雅思无忧小编给大家带来了雅思口语考试的试题 雅思机经:2023.4.21 雅思口语Part1机经考题相关文章,一起来看一下吧。
Describe a family (Not your own family)
How do you know your family?
Describe the interest of the family members
Why do like you like spend time with the family?
What are the benefits for the extended family live together?
What the changes of family relationship between the people today and before in your country?
What can young people learn from their seniors?
Why do you respect your father?
In your family who makes the decisions?
Big family and *all family, compare their benefits and disadvantages.
In your country, has women's social status changed in the recent years? Why?
What do you think the women's rights will change in the future?
Describe a teenager
What are the differences between teenagers and children?
How have their lives changed in the last decade?
Until what age do you think they can qualify for being *s?
Until what age should they get married?
What role does the school play in the process of students turning from teenagers to *s?
What kind of attitude is generally shared by teenagers towards *s?
Describe a person you admire
Describe a teacher you would like to meet again
Describe a successful person
Why do you think he/she is successful?
How to succeed in your life? Please draw on your personal experience
Do you send books to others as gifts?
What kind did you read when you were a child?
Is it possible to continue part-time study while working?
Describe a visitor to your family
Do Chinese people have the tradition of paying a visit to your relatives or friends on a regular basis?
What gifts do people send when visiting your friends?
Do visitors stay in the hotel or at home?
How to improve hotel service in general?
Describe a friend you meet at school
Should government provide financial assistance to the elderly people?
Describe a person who is good at his or her job
Is it the responsibility of universities to help students to find their ideal jobs?
What sort of jobs suit young *s and what sort of jobs suit elderly people?
Should an age limit be imposed on certain jobs?
Should companies have the responsibility of providing training to young people?
How is company training carried out?
Describe a famous person you would like to meet.
Describe a person you have lived before.
Describe something that you will change in your lifestyle to keep fit and healthy?
What will you change in your lifestyle?
Does your change have any benefit to you?
How is that easy or difficult for you?
Describe something that you want to achieve and be successful with
Describe a family event
How do you define happiness?
Describe a recent event that has made you happy
Do you think money is important?
Do you think money can give you happiness?
Can old people get happiness?
Describe a physical activity
What are your favorite physical activities?
Why do you like them?
What kind of sports do you usually engage yourself in?
Why do you prefer to go to the gym?
Describe a recent change in your life
Do old people like to change their lives?
Do young people like changes?
What’s your opinion towards switching jobs on a regular basis?
Describe a naughty thing you did when you were a child
Describe a conversation on the telephone that made you happy
Describe an advertisement
What is it advertised?
What contains in the advertisement?
What kind of people will interested in this advertisement?
Explain why you think this advertisement works well?
What kind of advertisement can you see in your country?
Describe sth you did with a computer
Describe a TV quiz show
Describe a tv program you dislike
Describe a book had in your childhood
Describe a new story you have heard
Describe your favorite subject in school
Describe an interesting message you have received by email or text message
Describe a news story that made you happy
Describe a softdrink that you liked when you were a child
Describe a letter that you received that made you very happy
Describe an unforgettable walk
Describe an equipment (except computer)
Describe a tv program that you dislike
Describe something that you kept with your family
Describe a book that you read when you were a child
Describe sth that you bought but you did not often use
Describe a magazine
What are the differences between magazine and newspaper and other forms of mass media such as the Internet?
Describe a piece of interesting news you read on newspaper or TV
How often do people in your country read newspaper?
Which one is a popular medium for obtaining information, radio or TV?
Do you think we should have more entertainment news in the future?
Which one is more important, local news or international news?
Describe a photograph
Do you like painting or taking photographs?
Why do some people not like taking photographs?
What sort of pictures are considered most appealing to people?
Describe a film
Describe a good law
Do you think the “one-child” policy in China is considered a good law?
Should we tell our children stories concerning robbing the rich so as to
help the poor people?
Should we comply with laws?
Describe a website you have visited that is useful to you
雅思机经:2023.4.21 雅思口语Part1机经考题
Part 1考题总结
Personal information & Introduction
What’s your name?
Are you a student?
What is your major?
Are your working or studying?
How did you choose your major?
Is your major the most popular one in China?
Where are you from?
Where’s your hometown?
Where do you live?
Is your hometown a place that the young people like to live in?
Is it very noisy near your apartment?
Why did you choose this career?
Do many Chinese people shift jobs in a year?
What kind of job would you like to do in the future?
What kinds of job are popular in China?
Which university are you in?
Why did you choose this university?
What’s your major?
Which is your favorite part?
Did you parents choose the school for you?
What is the best subject in your school?
What do you do in your free time?
Do you like collection?
What do you collect?
Do you like dance? Why?
What do you do at weekend?
What kind of weather do you like?
Which season is your favorite?
What the weather like in your hometown?
What sport did you like when you were a child?
Which sport is the most popular in China?
What are the differences between the women’s and men’s sport?
Do you like walking?
What is your favorite sport?
Do you use telephone?
Do you prefer making phone calls or sending short messages?
What are the benefits of having a mobile phone?
Can you speak another language?
What are the benefits of speaking a second language?
Why so many Chinese are trying to learn English?
How do you celebrate birthday with your friends?
Which birthday is important to you?
What kind of room are you living in?
Which part is your favorite in your house?
What does your dreaming house look like?
Do you usually invite your friends to your house?
Do you prefer to live in apartment or house?
Do you like inviting friends to your home?
What is your favorite food?
What kinds of food are popular in China?
What kinds of school did you ever visit?
Which is the most impressive?
Do you like visiting parks?
Clothing and fashion
What kind of clothes are in fashion this year?
What kinds of clothes do the young people prefer?
Email and letter
Do you like sending emails or letters? Why?
Which one do the old people prefer ?
What did play when you were a child?
What is the most popular game for children in China?
What are you going to do this weekend?
Do you like making new friends?
Do you surf the internet?
Is there any difference between the young and the old regarding saving money?
Where do you meet new people?
东南 P1 你喜欢什么天气 P2 邻居。 P3 邻居和亲人哪个重要 还有现在邻居和以前的邻居哪个更亲切
我也小贡献一下,本人是在南昌考的,第一部分问了你的专业,舞蹈,第二部分考了old people,然后是老人在家庭中的作用,有利之处,退休问题
口语是第一部分是专业,在哪儿上学,喜欢发短信么。第二部分是TV programe,第三部分是看电视节目有什么好处神马的
:part 1,hometown,language;part 2:a good friend; part 3: how to keep friendship,who influence you more friends or family。我的考官是所有里面最慢的,一直问一直问,我答得还算流利,语速有点快了,第三部分缺少大词和strong points 。
RM8 各种饭馆各种菜式 考官很有意思
1105 Part1
14:40 口语P1 喜不喜欢家乡、是否适合年轻人 P2 曾经发生的影响你人生的一件事 P3 科技和工作的关系————对不起刚才蹲题的同学,刚考完有点乱什么都不记得
考完啦~继续来攒人品~~~ 口语首先例行personal information, study or work, major, why you choose this major. what weather you like; what weather you think is good for study or work; has the weather in your country changed? have you made hand-making piece? is it important? what hand-making thing is popular in your country? cue card是describe a person you would like to meet in the news. who is that; where you heard him/her; why you want to meet him/her. Part three:do both national news and international news are important? why? why there are more bad news than good news in media now? do you think all the news attractive? what kind of news you are interested most? 这一部分聊high了以至于细节不太记得了。。。希望没有松过头。。。4个7冲啊!~~~~虽然听力阅读都考得很忐忑。。。
1105 广州,旧题
,卡片 广州市仲恺 R605 13:40 p1 name 最像改变的room 最喜爱的room hometown 哪里人。p2 wearing clothes? how ofter go shopping 在哪里*衣服?为什麼喜欢*衣服?p3 围绕衣服的问题。年轻是否很喜欢流行衣服?为什麼他们喜欢改变形象?考官是位十分nice 的白发爷爷。
1105 广州,旧题卡
片053 新鲜出炉,14:00分广州仲恺209金发中年男人语音标准清晰。p1名字专业家乡,你知道的学校类型,喜欢什么学校,*,喜欢发短信吗,用*遇到的问题。p2旧题wedding p3婚礼送什么礼物,参加过什么婚礼,你认为大婚礼和小婚礼有什么不同,你认为婚礼需要什么钱吗?
1105 成都 旧题
成都,15:00,RM07,P1:Name,major,exercise.P2:Ideal house.P3:在中国主要是Flat还是House,为什么?城市和农村房子的区别。农村房子的条件好吗。其他国家的房子。为什么要搬家。搬家最大的挑战。
1105 武汉,湖北大学
007 攒人品,湖北大学RM 03 瘦瘦金发美女,好NICE,part1:major,是否很多人选择这个专业,小时候做什么事情,part2:a leader you admie .part3:一个好的leader 需要什么品质,遇到一个bad leader你会怎样,为什么需要一个leader
1105 南昌,旧题卡片
答案看014 @iam_xyczwing:南昌 14:20 RM111 金发中年男人,人挺nice的,还有很多小动作。P1noise,children P2 kind of house or department P3 大多数人喜欢哪种房子,城乡房子差别,国内外房子差别
1105 呼和浩特
,旧题 呼和浩特,RM06。P1=subject,computer,primary school;P2=a foriegn film;P3=人们喜欢外国电影?film star 好坏处?成为film star所需条件?他们是否paid too much? 单项上6啊~~
1105 旧题
RM02。男考官,白人,微胖 ,总打断我。P1,问住的什么,喜欢什么样的房间,想改家里的那个房间。P2,能让世界变的更好的工作。P3。什么工作保卫我们的安全,他们薪水是否不合理。决定工作好坏的因素。什么是一份好工作
1105广州 广州仲恺
RM209 P1 name ,what's your hometown famous for?do you think it's good for young people to live in your hometown?what's the difference between travelling to countryside and city?are there so many people own cars in your city?why?good or bad?
武汉湖北大学,romm7。part1家乡 等一些列问题。旅行一系列话题。part2音乐!part3 音乐的种类以及过去的音乐和现在的比较!人蛮好,一个偏胖的老太太!
考 广州仲恺 RM608 一个金发老太太,P1 name ,student or work, how do you like your work. Birthday , P2, make friends , what's important to be friends
以上就是雅思无忧小编给大家带来的雅思口语考试的试题 雅思机经:2023.4.21 雅思口语Part1机经考题,希望能对大家有所帮助。