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雅思口语part3真题户外运动 雅思口语part3体育运动如何促进团队合作?

更新:2023年09月20日 04:00 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思口语part3真题户外运动 雅思口语part3体育运动如何促进团队合作?,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思口语part3真题户外运动 雅思口语part3体育运动如何促进团队合作?

part2被打断且有明显停顿下,雅思口语part3 问了很多...


Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger

You should say

Who this person was

What the conversation was about

Why you had this conversation

And how you felt about itYou should say:

Who this person is

What kind of job this person does

How you knew him or her

And explain why this person is good at his or her job.

Describe someone you would like to study or work with You should say:

Who this person is

How long you have known this person

What you have done together

And explain why you would like to work/ study with this personDescribe a time you borrowed something from others.

You should say:

What the situation was

What you borrowed

Whom you borrowed it from

And explain why you borrowed it.Describe a gift that took you a lot of time to prepare

You should say:

What it was

Who you gave it to

How you prepared it

And explain why you spent a lot of time preparing it

Describe something lost by others but found by you.

You should say:

When it happened;

What you picked up;

How you did with the lost thing;

And how did you feel about it.Describe a time you felt tired but had to keep awake

You should say

Why you felt tired

Why you had to keep awake

What you had to do to keep awake

and explain how you felt about the experienceDescribe a school you went to in your childhood

Where it was

What it was like

What you learned there

And how you felt about it






雅思口语第三部分往往是对于第二部分的一个拓展衍生,这部分的问题比较的深入,有时候是需要考生有一个批判性的思考方式。所以环球青藤老师就来谈谈如何应对雅思口语Part3的利弊分析。出题方式:判宏巧What are the advantages and disadvantages of ….?解题思路:利弊分析,即要求考生讨论advantages & disadvantages,建议考生从不同角度不同方面去考虑这个问题。比如从个人和社会角度,从科教文卫体五大角度等等。总之,在回答的时候,可以适当地对于分析对象进行分类,然后阐述观点。考生的回答思路大致如下:首先先明确地指出优缺点,建议用一句话概述即可。然后给出具体的理由或者例子进行解释说明。随后进行总结,究竟是利大于弊还是弊大于利或者视情况而定。常用表达:One of the main advantages of….A key advantages of….A really good thing about….Another advantage of….Another good thing about…范例:What are the advantages and disadvantages of working outdoors?I think it really depends on what kind of job you have outdoors. In general, most outdoor jobs are quite physical, so I think that they can help people keep fit and healthy as well as being outside in the open air. On the other hand, it can be awful to work outside because you may have to work in terrible weather, like rain, snow and extreme cold.分析:这道题目掘键是问户外工作的优缺点。考生的回答很客观,这要视工作性质而定。大多数的情况下,户外工作是需要体力劳动的,这有助于人们计划持健康,但是有时候在恶劣环境下工作是非绝陪常可怕的,比如暴雨暴雪或者是很冷的天气。考生将优缺点描述的很清楚,结构与思路也十分清晰,是值得学习的。练习:接下来的几道题目,学生可以自己利用上述方法进行练习,体会其中的解题技巧和步骤。What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping pets?What are the advantages and disadvantages of public transportation?What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a big family?

雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示。

今天,环球青藤朱滚睁国伟老师和大家分享一篇关于雅思口语Part 3的答题技大毕岁巧演示文章,值得大家阅读学习。更多精彩好文章,尽在环球青藤!雅思口语Part 3问题1:What are some reasons why people eat out ?雅思口语数唤Part 3的答题技巧演示1:It’s a tradition that we intend to treat our friends and family on some special occasions , especially on birthday , and some important days . a fancy restaurant can provide us decent dining environment , delicious cuisines and thoughtful service . by the way , these days , office workers are getting busier , they have no time to prepare home cooked food , eating outside is the only remaining option .雅思口语Part 3问题2:Do you prefer to eat at a restaurant or eat at home ?雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示2:I prefer to eat at home . my mother is good at cooking , she usually prepares a table of delicious dishes at home . by the way , my country has a notorious reputation of food security . so eating at home is much safer.雅思口语Part 3问题3 What are the differences between eating at home and eating at restaurants ?雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示3: Eating at restaurants , you may enjoying a decent dining environment , cuisines with different taste and flavor , and thoughtful service . compared to eating at restaurant , dishes prepared at home are simple but balanced and nutritious .雅思口语Part 3问题4In my opinion what is healthy food ?雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示4: A healthy meal should be balanced and nutritious . in each meal , we need to intake various vegetables , different kinds of fruits and many types of proteins . by such way , we may maintain a good physical health .雅思口语Part 3问题5What are some examples of unhealthy food ?雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示5:In my opinion , there are many types of unhealthy food , like western style fast food , desserts with high calories , and food sold at street vendors . food like French fries , hamburgers are very harmful to our health .以上即是本次环球青藤口语老师朱国伟的关于雅思口语Part 3的答题技巧演示文章分享。逻辑能力强,精通口语词汇。对于欧美的文化很了解。多年的教学经验帮助了不少雅思考生顺利进入理想学府,桃李满园。相信他的这篇文章必定能给与烤鸭们不少帮助和启发。如果对于我们雅思课程想了解更多的话,欢迎与环球青藤课程顾问做进一步的咨询与了解,这里有不同的单项课程以及全项课程,适合不同要求的你!后,环球托福预祝各位雅思考试取得!早日圆满出国留学梦!

雅思口语part 3怎么准备啊

在Part 3,考官最关心的是,你有没有抓余核住机会展示你能亮握驾驭的高级词汇,语法以及连贯上下文的能力。除了基本的时态与句型结构要正确,在Part 3了解常见问题类型,是拿下语法分的主要方法。考生们应该在考前把part3中的所有典型问题类型以及所需要的句型时态以及用词归类整理,最好做到脱口而出,以不变应万变,是一举多得的好办法。语言是否连贯是part3能否顺利过敬毁庆关的关键,因为当你讨论一些比较有深度的抽象问题或学术问题时,适当的逻辑连接可以直接决定考官能否跟上你的思路,理解你的意思。 http://cs.xhd.cn/ielts/ieltsxx/

以上就是雅思无忧网为您准备的雅思口语part3真题户外运动 雅思口语part3体育运动如何促进团队合作?全部内容。访问雅思无忧网(https://www.yasi.cn/),了解更多雅思考试新消息,新动态。

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