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4月雅思口语part1话题库 雅思考试的口语变题期大概是什么时候?每年的几月变...

更新:2023年09月11日 21:07 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了4月雅思口语part1话题库 雅思考试的口语变题期大概是什么时候?每年的几月变...,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
4月雅思口语part1话题库 雅思考试的口语变题期大概是什么时候?每年的几月变...

雅思口语part 1科学相关话题范文及解析


1. Do you like science?

It’s ok I suppose, but I’m not particularly interested in it, I have to admit! You know, it’s not something I’ve ever got really excited about! Having said that though, science is such a broad subject, so although I’m not really that interested in most of it, there are some areas of it that I think are pretty cool, such as astronomy for example, like how the universe came into being.


2. Are there many science museums in your hometown?

No, not really. I mean, off hand, there’s only one I can think of, which is the, umm… ah what’s it called?! Oh yeah, the Science & Technology Museum, that’s the one. There may be others, but none that I’m aware of!


3. Did you like science classes when you were young?

Let me have a think. Um… no. Most of the science classes I had, I didn’t really enjoy at all, cos I was never any good at science, and if I’m gonna be totally honest with you, most of the classes were just pretty boring, which is a bit of a pity really! You know, I think I could have actually really enjoyed science if it was taught in a more fun way. So yeah, I guess I was just unlucky with my teachers!


4. How did you learn science at school?

Well, we mainly just went through the text book and took notes, so it was pretty similar to other subjects. Though saying that, we occasionally did some experiments, which were quite fun, but unfortunately those classes were pretty few and far between.


5. Do you think children should have both art classes and science classes?

Yeah, I’d say it is a good thing to have both, because I think it helps children discover where their interests lie. You know, if for example, they didn’t have art classes, then they would probably never know if they had a gift for it or not. So I think being exposed to as many things as possible at an early age really helps children develop their talents and interests.


6. Do you think science is important to our society?

Yeah, I’d say it’s extremely important, cos I mean, science helps our society to um…how can I put it?....uh… I guess what I’m kind of trying to say is that it helps us to continue improving our standard of living. You know, without science, technology wouldn’t be able to progress, and in terms of combating diseases, we wouldn’t be able to come up with vaccines and cures if it wasn’t for science. So yeah, it’s incredibly important to us.



Having said that though– 不过话又说回来

I guess what I’m kind of trying to say is that – 我想说的大概就是…

Combating disease- 和疾病作斗争

Vaccine - 疫苗

discover where their interests lie = find out where their interests are

gift= talent

Though saying that - 不过话又说会阿里

few and far between - 稀少

a bit of a pity – 有点可惜

off hand– 无准备地说 (you can say this when you make a statement without having had much time to think)

that’s the one– 就那个!



正常人哪有跟机关枪是的不停的得得得得说个没完的啊~ 就算你背诵~ 是不是还得换口气呢?试就完全没有按照那个被很多人奉为绝对经典的法则~ 就是按照自己的思维走,还是可以拿个不太差的分数!但是这不是说,你就愣愣的呆在亩盯哪里,你要有一个基本的交流,可以是嘴里说点缓和话,比如什么you know~ I mean之类的,但是我主推和考官眼神交流,证明给他看,你是在当场思考这个问题~ 具体怎么眼神就只能意会不能言传了~ 大家自己揣摩~
3.背诵 topic!(最反对的)
关于topic这个东西,很多人不会用它~ 只是机械的去背~ 单纯的记忆~ 这个是大错特错的扒耐芹!雅思(微博)口语不是考你背诵,而是你运用语言跟人交流的能力~这也不是就不准备topic~ 具体怎么做看后文。
这个也是咱们中国学生一个很大的误区,你把他看的跟爹似的~ 啥都迎合着他说~ 一点自己的东西都没有~ 是很吃不开的~ (这个不与第2点矛盾~ 同一个观点,同一个话题,每个人的说法都是不一样的~ )这是要考虑到外国的文化问题~ 许多欧美国家,把独立的思考和生活奉为最重要的人生原则,而最受不了巴结奉承 顺着说话~~所以:你只要坦坦然然的和他聊~ just a interview ~ 就没问题啊!!
1.1找外国人说!不是为了练口语,而是为了练 不胆怯!没错!
1.3跟自己说!这个是最连口语的!因为你了解自己,知道自己确切想说的意思~而且有自己的思维模式~ 所以跟自己说英语吧!~ 自己边说边自己听~ 把不地道的地方随时记下来,然后找个时间去查明白。
2.1 至少准备一事 一物 一人 的话题~ (如何准备话题!)
其实话题远没有大家说的那么杂~ 你只要能扎扎实实的准备好几个话题~ 就是那种怎么问都能转到上面来,且有合情合理的~ 就行了~ 用数学的方法就是抽象模型!比如,尊敬的人,老人,亲人,讨厌的人,即使是相反的定语修饰,也可以用一个人,简单的很~ 只要 加上否定形容词的前缀~ 或者用not!!!
2.2 每天要活动脸部肌肉~
像疯狂英语说的! 得练英语肌肉~ 别忘了语音是一大部分的分值呢!
2.3 找“口语陪练”
可根据长期准备的标准要求~ 即使是自己~也没问题的~只要你说!
2.4 锻炼你的自信~
这个也很重要~ 会有0.5的印象分吧~ 大大方方的~你就赢了一春毕半!
更多雅思学习技巧请关注: www.xhd.cn




1. Tell me something about your work?

2. Tell me about your studies?


3. Tell me about the city you come from.

4. What do you think about the lifestyle in the city?


5. Do you like cooking?

6. When do you usually cook?


7. Do you like to read book?

8. How much time do you spend in reading book?

9. When you were young, what kind of book did you like to read?

10. What kind of book do you like best?

11. What do you usually read? Why?

12. What is your favorite magazine?

13. What kind of newspaper do you have in China?

清闷 House

14. What are the requirements for your house decorations?

15. Is the place you are living good for your child? Why?

16. Do you know your neighbors? If not, Why?


17. How long have you been a student?

18. What do you enjoy most about your studies?

18. Why did you choose this university?

19. What is your major in your university? Why did you choose it?

20. Why did you choose this school?

21. How long have you been a college student?

22. Tell me something about your campus life?

23. Do you prefer to be a student or to be a working person? Why?

弯穗 TV program

24. What kind of TV program do you like when you were younger?.


25. Is your hometown good for raising a child?


26. What kind of transportation do you usually take and why?

27. How to improve the transportation system in your country?

28. How is the traffic in your hometown?

29. How much do you spend on transportation? Is the fare high?

30. How to improve the traffic problem?


31. What kind of communication do you prefer?

32. How often do you use telephone?

33. How often do you write an email or letter?

34. Which do you prefer to use telephone or email?

35. Do you prefer to send an email or write a letter? Why?

36. When do you use telephone?

37. Do you prefer to have a face to face communication or to communicate by phone?


38. Do you think clothes is important for you?

39. What is your opinion about clothes?

40. When do you wear formal clothes?

Household Chores

41. Do you think it is necessary for a child to help in household chores? Why?

42. Is there any changes in your household chores now?

43. What kind of household chores did you do when you were a child?


1. How do people shop now?

2. What is the difference between the way people shop before and now?

3. Do you like shopping?

4. Do you often go shopping?

5. Do you think that modern people spend too much time on shopping?

6. What kind of shop do you like?


1. Did you learn your English well?


1. What type of film do you like?


1. Do you use computer?


1. Do you think to it is important to relax?

2. How do you usually relax?


1. Do you like to make friends with people?

2. What kind of friend do you like ?

3. Talk about a interesting experience of making a friend.

4. Do you need a long time to know a person?


1. Which season do you like? Why?


1. Does your family always treat you as a child?



Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger
You should say
Who this person was
What the conversation was about
Why you had this conversation
And how you felt about itYou should say:
Who this person is
What kind of job this person does
How you knew him or her
And explain why this person is good at his or her job.

Describe someone you would like to study or work with You should say:
Who this person is
How long you have known this person
What you have done together
And explain why you would like to work/ study with this personDescribe a time you borrowed something from others.
You should say:
What the situation was
What you borrowed
Whom you borrowed it from
And explain why you borrowed it.Describe a gift that took you a lot of time to prepare
You should say:
What it was
Who you gave it to
How you prepared it
And explain why you spent a lot of time preparing it
Describe something lost by others but found by you.
You should say:
When it happened;
What you picked up;
How you did with the lost thing;
And how did you feel about it.Describe a time you felt tired but had to keep awake
You should say
Why you felt tired
Why you had to keep awake
What you had to do to keep awake
and explain how you felt about the experienceDescribe a school you went to in your childhood
Where it was
What it was like
What you learned there
And how you felt about it


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