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求:剑5 Test1 雅思口语Part1解析 Your country Which part of your country do most people

更新:2024年02月25日 23:32 雅思无忧

今天雅思无忧小编整理了求:剑5 Test1 雅思口语Part1解析 Your country Which part of your country do most people live in? 详解雅思口语part1相关信息,希望在这方面能够更好的大家。


求:剑5  Test1  雅思口语Part1解析
Your country
Which part of your country do most people

求:剑5 Test1 雅思口语Part1解析 Your country Which part of your country do most people live in?

1. 要点提示
1) Describe the location where most people of your country live in.
2) Describe the main industries there.
3) Describe the ways to travel around your country.
4) Yes/No+Describe the changes.

2. 结构示例
1) Well, it is known that China is big in area, and people live all around the country. However, most people live in the east and the middle parts, where the natural conditions are…
2) The main industries in the east part of China are…
3) Nowadays, it is quite easy to travel around the country as transportion has been rapidly developing. We can travel by airplane, by regular train, by bullet train and high-speed rail, …
4) Yes, my country has changed greatly since I was a child. For example, the economy has developed significantly, …


一般来说在国外聊天儿的时候人们是比较随意的( laid-back)o既然咱们铁了心要去考官们的国家,那就得按照他们的习惯来了o如果Part 1说得就跟背书(regurgitation)似的,人家就会怀疑你跟他/她聊的诚意。所以,在Part 1里,请放松您的心态,跟examiner好好地聊一次吧!
Part 1的考题也是口试三个部分中最接近考生自己的生活的,比如下面都是《剑8》给出的Part 1考题:
◆How often do you see the people who live next door to you?
◆What kinds of problem do people sometimes have with their neighbours?
◆How do you think neighbours can help each other?(您可以在Day 7的Topic 9 看到聊neighbour所需的全部常用英文)
◆Which magazines and newspapers do you read? [Why?]
◆What kinds of article are you most interested in? [Why?]
◆Have you ever read a newspaper or magazine in a foreign language?[Why?]
◆Do you think reading a newspaper or magazine in a foreign language is a good way to learn the language?[Why?/Why not?](您可以在Day 7的Topic 5看到对报纸杂志类考题的详细分析)
◆Do you like to have flowers in your home?[Why?/Why not?]
◆Where would you go to buy flowers? [Why?]
◆Are flowers important in your culture?[Why?/Why not?](在Day 7的Topic 19 您将看到与flowers有关的地道英文)
◆How often do you watch television? [Why?/Why not?]
◆Do you enjoy the advertisements on television?[Why?/Why not?]
◆Do you think most programmes on television are good?[Why?/Why not?](您可以从Day 7的Topic 4了解到大量涉及到电视的常用英文表达)

希望以上的答复能对您的留学申请有所帮助。如果您有任何更详细的问题或需要进一步的协助,我强烈推荐您访问我们的留学官方网站 ,在那里您可以找到更多专业的留学考试规划和留学资料以及*的咨询服务。祝您留学申请顺利!

求:剑5 Test4 雅思口语Part1解析 Clothes How important are clothes and fashion to you? Why?/Why n

1. 要点提示
1) Explain the importance to you, and demonstrate it by examples.
2) List the types of clothes that you don’t like, and explain why.
3) Compare the differences.
4) Tell people what we can see from one’s clothes.

2. 结构示例
1) Clothes and fashion are important to me in an appropriate way. That means I pay attention to fashion, and I like being nice-looking with the help of clothes, but I don’t waste too much time on them. I shop for fashionable clothes to dress myself in various situations. …
2) I don’t like clothes that are not suitable for me. For example, …
3) There are some differences indeed. I was a high school student 10 years ago, and most of the time, I dressed in a casual style. I often got inspiration from a singer/actor(ess) named… Now I’m still a fan of casual clothes, but I also like…
4) That’s an interesting question. I understand that we can’t judge a person by what he/she wears, but sometimes you can tell one’s personality. For example, …

以上就是雅思无忧小编给大家带来的求:剑5 Test1 雅思口语Part1解析 Your country Which part of your country do most people live in? 详解雅思口语part1全部内容,希望对大家有所帮助!

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