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雅思高分范文 雅思写作高分范文:09年8月

更新:2023年09月23日 10:18 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思高分范文 雅思写作高分范文:09年8月,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思高分范文 雅思写作高分范文:09年8月



2021年6月30日场的雅思小作文真题范文已出,小作文类型:柱状图。本期小作文题目是:The chart below shows the rate of males and females who were overweight in Australia from 1980 to 2021.

雅思小作文巧肢类型:Bar chart


看到小作文,我们首先要定孝神世位3W(when, where, what),该柱状图描述的时间是过去的4个年份,跨度30年。地点为澳洲。内容为超重男女的比例。该题目内容一目了然,男性比率总高于女瞎辩性,所以思路解答上可以男女分开,描述各自的变化趋势。范文共计8句话。


The bar chart compares the gender distribution of overweight men and women in Australia in four separate years 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2021.

Across all the years, it is apparent that the proportion of males who were obese was significantly higher than that of their female counterparts. Initially, almost one half (48%) of the male tended to be excessively fat. This number rose merely by 4% in the following decade before shooting up and arriving at its peak at 69% in 2000. Subsequently, there was a marginally downward trend, ending up with 65%.

Similarly, the rate of females also showed an upward in the first two decades in spite of a relatively lower proportion (28%) occupied in 1980. This figure had consistently increased to 49% until 2000 and had remained stable by the end of the period.

In brief, the chart shows that although overweight population continued to be male-dominated in Australia over the past few decades,the gender gap had ultimately narrowed.

范文原创自小站老师Alice. Hua

字数 162 words


compares the gender distribution rose merely

in four separate years shooting up and arriving at its peak at

it is apparent that a marginally downward trend

was significantly higher than Had consistently increased

female counterparts had remained stable


本文来自雅思作文网liuxue86.com《10月18日大作文题目》。 发贴:cathymao2001

Nowadays, international touri* is the biggest industry in the world. Unforturnately, international touri* creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

1)What does tension mean?
很多词汇量小的同学实在是unfortunate,因为tension是题目的key word,如果你知道tense可以指紧张的话,那么tension就是它的名词形式:紧张。看到不少网友想当然的写旅游带来的环境问题,工业问题等等,我真是挺为他们遗憾的。这也是个血的教训。所以,赶紧背单词,这可是根本的根本。

2)How do we interprete the topic?
我们应该如何理解和阐释这个返滚帆题目呢?这里还要感谢大学,中学英语老师给的基本功,也就是rather than这个用法的翻译,其实有个固定的中文是”与其说是。。,还不如说是。。。,这其实对理解本题是很关键的,即作者并没有要否定rather than 后的understanding。



以上这些话都不是我说的,是. 西安环球雅斯的任子康(Benny 说的。看了以后,大家对大作文该如何写就有一个大概的方向了吧。



本文来自雅思作文网liuxue86.com《09年8月》。 090808 A类考题

The development of technology changes the way people connect with each other. In which way does the development of technology change the types of relationships among people? Does it have positive or negative effects on the relationships?


本题容易发生错误的地方在于,如果考生盲目将过往的关于科技产品利弊的文章代入,而非讲重点放在题目所示的interpersonal relationship上,则会产生偏题的错误。此为考生在处理本题构思时候的第一个注意点。


首先,对于科技类的问题,朗阁海外考试研究中心建议考生在构思时可以从其正面影响来考虑,毕竟科技发展为人们生活等带来了极大的便利,因此可以说是一个正面的趋势。就其对人际关系的影响来看,第一点,因特网,通讯技术的发展,极大的便利了人们的交流和沟通。论述可以从与过去的对比出发,过去人们的交流和社会关系受到很多物理因素例如geographic isolation和low mobility的制约,而如镇亩或今简单的通讯工具可以实现人们的immediate and convenient communication;第二点,交通工具的迅速发展,让世界成为名副其实的“地球村”,同样可以通过对比,原来需要舟车劳顿才能见面的朋友现在只需较短的时间就有机会见面;第三点,现代科技的发展促进了entertainment industry的发展,于是当人们相聚在一起的时候,有更多的娱乐活动,丰富了人们交往的内容和形式。



090808 G类考题





The subjects and lesson contents are decided by the authorities such as the government. Some people argue that teachers should make the choice. To what extent do you agree or disagree?





090822 A类考题

News media is more influential nowadays. Some people think it is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree

媒体对人们生活的影响这一问题在雅思作文中也时常可见,并且曾经有过诸如报道detailed description of crimes等经典话题,而本题考查的是新闻媒体的影响日益巨大这一问题的利弊问题,属于媒体发展利弊整体化的考察,相对比较容易,考生可以从新闻媒体的利弊的两个方面分别论述。


而新闻媒体的负面问题在于:1新闻报道常常具有一定的指向性,有其潜在动机,而有时会偏颇,因此对观看新闻的普通民众可能会产生一定的误导作用;2 有时候新闻报道具有利益驱动性,以市场的发展为中心,对普通民众同样造成误导;3新闻报道有时候会夸大其词,报道一些不存在威胁,从而造成损失和恐慌;4新闻媒体有时候为了追求收视率而过多的挖掘个人隐私。

090822 G类考题

People say that a child's success is dependent on the way parents bring them up. To what extent do you agree or disagree?





In the past, people used to travel to see the difference from their home country. However, the sceneries in places around the world seem similar nowadays. What are the causes of these similarities? Do you think that the advantages of this similarity outweigh the disadvantages?

这一考题看似是旅游的考题,因此很容易让考生产生误解,以为是描述international touri*的优劣问题,从而产生偏题,而事实上,考题的重点在于however之后,需要学生论述的景点的同一化问题,所以可以说其实是全球化在旅游和文化方面的论证考察;另外,本题需要学生同时提出导致这一问题的原因及其利弊性,缺一不可。因此,在构思的时候,也需要从这两个问题分别考虑。

首先,提出导致各地景点等问题的同一化的原因。1 各个旅游景点基于商业化的考虑,希望能够创造一个更能够吸引游客的观光环境,所以将本地的原有资源进行了改建,从而导致当地旅游景点个性化和文化性的流失,这个部分,考生可以通过举例子的论证方法加入一些典型性的描述;2 一些发达国家经济得到极大的发展,人们的生活质量也相对较高,而发展中国家的人希望能够达到同样的生活水平,所以在一定程度上以同样的方式模仿其他国发的建设方法,所以造成了各地环境的类似性;3 当地人生活方式等的西化在细节上也造成了这种相似性的感觉。




静观这几年, 教育没耐 类的写作话亩毕题深受 雅思 君的喜爱,下面我给大家分享一些雅思写作 范文 集锦:教育类,希望可以帮助大家备考。


Nowadays children are joining extra coaching classes apart from the school studies. Some think it is important for their future, others think the extra time should be spent playing. Do you agree or disagree? 现在孩子加入额外的培训课程除了学习。一些人认为它是重要为他们的未来,别人都认为这枯耐春些额外的时间应该用来玩耍。你赞成还是反对?

In order to improve their education, children are participating in extra classes after school instead of spending time playing. This has raised a heated debate around the world whether it is a positive or negative development. Some people believe extra coaching classes lead to good job prospect, whereas others hold a distinctive view and think that children should spend their spare time on leisure activities. In my opinion, I believe that students should join extra classes if they are poor in particular subjects.

In fact, many students have difficulty to keep up with other students in their class, so going to extra classes is an ideal way to fill in the part of lessons they do not understand. In addition, as extra coaching classes generally specialize in a particular subject, the teaching method is much more better than at school and students are able to practice solving exercise problems from a variety of resource. Although self-study is also an effective way to improve their study, some students find it hard to practice this method because the lack of resource for practice problems solving and someone to explain to them.

Furthermore, in the extra coaching classes, students can also improve their social skill, which is very important in their lives and usually requires in almost every career. Even though spare time after school studies should be spent on playing or other leisure activities, children can also do these activities at the weekend and spend the weekdays studying hard. Besides, the break time between classes allows students to play games and do some leisure activities such as reading books or listening to music.

To sum up, participating in extra classes can help students in their study a great deal and they will get result after studying extra time. However, students should not overwork themselves and should spend the weekend on some leisure activities apart from study so as to refreshing their mind and relax.

雅思教育类写作高分范文:大学是否应该为大学生提供 职场 技能


Nowadays, some university offer graduate students skills that assist to find employment, but some people believe the main function of university should be to access knowledge for its sake. What is your opinion?


As university education is the last stage before the starting of career, many people believe that it prepares students for employment only, but the fact is that it serves a lot many purposes. In this essay I shall discuss the various functions of a university.

Universities provide specialised education in fields such as medical, engineering, commerce etc. They provide library facilities, which support the curriculum. They provide laboratory facilities for science and technology related subjects. They send students to factories and industries so that they get practical experience. This job-oriented training helps them to understand the working conditions and also gives them an idea about competition in the market. They also create job opportunities for the students by arranging campus interviews.

On the other hand, universities also perform other functions which help the students in their personal life. They organise co-curricular activities such as cultural programmes, sports, debates, fairs etc. They gain many qualities such as self-confidence and positive attitude, which help them in their future life. Moreover, some people just go to university for gaining knowledge just out of interest for the subject. For example, a doctor may want to learn French language just for interest in the language.

Furthermore, a university is a place to know more about the world because there are students from across the globe in a university. For many, who may never travel abroad, this may be a chance of a lifetime for them to broaden their horizons and know more about the different cultures of the world. For example, in LPU ( Lovely Professional University), there are 200 students from Malaysia, Korea and other parts of the world.

To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that, universities do not simply prepare a person for employment, but also have many other functions.

雅思写作范文海外 留学 的利与弊


More and more students choose to move to other oversea countries to have the higher education. Does the trend bring more benefits than disadvantages? What is your opinion?


An increasing number of Chinese students choose to have their higher education abroad. A heated discussion is triggered by the benefits and disadvantages that overseas education brings. In my opinion, although pursuing higher education in other countries may have some drawbacks, it would bring us more benefits.

Firstly, the ability to master a foreign language and appreciate other cultures could make us more competitive in the face of a globalizing world. A popular theory states that the best way to learn a different language is to spend a lengthy amount of time in the surroundings where the language is spoken. The possibility of broadening foreign language skills increases greatly when forced to communicate in such a way as different from their own. In addition, students who live under the confines of foreign culture develop the sense of a greater perspective of the world around them, and the ability to understand societal differences.

Secondly, many universities in other countries enjoy renowned reputations that provide a substantially higher quality of education. If students immerse themselves into such academic environments, they are exposed to the greatest minds of a certain field and chances that may sparkle brilliant insights.

Last but not least, studying abroad removes you from the normal support network that you are accustomed to back at home. While being away from friends and family can seem daunting, it is also a chance for you to hone your own skills and gain some independence. One major aspect of being an independent * is having the ability to manage your own finances. Furthermore, living in a new country also forces you to familiarize yourself with the various living expenses. Understanding how to manage your expenses will especially be beneficial when you no longer rely on the support of your family.

Despite of some challenges international students may face such as homesickness and financial burden, studying abroad could reward students with excellent chances that lead them to a brighter future.

雅思教育类写作范文之 儿童 早学外语利弊

雅思教育类写作范文之儿童早学外语利弊写作题目:Some people say that teaching foreign languages to children in primary school is good and the advantages of teaching foreign language early outweigh the disadvantages. What is your opinion?有人认为,儿童在小学学习外语很有利,并且早学习外语的利大于弊。你怎么看?


Language is the best means of communication. In the moder globalization era it is not enough to be able to speak one language to communicate with the outside world. I strongly support the idea that children should begin learning a foreign language at primary school than at secondary school. They faster become familiar with a strange language, improve their hearing ability to understand new words as time goes by and learn new words. In the following paragraphs I will list some reasons to support my position.

Firstly, there is no doubt that a young mind readily absorbs new information. Child psychologists often mention that the most most formative years of learning happen in the first few years of life. Therefore, what children are exposed to is very often retained and remembered. In this way, a child is in a good position to learn the new information associated with a new language.

Secondly, senior students are often afraid to make mistakes when they are speaking in a new language. This fear is one of the biggest barriers for a person in their efforts to speak freely. Primary school children are not afraid of making grammatical mistakes because basically they just repeat words and sentences in the way they hear them. So, they have a better chance to get used to the right pronunciation of the language.

To sum up, I think that it is very essential for children to begin learning a foreign language in their early ages. It is brings many benefits such as great pronunciation. Also, it helps a child develop and gain more knowledge which is good for a long run.



Today, teenagers in school nowadays have to study a wide range of subjects. Some people think the teenagers should learn all the school subjects, other think that the teenagers should concentrate in the subjects they are best at or they are interested in. Discuss both views and give your own points.


Nowadays, students are required to have a wide range of knowledge in order to seek a satisfied job or a higher degree. However, some still thinks that the quantity of subjects affect the quality of learning. They believe that it is better for the students to concentrate on several core modules. From my perspective, school is the place to provide students with general knowledge and to foster them a good habit of learning, so it is necessary to conduct the multi-disciplinary exploration.

The traditional view argues that students only need to focus on some major subjects, including English, math, P.E., etc. These subjects, to their understanding, are enough to foster the fundamental capabilities. Through learning the language, the teenagers can have better communication skills; through learning the math, the teenagers can have a clearer logic in thinking; through learning the P.E., the teenagers can build up their health. Apart from these, the other subjects may not contribute much. Instead, it is possible to distract the students from learning the core modules.

On the contrary, the opposite side has a wider consideration. They believe that it is the time for the teenagers to expand their vision at school. As a matter of fact, school is the place at which students spend most of their time and they acquire most of their education. So for them, a wider range of subjects provides them more opportunities. On the one hand, they are directly installed with more specialized knowledge. On the other, they may find their interests and foster their personal habits.

In summary, the limited amount of subjects contributes to a more concentrated type of learning experience and a higher ability in certain skills, while the multi-subjects exposure is beneficial for the teenagers' personal hobbies and long-term development.

雅思写作范文集锦:教育类相关 文章 :

1. 雅思写作范文 教育类

2. 雅思考试大作文范文3篇 教育类

3. 雅思大作文高分范文 教育类

4. 雅思写作范文:8分范文鉴赏

5. 雅思写作话题五大分类及去其高分表达词组

6. 雅思书信类写作范文赏析

7. 雅思写作范文3篇 文化类

8. 雅思写作范文2篇

9. 雅思写作大作文范文3篇 性别类

10. 雅思高分写作范文



In present-day society, the human race is progressing at an unprecedented rate in a multitude of arenas. Accompanying all the boons brought about by the profound societal changes have come some sufferings, and _____ is very prominent among them. Some people assert that _____; while the adversaries strongly contend that ____. From my own perspective, their views have both merit and demerit.

Granted, there could be some positive effects ___may bring about. In the first place, 分论点一. For instance, 例证 / 语言论证。In the second place, 分论点二. 论证.

However, the opponents firmly believe that ____., and they against it for a couple of sound reasons. Firstly, ___. Secondly, ____. Thirdly, _____

In the final *ysis, I concede that to some extent, 第一个观点. However, 第二个观点。 On balance, I am convinced that 自己的观点。

In this day and age, the Homo sapiens is advancing at a shocking rate in a host of domains. Along with all the boons brought about by the high-tech wonders have come some sufferings, and the ____ is manifest among them. A recent study conducted by ____(机构名称) revealed that ____现象。Hence, it is of paramount importance that we ascertain the causes of ____ and identify the effective remedies of this phenomenon.

As I see it, the causes of _____ are manifold. Firstly, ____. Secondly, ______. Last but not the least, _____

Given the severity of _____. We have no alternative but to take vigorous measures to address this thorny issue. To begin with, -_____(resolution one): further, ____(resolution two): lastly,_____ (resolution three)

To summarize, the causes of __--are multiple. I just point out some of them. But if _____, _____ and ____ work together to resolve _______, the incidence of _____will fall immediately.


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