雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思口语话题14月题库 雅思口语如何能做好自学?我想先自己自学一下,谁有好...,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
☆Describe a piece of interesting news you learned from a magazine./ ☆Describe an article in a magazine.
(第三部分可能问到:Are writing skills important to journalists? How do the journalists influence the public views?)
☆ Describe an interesting TV program.
(第三部分可能问到:Do you think TV programs play educational roles?)
☆ Describe a foreign country you wish to live in or a foreign culture you wish to experience (Day 8 Britain)
Describe a habit. (watching that TV program)
☆Describe a game you played when you were a child ( but not a sport).(Day 8:D)
☆ Describe an activity / happy event in your childhood.(同上)
(第三部分可能问到:What are the differences between the games now and the games in the past?)
Describe a creative activity you did when you were a child.
Describe an interesting story.
Describe a performance.
☆Describe a party you prepared for others. (Day 8: wedding后面的附加话题)
Describe a photo.
☆Describe a change.
☆ Describe a piece of work that was done quickly.
Describe a piece of good news you heard on the phone.
Describe something you did when you studied a foreign language.(第三部分可能问:What are the advantages of learning a foreign language?
What are the difficulties you met in learning a foreign language?)
Describe a success.
☆Describe an interesting speech.
(这题最大的误区就是以为单词speech非要是Obama那一级的人做的演讲。如果Obama的演讲大家都背那就是等着拿低分。为什么不说个轻松的speech呢?比如十天口语里的一次课堂演讲。第三部分可能问到:Why is public speaking difficult for children? Why are people nervous when they give a public speech?)
☆Describe something when you cooperated with others. (同上)
☆Describe a science class.(
,页面左侧全都是不同的science class)
Describe an important letter you wrote to another person. (这个可以共享上文或者下文的任何一个事件的描述)
☆Describe a skill you wish to learn.
Describe an important stage in life.
☆ Describe some advice your received before.(有很多可能性,不过最容易准备的应该是决定出国的过程中你的父母和朋友给你的建议,参考“十大弱智话题的第3题)
☆ Describe a conversation. (同上)
☆Describe an event.(可以用Day 8 F的任何话题)
☆ Describe an important plan for the future.
☆ Describe a situation when you needed help. (同上)
Describe a letter you received.
Describe a sports event.
Describe a great achievement your country has made.
☆Describe a course you hope to take if you have time.
Describe a lecture.
Describe a piece of furniture. ( “十大弱智话题”第八个)
☆ Describe a piece of jewellery. (
☆Describe a toy.(Day 8: kite)
Describe your favorite clothes for special occasions.
(第三部分可能问到:Why do employees wear uniforms in some companies? )
Describe something that you want to buy in the future.
☆Describe a piece of electronic equipment/ an electronic device you wish to buy.(Day 8:E)
Describe something that helps you learn English.(这个有很多人会说MP3,但是如果你说iPhone可以帮你学英语就肯定没有人跟你一样,Day 8)
☆ Describe your favorite clothes for special occasions.(Day 8:traditional clothing)
Describe a gift you gave another person.
Describe a painting.
Describe a sculpture.
弱智卡片(Day 10)
☆Describe a traffic jam.(十大弱智话题的第1个)
What do you think of children driving? Well, it would be reaaaaaaaally risky for average kids to drive alone. Maybe it's fun if their parents are with them.But anyway, the risk is soooooo real...What are the causes of traffic jams?
Will traffic jams be even more important in the future?)
Describe something that made you wait for a long time.(同上)
Describe a good law.
☆Describe a person who’s good at cooking.(Day 10)
(第三部分可能问到:Do you think it’s important for kids to learn cooking skills? Yup. They will be more independent if they do. And it would definitely be more economical than going to restaurants if they could cook meals for themselves... Do you like home-cooked food? )
☆ Describe a shop.
☆ Describe a restaurant (见Day 10(下)的第3个题餐馆)
Describe an educational visit.
Describe an important decision that you made. (第三部分可能问到:Why do people have goals?)
以上就是雅思无忧网为您准备的雅思口语话题14月题库 雅思口语如何能做好自学?我想先自己自学一下,谁有好...全部内容。访问雅思无忧网(https://www.yasi.cn/),了解更多雅思考试新消息,新动态。