雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思口语考试真题回忆 雅思考试回忆:2021年5月12日雅思考试口语真题回忆 -...,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思口语考试不理解考官问题时该如何化解呢 - 百度...
“Sorry, I don’t understand this word’
‘Sorry, what does this word mean, please?’
‘Sorry, can you repeat the question please?’
‘Could you say that again please?’
‘Sorry, I didn’t get the question. Could you say it in a different way?’
‘键旁缺Sorry, I don’t really understand what you mean. Can you explain the question, please?’.
但是,如果在考官解释之后仍然不明白,那就需要自己发挥了,根据已经理解的信息尽量回答一些相关内容,总比陷入沉默要好。可以说一些过渡的 句子 来展开自己要说的话,比如…
‘“I’m afraid that I’m not quite familiar with this topic, but I guess…”,
“Sorry, I’m not sure about how to answer that, but…”.
雅思口语新题Part2&3之A Movie To Watch Again电影
Part 2
A Movie To Watch Again
Describe a movie you would like to watch again.
You should say:
1.what it is about
2.when and where you watched it
3.who you watched it with
4.and explain why you would like to watch it again.
Part 3
1. Why do fewer and fewer people go to cinema?
2. Do you prefer to watch a movie at home or in a cinema?
3.What would you do if you couldn’t understand the language in a foreign film?
4. Do people of different ages in your country watch different kinds of movies?
雅思口语新题Part2&3之An Old Thing in Your Family家中旧物
Part 2
An Old Thing in Your Family
Describe an antique or an old object in your family.
You should say:
1.what it is
2.how your family first got this thing
3.how long your family has kept it
4.and explain why this thing is important to your family.
Part 3
1. Which do you think are better, old things or new things?
2. Do you think it's important to (sometimes) keep old things?
3. What are some other things that people keep in their family for a long time?
4. Why do you think people keep these things?
雅思口语新题Part2&3之A Foreign Language外语
Part 2
A Foreign Language
Describe another language you would learn.
You should say:
1.the name of this language
2.how you would learn it
3.what equipment you would need
4.and explain what difficulties you would have in learning.
Part 3
1. Do many people in China study a second foreign language? (Why?/Why not?)
2. Why do you think some people are better than others at learning a foreign language?
3. How would you assess your own language ability?
4. Do you think children can learn a foreign language faster than *s? (Why?/Why not?)
5. Who do you think is better at learning a foreign language, boys or girls?
6. If you were an English teacher, how would you try to make lessons (more) interesting?
7. Do you think it is important (or, a good idea) to have one main world language?
8. What would the advantages or disadvantages to have a global language?
雅思口语考试不理解考官问题时该如何化解呢相关 文章 :
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★ 在雅思口语时考官在乎的点究竟有哪些?
★ 这些雅思口语的雷区,你千万不要踩!!!
★ 雅思口语考试需要注意的六个小细节
★ 雅思口语考官常常说的一些套话,你知道多少?
★ 雅思英语|雅思口语考试无话可说怎么办?
★ 雅思英语口语Part 3易忽视的3个细节
★ 雅思英语口语考试和考官进行眼神交流技巧的关
★ 在雅思口语考试中遇到了数学技巧问题怎么办?
★ 雅思口语考官在乎的15个得分点
第三段:主考官抽出一张(角色扮演卡)(Cue card),卡上写明一个模拟的事件,环境或状况,由考生向主考官依卡提出各种问题(约3-4分钟)。考生提出的问题须与卡上的主题相关,并可自由发挥。
S1 预定酒店的婚庆 里面有75 45% standard traditional Corgen drinkings 这几个答案
2,食物的三种标准和价钱 standard
3, traditional
4,具体钱数 忘了
789 忘了
S2 将动物园的工作 开始是选择 有 looking after kagroo ,feed animals ,educate vistors ,planing shows 然后是填空 有native business senior
S3 填表 有 big -five conservation *al range locals (这篇做的不好 可能会很多错) 选择有 第一个忘了 第二个好像是 definition of eco.... 第三个 是什么的drawbacks
S4 营养的 有 government food intake food allergies 选择是选 random 还有home 还有less worried about 还有就是 tv 什么的
然后天空 是 vtamin fish schools
Health department
food intake
eating patterns
下面又是填空,vitamin ,fish ,schools
1 比较简单,是有关智力测试的,因为每者余部高宴分有小标题,语言/逻辑数理/音乐/体育...之类的,有T/F/首念滚NG题,选择题。
2 关于英国海平面上升有关考古遗迹什么的。
3 Mass Production的。就是生产效率和降低成本的矛盾 有List Of Headings,还有选择题,Summary。
Task 1
an European nation 1996和2006交通工具比例比较的bar chart,有private car, motorcycle, bus coach taxi, lorries, other,各个部分在数量上和增长上的变化
Task 2
Compare the differences between modern and traditional games in terms of influencing children's comprehensive abilities. Use exmaples and your own expreinces to support your ideas.
Stage 1
hometown/ climate / favorite season
work or study / major project
visitors to your house,
swimming / outdoor activities
what to do in holiday
do you live in a flat or a house?
what kind of flat?
what can you see through window?
internet advantages and disadvantage
what children can learn at home instead of at school?
do you think children can learn more from parents or teachers?
some think parents are too busy to spend time with their children?
how do you usually spend evenings?
how do you spend evenings in different time of the year?
have you ever worked?
have you got some jobs during the night?
what type of food do you like?
have you ever learnt cooking when you was a child?
popular museum
Are there many Chinese people enjoying gardening?
Do they plant flowers or vegetables? And why?
Do yuo plant any kind of such green things?
Do you like your high school teacher, heard that chinese high school are very strict? Do you want to be a teacher?
reading, do you like reading, when do you reading, have you ever send a book as a gift to others.
weekend activities
favorite book / film / TV programme / magazine / website
attitudes towards art / art's influence
Stage 2
season which do you enjoy?
describe an interesting adverti*ent/ magazine
describe useful suggestion / advice others gave once
a person who are good at cooking/ drawing
describe a performance (dancing / music / art ...)
describe favorite garment / clothing
a class
An Organization
Describe a big organization that you know about. (For example - (a place where people work) such as a company, a factory or a government organization).
You should say
where this organization is
what kind of people work there
and explain why this organization is a good place for work3
describe a photogragh
why do you like it
thing you cannot do but you would like to do
what how reasons
describe a game
describe an outdoor activity
describ a book
Describe a time when you saw an animal?Talk about :
1.When it is?
2.What did you see?
3.How the animal is?
describe your favorite music / film / TV programme
a teenager
a magazine / book / newspaper
a website
an interesting class
a useful law
Stage 3
climate in your country, global warming
difference between restaurant food and family food
boys and girls need to learn cooking?
How do you think about fashion?
Do young people need listen to elders' advice?
should government pay more money on art
What are the advantages of working for a big company, compared with the *all company?
And what are the disadvantages?
why some people like working in *all company?
Why some business should be opened for 24 hours during day and night?
Why do you think some people like working at night?
1.Do you like animal?
2.What kind of animals you like best?
3.What do you think human taking care of animals?
4.Has the pets breeding brought some influence to human?Talk about what?
5.What do you think people reducing eating meat nowadays?
Do people like warm places to live?
How to protect water resource?
Are you good at any kind of music?
Do you think it is good for children to listen to music?
What kinds of music remind you of your childhood?
How do you feel about children learining to play musical instruments?
Do you think it is important for schools to have music classes for children? In China, where does the average person in society go to listen of music?
Do you think people should pay when they download music from the Internet?
Do people in China like the police?
Why do you think different countries sometimes have quite different legal systems?
What would society be like if there were no laws? In the future, do you think all countries might have the same laws?
Do you think international law is useful/effective?
will you go to the tourist attraction again?
what makes a tourist attraction popular?
do you think touri* is important and why?
what kind of tourist attraction is most popular?
do you think it is important to preserve tourist attractions?
what the different of ways to preserve the tourist attractions now and before?
Would attracting TV tourist programmes decrease people's desires to go to travelling?
雅思考试回忆:2021年5月12日雅思考试口语真题回忆 -...
1. 5月12号 澳大利亚布里斯滑粗班 昆士兰大学考点:
Part1: house or flat, you favirout room. family中的relatives,你小时候最常和谁在一起,对你最重要的家人,让你感觉到一个家庭的快乐的人是谁。
Part 2: a group activity that you do……
Part3:就是关于一堆group 的活动和工作,方式什么的…
2. 悉尼,口语p2,银正kind to others 大概就这个
3. 武汉,room25,
house and apartment,weather,cloth+subject at school ,男的,人还挺nice的,总分6.5,均分过6
4. 南京。R317。你想去的国家。为什么。你知道他的一些什么。你要考虑什么。为什么那么多移民。移民要考虑的点。考官长得象越狱mike的狱友。语速偏快。不是很幽默。我一直balabala直到他不让我说
5. 刚蹲到:Kind的人,natural beauty 和艺术品。一会儿该我了,攒个人品。
6. 苏州 part1童年玩具 车
part2 一件你有了足够的钱想*的东西
part3 围绕有钱人和幸福感提问
7. 首师大 第五教室 美女啊有木有!!!
第三部分问了人们出去度假都怎样选择地点 时间长短 出国的话怎样选择之类的~
8. 12er 厦门的 P1:hometown+falt+说你更喜欢邀请别人来你家还是被邀请去别人家
9. 杭州203,很温柔的一个考官,
PART2:TV program;
10. Hobart, Ta*ania: Speaking: your favorite weather, why you love it, what do you do in that weather.
11. 北京口语。P1 house&appartment,cloth&fashion reading&book
P2 想去的国外的地方
P3 围绕holiday blah blah blah
12. 北京考试中心,一个老爷爷,
13. 北京考试中心。Room14。
part1:you hometown
Part2:an open air you visited
Part3:you pefer like city or countryside.
14. 旧家庭照片,长沙,rm09,
15. 我在北京考试中心蹲题 出现较多的是 job want visit city angry thing 还有 work place photo film wedding之类 旧题都是
16. 看到第二部分有讲最有意思的照片。在国外*的东西的
17. 刚考完口语 西悉尼大学考点
part2topic 我的是 something you learned from another culture.
Part3: how can other cultures help you understand your own culture?how can people from other cultures affect your personal identity?
18. 我的朋友 topic 2: 小时候想做的工作。
P3:which jobs less attractive to young people?importance of satisfaction or salary?which job popular in your country?
19. 一块的一个苦逼part2 考的是关于现代房屋建造什么的,应该是新题吧
20. 就是现代房屋建造,用的材料,然后后面就都是关于房屋建造的题,是新西兰的5.12的口语考试,我part2是想去旅游的地方,你可以在那儿做什么,为什么想去那旅游
21. 口语topic:幸福婚姻。他们是谁。结婚多长时间了。他们在一起是怎样生活的和为什么你觉得他们幸福。扩展:中国人的婚礼是怎样的。为什么花费那么多钱结婚。夫妻生活如何分工。 vip2的考官是可爱的光头中年男人,光头果然是王道!就想到那么多了,涛涛的topic内容是:礼貌。详情不详
22. 北京考试中心。part 1 major; dance。
part 2 describe an animal 。
part 3 why people raise pets; waht kind of pets are most popular; people dress their pets do you think it's a good idea. 听力据说两旧两新。
23. 杭州口语 226 P1 GARDEN VISITOR P2P3 MEAL 烤鸭加油
24. 下午口语 抽到的题目是natural beauty
25. 口语第二部分是interesting shop 然后还问了我网上购物有没有失败过
5月19还有一场 我没有很大的目标 5分就够 不过现在很失落求安慰
26. a *all business 长沙 考场10 朋友的是:家具
27. 杭州 rm216 白人中年男 part1 apartment/house flower 想去的地方
part2something makes u laugh part3年轻人和老年人看comedies的差别什么的 砸了砸了
以上就是雅思无忧网为您准备的雅思口语考试真题回忆 雅思考试回忆:2021年5月12日雅思考试口语真题回忆 -...全部内容。访问雅思无忧网(https://www.yasi.cn/),了解更多雅思考试新消息,新动态。