning or significance?
二.living place/house/apartment
Part 1/Part3 Do you live in a house or a flat/apartment? What is your house/flat like? What furniture or appliances do you have in your home? which part of the apartment do you want to make a change? What kind of house or flat do you want to live in in the future? Do you like the decoration in your home? Why or why not? Will you move to another house or flat in the near future? What do you think of the neighborhood where you live? How long have you lived there? How do you like it? What are your neighbors like?
三.Part 1 Personal Present Situation
Are you a student or do you have a job?
Study What kind of school do you attend? What do you like most about your studies? What is your major? Is that a very popular subject to study in your country? Is your subject very challenging (or difficult) to study? What do you do when you have a difficulty with your studies? Why did you choose ...as your major? What's more important when studying - the student or teacher?
四.Describe an interesting thing you learned from Internet
五.Part 2 Describe a car or vehicle you would like to have in the future/future thing you want to buy
Which will you choose (motorbike or car)
What it will look like
How much it will cost
And explain why you'd like to buy it
六.Part 2 Describe a leader who you admire/Describe a famous person (for example, in sport, business or politics)
雹中蔽You should say:
who this person is ?
How he or she became a leader?
what this person did (has done) that you admire?
part3 What are the abilities of a good leader? Would you like to be a leader?
七.Describe a friend who you think is a good leader.
You should say:
who this friend is
how you first met this person
what you and this friend do together
what kind of person he/she is
and explain why you think he/she is a good leader.
八.Part2 Describe a song/describe your favorite song /Describe a song that has a special meaning to you.
You should say:
what song it is
when you first heard it
what the song is about
and explain why this song has a special meaning to you.
九.Describe an APP that you think is useful.
You should say:
what app it is
what contents it has
how do you use it
and explain why you think this app is useful.
十.Part 2 Describe something expensive you saved money for
what it was
how long it took you to save enough money to buy it
why you wanted to buy this thing
and explain how you felt when you bought it.
Part 3 How do you think people can say money?
十一.Part 2 Describe someone you know who is good at cooking.
You should say:
who this person is
how you know him or her
what kinds of food they cook
and explain why you think (why you say) this person is so good at cooking.
十二.Part 2 Describe a place full of colors
where it is
what you did in the place
why the place is full of colors
Ctrl D
一.Part1 Name
What is your name? How should I call you? Does your name have any special meaning or significance?
二.living place/house/apartment
Part 1/Part3 Do you live in a house or a flat/apartment? What is your house/flat like? What furniture or appliances do you have in your home? which part of the apartment do you want to make a change? What kind of house or flat do you want to live in in the future? Do you like the decoration in your home? Why or why not? Will you move to another house or flat in the near future? What do you think of the neighborhood where you live? How long have you lived there? How do you like it? What are your neighbors like?
三.Part 1 Personal Present Situation
Are you a student or do you have a job?
Study What kind of school do you attend? What do you like most about your studies? What is your major? Is that a very popular subject to study in your country? Is your subject very challenging (or difficult) to study? What do you do when you have a difficulty with your studies? Why did you choose ...as your major? What's more important when studying - the student or teacher?
四.Describe an interesting thing you learned from Internet
五.Part 2 Describe a car or vehicle you would like to have in the future/future thing you want to buy
Which will you choose (motorbike or car)
What it will look like
How much it will cost
And explain why you'd like to buy it
六.Part 2 Describe a leader who you admire/Describe a famous person (for example, in sport, business or politics)
You should say:
who this person is ?
How he or she became a leader?
what this person did (has done) that you admire?
part3 What are the abilities of a good leader? Would you like to be a leader?
七.Describe a friend who you think is a good leader.
You should say:
who this friend is
how you first met this person
what you and this friend do together
what kind of person he/she is
and explain why you think he/she is a good leader.
八.Part2 Describe a song/describe your favorite song /Describe a song that has a special meaning to you.
You should say:
what song it is
when you first heard it
what the song is about
and explain why this song has a special meaning to you.
九.Describe an APP that you think is useful.
You should say:
what app it is
what contents it has
how do you use it
and explain why you think this app is useful.
十.Part 2 Describe something expensive you saved money for
what it was
how long it took you to save enough money to buy it
why you wanted to buy this thing
and explain how you felt when you bought it.
Part 3 How do you think people can say money?
十一.Part 2 Describe someone you know who is good at cooking.
You should say:
who this person is
how you know him or her
what kinds of food they cook
and explain why you think (why you say) this person is so good at cooking.
十二.Part 2 Describe a place full of colors
where it is
what you did in the place
why the place is full of colors
Ctrl D
很多考生都会对机经的学习和使用有一个误区,那就是机经是对于英语基础不是非常扎实的学生的最后一根救命稻草,也就是换句话说,钻研机经是获取雅思高分(或者说是令人满意的分数)的一种捷径。因此,对于很多学生,无论是在提供系统雅思教学的学校学习,还是说在家依靠网络资源自学的学生来说,都会将自己整个雅思的学习围绕着机经来展开。其实,这是广大考生普遍存在的一个误区。之所以人们会如此重视机经的作用,究其原因,主要是因为在很多雅思讨论学习网站上,在每次雅思考试之前,都会倚仗机经作为雅思考试预测的一个重要的依据。这也就不可避免的误导了学生,加上网上内容无监管机制的特点,我们就会听 到各种各样老师或者学生夸大机经重要性的传言。那么针对这个问题的专家将详细地从客观的角度来阐述对于众多的烤鸭们,该怎样有效的来使用和学习机经,那么这里主要针对的是口语机经。
首先,提醒广大考生,应该对机经的概念有一个正确的认识。机经是历年来无数考生无私奉献的结晶。每次雅思考试结束后,全国各地的当次的雅思考生 都会非常无私将自己所能回忆起来的题目甚至说答案(当然答案一般来说仅限于听力和阅读这两科)在网上通过帖子的形式发布出来。然后有人再将这些材料进行统 一的分类,或者按照版本号,或者是按照话题进行分类。这样一来,长年累月下来,考生就没有必要再去网上辛辛苦苦的翻阅往年都考过什么内容和题目,比如说在 口语方面,哪些话题,针对某一个第二部分的话题,考官又是怎样展开的呢?在机经上,分类的设置形式以及目录都已经非常的清晰明了。可见,机经并不是什么哪个机构或英国剑桥大学的官方资料,(所谓市面上常能见到的以“某某方”学校的名义出版的雅思机经纯粹是一种blatant violation of intellectual property rights (太气愤了,以至于不知道中文该怎样表达了,应该是对知识产权的厚颜*的亵渎!!!暴殄天物!!!)。 所以,不可避免的,所编出的机经必不可少的会出现这样或那样的错误。而试图仰仗机经取得高分的做法更是无从谈起。很多学生甚至会放弃专业的雅思培训,将大 把的宝贵的时间投入到机经的学习中,每天劳心费神的去尝试把厚厚的四本机经背过,那恐怕结果会事倍功半。那么,很多学生就会问是不是说机经就是一摞废纸 呢?其实,机经自然有其独特的作用,只是学生应该更多的去改变机经的学习和使用方法。
那么,机经到底对于一个普通的雅思考生来说该怎样使用呢?首先,机经提供了一个方便。就好比说很多学习英语的学生都会选择去*个电子词典而不是 厚厚的字典,为什么呢?不就是为了图个方便快捷吗。而机经的作用是一样的。如果考生们希望了解考试都可能考到一些怎样的口语话题,很简单,翻阅一下机经, 按照不同类别进行查询就能很快的找到了(电子媒体的优势啊)。其次,部分题目提供了一些答题的思路以及一些答案,这里第一能够让学生积累必要的解题思路; 第二,能给学生一个参考,起码让学生清楚到底6分或7分的口语要达到怎样的一个水平。虽然个别的给出的口语答案写得有点死板,并且过于模板化,但是总体来 说,会对学生在口语考试有很大的帮助。
那么,是不是说每个学生都必须按照上述方法来使用和学习机经呢?其实不然。分析发现机经最适合两种考生。第一类人群是从未接触过雅思的,想要对 雅思各科考试有个总体的了解或者说是还没进行雅思系统培训或自学的考生想要趁着课余时间先打个基础,那么这些准烤鸭就可以将机经作为一本您通往雅思高分的 一个起点。这样的话,不会造成盲目的背单词这种情况,而是有针对性的进行个人英语能力的自我提高。第二类人群就是比如说还有两三个星期就要考雅思的学生。 到那个时候,考生们该学的单词,技巧和每个部分的答题思路应该都已经掌握。那么说最欠缺的就是练习,而往年考题就是最好的选择。考生可以每天抽出两到三个 小时放在口语的学习上,挑出每个话题下的几个题目进行练习,这时候如果有什么不会的、忘记的思路和表达,可以马上进行补救。在练习过程中,自己的英语口语 就会不断的逐步提高。
Practice makes perfect.恐怕学过雅思的人都知道这句话,还有很多人会将其作为自己的座右铭。但我认为在雅思口语考试的准备中,这是必须的,但还不够,方法也同等 重要。根据经验来说,雅思口语考试过程中有着各种各样无法预料的客观因素都在无时无刻地影响着考生的成绩。有时候,就那么“寸”,0.5分可能就是你再次 重考时需要再多拿的分数。在这时候,考生们都会祈祷上天保佑,作为一个无神论者,我也是始终相信God will only help those who help themselves. 不要告诉我你备考是多么的累,只需要回答你是否在雅思备考前全力以赴了。如果你的答案是 ‘yes’, 恭喜你,高分的大门正在为您悄悄的打开,大门上贴了四个字:“非诚勿扰”。
我们知道雅思机经的题有上百道,单单就口语一科而言就够大家去准备的了,更何况还有听力,写作和阅读的大量试题。所以最方便高效的方法就是按照类别来准备,我们可以把近期雅思口语考试中出现过的题目按照类别来进行分类,人物,地点,经历,爱好….etc. 对于时间很紧张的考生来说,我们只需要把每个大类的几个经典话题来进行精心准备,而对于其他的题目,我们可以用套题法来进行准备。比如我们可以准备一个人物类的话题,对于大多数题目Describe a person who helped you a lot. Describe a person in your family. Describe a friend who means a lot to you.. 等诸如此类的话题都可以进行有机的覆盖。
以上就是雅思无忧小编给大家带来的乌海雅思口语安排考试时间 请问2023年11月21日乌海雅思口语预测,希望能对大家有所帮助。