雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思口语事件类真题 7.25海南海口雅思口语,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
PART1 考官会向考生提出基本问题,从这时并悔候开始,考官已经在观察并测试你的语言能力了。PART2 时一绝销正定要针对题卡给出的斗脊问题进行两分钟的发言,中途不可以有长时间的停顿。在题卡的几个问题中,选择最熟悉的问题。
Describe a positive experience you had before
You should say:
What it was
When it happened
Where it occurred
And explain why you like it
细心的“烤鸭”不难发现,此题作为 “事件类” 话题,在以往的众多老话题中都能找到它的影子。比如,去年第二部分的高频话题 “describe something that you did with a group of people”(描述你和一些人一起做的一件事)和 “describe a project or homework you did”(描雀皮扰述你做的一个项目或作业),都完全可以作为描述这所谓的“积极的经历”的雅思口语选材。
One of the most positive experiences that I have ever had in my life was that I was rewarded with a Nokia 0323 cell phone by my father, since I had done well in the high school entrance exam years ago.
Clearly, I remember that before the exam came, I had been working extremely hard on it days and nights for at least 3 months, as I was eager to enter my favorite high school in Shanghai. What is sure is that during that period of time, I was making every effort to realizing my very first dream. I stayed up late until 2 o’clock in the early morning on a daily basis.
Eventually, when the results came out, I was so excited that I was admitted to my dream high school in the upcoming semester.
Even my whole family and friends were over the moon for me. More excitingly, my dad bought me a cell phone, Nokia 0323, the next day as an award. He told me that he was so proud of me and I deserved it. It was the first time that I received a present from my dad.
Now, the phone is still lying in the drawer next to my bed, although it is completely out of date, which keeps reminding me of a positive experience I had before.
PART 1 除了固定问题(固定问题请看十天口语),在7月可闭裤能还出现的题目:
Do you prefer to study alone or to study with other students?(p54)/ Do you prefer team work or working alone? (Team work is efficient and can really be more effective. But when I work alone it seems like I am more focused on the work. So I guess it really depends on what kind of work it is and what kind of people I work with :D)
☆ Do you prefer to type things or to write things on paper? (Well, most of the time I just type things, that’s for sure. Coz it’s much faster and I can save what I type and edit it later on. And most importantly, I can just cut and paste everything…)
Do you live in a house or an apartment/flat? Which room do you like best?(p67) Is there anything hanging on the wall? (p67)
☆ What’s your favorite time of a day? ( Well, I feel great in the morning coz after a good night’s sleep I feel refreshed and invigorated and definitely do things better.)
☆Do you like fruit / vegetables? ( Sure, I just can’t get enough of them. They taste great and they’re wholesome and nutritious. But stuff like oranges and peaches tend to be reeeeeeeeeally pricey now.)
☆What kinds of tools or instruments you use at school? (things like PCs, test tubes, projectors and digital recorders…)
☆ Do you often go out with your friends? (p69,71&77)
☆Do you think holidays are important to our lives? ( You bet! Holidays are when we can get away from our daily grind and have some “time out”, you know, when we can check out fun spots, hang out with friends and play sports without having to worry about getting our work done. Holidays are just so cool…)
☆ Do you prefer to have meals at home or eat out? (p73 restaurants)
☆ Who does the cooking in your family?
☆ Do you think all family members should learn how to cook? (I guess so. Otherwise when parents are away the kids can only rely on junk food like burgers or French fries. Cooking abilities give them more self-sufficiency…)
☆Do you often have visitors to your home? (Yup. Coz you know I’m a sociable person and really enjoy hanging out with people. Friends of mine tend to stop by my place on weekends and we just chat, kick back and relax… or sometimes we cook a light meal together and it’s so fun…)
☆ Are there any sports facilities on your campus? (There are tons of them. Like stadiums, gyms, soccer fields, tennis courts and swimming pools.)
What kinds of facilities are there in your community? (We’ve got a wide variety of facilities, like parking lots ,you know, places where you park your car, gyms, clinics, gardens, kids’ playgrounds, convenience stores…)
What do you do on the Internet?(p60)
☆ What’re your favorite kinds of music?/Do you think children should learn how to play musical instruments? Why do we play music on festivals (p63-p64 & p75)
Which country do you plan to go to? (p175-p176)
☆ Do you like shopping? Do you prefer big stores or *all ones?(p70,p104&p226)
What’re your favorite kinds of food? (p72-p73)
Do you like traveling?(p72)
☆ Are there many bikes in your hometown?(p69)
Do you like biking?(ditto“同上”)
☆Do you have a driver’s license? ( Yup, I got one quite a whole ago coz these days a driver’s license is really essential for getting a job. / Nope, coz the traffic in my city is so heavy and messy. I’m afraid of driving.)
☆ Do you think biking is safe? ( Basically, it is because most Chinese are pretty skilled bikers, you know. But… these days there’re more cars in cities so yes sometimes biking can be risky, especially at night...)
☆ Do you often go to museums? (见Day 2的topics里面buildings那个部分)
☆What’re your favorite sports? / What do you do to improve your fitness? ( p68-p69)
What kinds of gifts do you give your friends?(p75)
☆How do you get news? (p60下方-p61)
Who do you send emails to? (ditto)
☆ What're your favorite kinds of fruit and vegetables? ( maybe...stuff like oranges and tomatoes, coz they're juicy and nutritious and ...they look good, ... mouthwatering!)
Do you prefer emails or letters? (ditto)
Do you like visiting art galleries? (p222)
Do you like parties / partying? (p76)
☆ Do you like advertisements? ( Day 7: favorite ad)
Do you think gardens and parks are important to a city? / Do Chinese have your own gardens? / Do you prefer to have flowers or vegetables in gardens? (p74)
Where and how did you celebrate your last birthday? (p75-p76)
☆ How should children improve their handwriting? (p60 They can imitate nice examples of handwriting before developing their own style. And of course they should practice more and try not to type everything...)
PART 2 7月可能出现的题目
Describe a place that has been polluted./ an environmental problem (p145)
Describe your favorite season.(p6)
Describe your favorite animal.(p148-p150)
Describe a tourist spot.(natural or man-made scenic spots) ( p141-p147)
Describe a library.(p114)
Describe a historical place in your hometown.(p107-p109)
Describe a long journey.(p111-p114)
(第三部分可能问到:What are the differences between traveling alone and traveling with others?)
Describe a good way to improve your health.(p177)
What should schools do to help children improve their health? P.E. class, gyms, less homework, more leisure time…
Do you think ads play important roles in improving public health? Not really coz there’s soooooooo much fast-food advertising in the media these days…)
☆Describe a place that has a lot of water. ( Day 4 swimming pool / Day 6 lake )
☆Describe a picnic or a meal in a park. (综合Day 6 park 和 中场休息3 a special meal)
☆Describe a trip that was not as good as you planned. (p145 的 a place that has been polluted.说这个很合适)
Describe a store you like.(p226)
☆ Describe a concert hall. ( p227)
Describe a flat / house / home.(p220 & p106)
Describe your favorite place in your city.(p102-p104)
Describe a museum or an art gallery.(p222)
☆Describe an old man. (Day 5的“双语感悟”老人与小孩)
Describe an organization.(p90 & p121-p125)
☆Describe a workplace. ( 最简单的是说在某个organization 的part-time job或者您在上面一类话题已经准备好的某个store)
Describe a friend.(p90 & p133-p137) (第三部分可能问到:Who are more important to you, family members or friends?)
☆Describe a job you wish to do in. (p133)
Describe a family member who you spend the most time with.(p90 & p133)
(第三部分可能问到:Who plays more important roles in raising children, the father or the mother? How many generations live together in a typical family in China?)
Describe a good teacher.(p90&p133)
Describe a famous person.( p90 & p125-p133)
☆Describe a person you admire (ditto)
Describe a person you helped before.(p90&p135)
☆ Describe your favorite leisure activity. ( p177 )
☆ Describe something you do to improve your health.(ditto)
☆Describe an ad that helped you buy something.(p170)
Describe your favorite song/piece of music.(p169)
(第三部分可能问到:Why do stores play background music?)
☆ Describe your favorite movie. (p167-p169)
Describe a song you heard when you were a child.(有个很逗的网站是专门讲这个
Describe a piece of interesting news.(p162)
(第三部分可能问到:Are writing skills important to journalists? How do the journalists influence the public views?)
Describe an interesting TV program.(p165)
(第三部分可能问到:Do you think TV programs play educational roles?)
☆Describe a habit. (watching that TV program)
Describe a game you played when you were a child ( but not a sport).(p164)
☆ Describe an activity in your childhood.(ditto)
(第三部分可能问到:What are the differences between the games now and the games in the past?)
Describe a creative activity you did when you were a child.(p164下方)
☆Describe an interesting story.(p172)
Describe a book.(p129 & p175)
Describe a performance.(p205)
☆Describe a party you prepared for others. (Day 9 wedding后面的附加话题)
Describe a photo.(p191)
Describe a change.(p211)
☆Describe a piece of good news you heard on the phone.(p207 / p203)
Describe something you did when you studied a foreign language.(p203第2个题)
(第三部分可能问到:What are the advantages of learning a foreign language? p217
What are the difficulties you met in learning a foreign language? ditto)
Describe a success. (p177话题10,p205上方第一题)
Describe an interesting speech.(p203)
(这题最大的误区就是以为单词speech非要是Obama那一级的人做的演讲。如果Obama的演讲大家都背那就是等着拿低分。为什么不说个轻松的speech呢?比如一次课堂演讲。第三部分可能问到:Why is public speaking difficult for children? Why are people nervous when they give a public speech?)
Describe an important letter you wrote to another person. (这个可以共享上文或者下文的任何一个事件的描述)
Describe a skill you wish to learn.(p177-p178)
Describe an important stage in life. (p218)
☆ Describe some advice your received before.(有很多可能性,不过最容易准备的应该是决定出国的过程中你的父母和朋友给你的建议,参考“中场休息3”十大弱智话题的第3题)
☆ Describe a conversation. (同上)
Describe a letter you received.(p203-p209)
Describe a sports event.(p202)
☆Describe a great achievement your country has made. (同上)
☆Describe a course you hope to take if you have time.(p175)
Describe a lecture.(p175&205)
☆ Describe a piece of furniture. (第三次中场休息中的“十大弱智话题”第八个)
☆ Describe a toy.(p193-p194)
☆Describe your favorite clothes for special occasions.(p195)
(第三部分可能问到:Why do employees wear uniforms in some companies? )
Describe something that you want to buy in the future.(p185-p190)
Describe something that helps you learn English.(这个有很多人会说MP3,但是如果你说iPhone可以帮你学英语就肯定没有人跟你一样,Day 8)
Describe a gift you gave another person.(p188-p190)
Describe a painting. ( Day 7 倒数第二页的“双语感悟”)/
Describe a sculpture. (p223)
Describe a traffic jam.(p217第1题)
What do you think of children driving? Well, it would be reaaaaaaaally risky for average kids to drive alone. Maybe it's fun if their parents are with them.But anyway, the risk is soooooo real...What are the causes of traffic jams?
Will traffic jams be even more important in the future?)
Describe a good law.(p219)
Describe a person who’s good at cooking.(p228)
(第三部分可能问到:Do you think it’s important for kids to learn cooking skills? Yup. They will be more independent if they do. And it would definitely be more economical than going to restaurants if they could cook meals for themselves... Do you like home-cooked food? )
Describe an educational visit.(p223)
Describe an important decision that you made.(p218)
(第三部分可能问到:Why do people have goals?)
跪求2021年最近雅思口语part2 各个话题的原创具体参...
1.Part 1 Lauguage
How many languages can you speak?
Do you think it's important to know more than one languag?
What is the most difficult part about studying a foreign language?
How long have you been learning English?
Would you say it'悄枯s a difficult language to learn?
What do you think is the fastest way to learn a language?
2.Part 2 Describe an interesting culture of another country
3.Books Part 1 What kinds of books do you like to read? Are you reading any books at the moment?
Part2 Describe a book you like to reread.
You should say:
what book it was
what the book was about
why you read it
what you learned from this book
and explain why you would like to read it again.
4.Part 2 Describe a subject that you studied that you thought was interesting.
You should say:
what the subject was
what your teacher was like
how long you studied this subject
and explain why you thought it was interesting.
Part 3
1.what is the most popular subject in high school in China? why
2.Do Chinese high school students decide to go to the universities themselves?
3.Are some technology used in high school classes? advantages and disadvantages.
1.Personal Present Situation
Part 1/3 Are you a student or do you have a job?
a)study What kind of school do you attend? What do you like most about your studies? What is your major? Is that a very popular subject to study in your country?Is your subject very challenging (or difficult) to study? What do you do when you have a difficulty with your studies? Why did you choose ...as your major? What'洞睁s more important when studying - the student or teacher?
Part 2 Describe a positive change that you have made to your life.
You should say:
what the change was
when it happened
where it happened
and explain how you have benefited from this change
2.Personal Present Situation
b)working What kind of job would you prefer after graduation?
What are your job prospects?
What do you do for a living?
How do you feel at first day of your work?Is first impression important at workplace?
Part 2 Describe a job that you know about that makes the world a better place.
You should say:
what job this is
how you know about this job
what types of people do this job (or, can do this job)
and explain why you think this job makes the world a better place.
Part 2 Describe a job you like to try/an ideal job
Part 3 Do you know others who also do this job?
What should school teach to help students find jobs?
In your opinion, what kind of employees do employers hope?
Do you think it is easy or difficult to find jobs?
What is the difficulty in finding jobs?
What should employees have to find jobs?
Do you think high salary is important?
What about the Chinese working condition?
3.Describe a person who taught you some useful skill
who he was ?What skill he or she taught you? 3.How did he or she teach you?Why do you think this skill is useful?
Describe a (useful) skill you recently learned (for example, driving a car or cooking).
You should say:
what the skill is/was where you learned it
how you learned it and explain how you think this skill will be useful in the future.
4.Part 2 Describe a person who did something kind to you
Part2 Describe a person who you helped
Who you helped? Why you wanted to help him ?How did you help him?What was his reaction and feelings towards you?
Part 1 Do you like traveling? How do you usually travel? Where have you traveled to lately? What kind of places do you like to visit?
part2 Describe another country You would love to visit
Which country would you like to visit?why do you want to visit this country?What attracts you most in this country?
Part 2 Describe an interesting place you would like to visit
Where is this place
What is it like
Why you like to visit
And how interesting it is
Part 2 Describe a travel/journey you like to go to with your friend / Part 2 Describe a journey/ long travel you made
who you would like to travel with
where you would go
how you would go there
and explain why you would like to make this trip.
or explain why you would choose to travel with this person.
6.Part 2 Describe a good student you studied with/you know
Part 3 What are the gualities of a good student?
7.Part 2 Describe a helpful website you visited
Part 2 Describe an occasion others congratulate you
part3 How do people in China congratulate each other?
part2 Describe an experice you receive money as gift(eg money given by parents)
who gave you the money?Why did he/she give the money? How did you spend the money?
part3 What are the different attitudes towards money between *s and chidren? Are happiness related to money?why?
1.Part 2 Describe a leader who you admire (for example, in sport, business or politics)
You should say:
who this person is ?
How he or she became a leader?
what this person did (has done) that you admire?
part3 What are the abilities of a good leader?
2.Part 2 Describe a shop that you know.
You should say:
where it is? what it sells?what it looks like?
and explain what you like or dislike about this shop
3.Part 2 Describe an outdoor activity
What activity is that?
Where do you do it?
How often do you do it?
Why do you like this activity?
4.Part 2 Descrribe the oldest person you know
Who he or she is?
How you got to know him or her?
What is/are his /her/their present situation?
What is your feelings towards him/her/them?
Describe an old person
Part 3 How often do you invite the old person?
what's the role of old person in the family?
how children treat with old person?
Describe an old person who you like to talk to.
You should say:
who this person is
how you know them what you usually talk about
and explain why you like to talk to him or her.
5.Part 2 Describe a historical building/an interesting old(traditioanl) building in your country?
Where is it located?
What is it used for?
Explain why you think it is the most interesting?
Part 3 What are people's attitudes to old building today and that of our later generation? Should we protect them? Why?
What role do you think the old and modern buildings play in the society?
Should old buildings be di*antled/removed?
雅思口语考试的高频话题分类:pressure, study, hobby, people, place, work, family, special skill 以及 shopping 这九大话题分类。
雅思口语第一部分高频话题,经常围绕考生的 Personal Information 展开,经常针对这一类考题所涉及到的话题,最常见的围绕于 music, reading, TV, film, sport, Inter 等;
雅思口语第二部分大体归纳为念简衣食住行四大类;雅思口语第三部分高频话题是围绕第二部分的 ic 提出的一系列延展类话题,所以重点还是以第二部分为基准,大体归类第二部分考题有五大类:人物类,地点类,事件类,物品类以及高科技类。
1. Do you like to eat fruit(s) and vegetables?
2. What kind of fruit do you like?
3. What’s your favorite fruit?
4. Do you think people should eat more fruits and vegetables?
5. What are the benefits for children from eating fruits and vegetables?
6. How much fruit and vegetables do you think a person needs to stay healthy?
Apricot 杏――常被加工成 (processed into)果脯 (dried fruit)
Avocado 牛油果――并不是国内常吃的水果,但在西方的饮食文化中常常出现:比如带有牛油果的色拉,或者牛油果冰沙 ( *** oothies),有时也可作为装饰菜 (garnish)
Blueberry 蓝莓――甜,有营养,而且广受欢迎 (sweet, nutritious and widely popular);富含著名的花青素,常吃可起到抗氧化的作用 (a good source of anthocyanin and have the highest antioxidant capacity)
Coconut 椰子――夏天还可以吃到美味的椰子冻 (coconut jelly)
Date 枣――维C含量最高(a good source of Vitamin C)
Mangosteen 山竹――果实的形状比较段高衡特殊,像梨子的形状。新鲜的果实是雪白色,味甜而多汁,而且香味扑鼻 (the fruit is unique pear-shaped, snow-white, sweet and juicy; the flavour is tangy and fragrant)
Pomegranate 石榴――外皮儿是微红色的,厚,不可食用;可食用的是里面的籽儿,而握做且籽儿长得也比较特殊,是那种像水包起来的果肉 (The reddish skin is thick and inedible, but there are hundreds of edible (可食用的) seeds inside; Each seed has a surrounding water-laden pulp)
Why do we eat MORE fruits?
从小,爸爸妈妈没少说:多吃蔬菜水果--有益健康。水果们酸酸甜甜的口感(sweet and sour)不仅能满足你的味蕾 (satisfy your taste buds),也藏着身体最需要的各种能量。
-- 好吃多汁scrumptious and suulent
-- 增强免疫力,医生医生远离我boosts your immune system and keeps your disease free
The health benefits of fruits guarantee you optimum health and a well-built body in the long run. The bination of powerful minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, flavonoids and the countless nutrients make fruits very advantageous for your health. The daily consumption of fresh fruits lowers the risk of strokes/ high blood pressure/ indigestion/ cancer/ heart disease/ diabetes/ and other chronic diseases.
If you've ever *** elled a durian even once, you probably remember it.
Regarded by many people in Southeast Asia as the notorious "king of fruits", the durian is distinctive for its large size, strong odour, and formidable thorn-covered husk.
The fruit's flesh is sometimes eaten raw, or is cooked and used to flavour a number of dishes and candies.
Some people regard the durian as having a pleasantly sweet fragrance; others find the aroma overpowering with an unpleasant odour.It *** ells like shit and tastes like farts...and gym socks. The *** ells evokes reactions from deep appreciation to intense disgust.
For whatever reason, people continue to be drawn to durian.
To durian lovers, the taste is mildly sweet, almondy and very creamy, not unlike a rich cheesecake. It has a whiff of alcohol about it, which explains why eating it gives you this hot feeling inside--like you've downed a shot of vodka.
You either hate it, or you love it. Intensely.
雅思口语话题 我喜欢的公园
喔 还有一件事,几天前帮我指导的ABC夫下线上的教师说过 其实想征服英语应该是不费力地~一定具有符合的学习情境和进修口语物件 老师水平是关键,口语纯正很重要 保持每天口语练习,1v1家教式教学才能够有非常.好.的进步效率!完成课堂后同样要回放复习课堂音讯 把所学知识融会贯通~如果真的无物件可练习的情况,就到旺旺或沪江获取课余教材练习,多说、多练、多问、多听、多读 短时间口语能力就提升起来,学习成长是必定最佳的..不算跑题,但是...看你的语法和当时的状态,说的好的话分都有可能,不好的话,给你一个面子分吧,分,看你基础怎么样啊
还有一些尽量不要用的词汇,像Ithink(用其他的代替,像as far as I concerned, from my view of point, I believe/argue/deem/reckon, to my mind, as I see it, in my eyes).
雅思口语jewellery和favourite wild anamial 写什么啊?
As for the ic of jewellery, what you should say are: first- you can say you have a lot of jewelleries, and say that your favorite one is ....., and what are the reasons. you can say the jewellery is your parents' gift for your 18th birthday. you can also say the jewellery cantained a very moving story beeen your best friend and you .
the second ic is much more easier. you need to describle a wild animal. but you shoule pay attention to "the wild animal" and choose a right one . after describing it , you shoule say why it is your favorite wild animal. you can say that we need to set up a harmonous society in which human and animals can live peacefully together and so on !
My favourite book is My Life Story, which was created by an American writer, Helen Keller in 1902. She was blind, deaf, and dumb. This book describes her own experience and her hard struggle to bee a well-known writer and educator of the world. It shows us a universal truth that "Where there's a will, there's a way."
雅思口语话题an anization
pany’s culture serves multiple functions within an anization. Organizational culture refers to a system of shared meanings held by members that distinguishes the anization from others . Furthermore, it is a mechani *** by which an anization and its members learn to manage both external challenges and achieve internal integration . Strong cultures are characterized by core values that are both intensely held and widely shared. There appear to be three core traits mon to strong effective cultures. First, there is clarity of vision, mission, and values among employees throughout the enterprise. This allows workers the opportunity to understand what drives the anization’s strategy. Second, employees at all levels understand their individual and inter-dependent roles in attaining the corporate vision. Employees in different departments and business units work together to plete tasks and to advance both growth and process improvement objectives. This mon understanding will further the corporate vision. Finally, there must be a strong alignment beeen employee attitudes and strategic goals and objectives. When people believe that their personal, professional, and/or lifestyle objectives are advanced by their current oupation, they are more likely to have positive attitudes toward the workplace. This in turn, encourages both loyalty and productivity . However, when the anization’s values and norms no longer agree with those that will further the anization’s effectiveness; a strong corporate culture can bee a liability . Such was the case for Disney when the anization opened a theme park in Marne-la-Vallee, France, a town located 20 miles outside of Paris. The pany’s long-standing culture and practices proved too rigid for deeply rooted French preferences.
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