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雅思最新真题口语答案四川 雅思考试口语真题:面试时最令人哑口无言的问题 - 百...

更新:2023年09月07日 07:51 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思最新真题口语答案四川 雅思考试口语真题:面试时最令人哑口无言的问题 - 百...,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思最新真题口语答案四川 雅思考试口语真题:面试时最令人哑口无言的问题 - 百...


终于搞定了,好长…… 现回答的,雅思的话注意口语要偏英式一点,大部分都是考官都是英国或学英式英语的。

Do you like parties?
- Yes, I like parties, it is a good place to meet and have fun with firends.
Whose party do you like, friends’or parents’?
- Firends', I have to say, because we have more in common.
What is the difference between formal and informal party?
- As I understand, there will be more hidden rules such as dressing, manners and the like in formal party, but less in informal one.
What do you wear to a party?
- It depends on the type and theme of the party. You need to be properly dressed in different kinds of parties.
Do Chinese people often hold parties?
- In my opinion, much less than Europeans. Usually Chinese people will prefer to have dinners or just a get-together with firends or families.
On what occasions do Chinese people have parties?
- Anniversaries, festivals, national holidays, and the like.

What do people grow in park?
- trees, grass, flowers and the like
What are the advantages and disadvantages of parks?
- For advantages, it is a good place,especially people in downtown to get close to nature, and relax. Disadvantages, to be honest, I can't think of any.
What do people do in the park?
- walking, resting, jogging, enjoying the sunshine and the nature...

Do you like taking photos?
- Yes, very much.
On what kind of situations do you take photos?
- When I'm travelling or with friends or families. It is a way to record the happy times.
Could you tell me one of your happy experiences of taking photos?
- Yes. It is very interesting to take photos of kids, because they are not as aware of the camera as *s. Usually you can take some really unexpected, funny or interesting picture, and this is really a happy expeirence for me.

Do you like drawing?
- Not really
What are the benefits of drawing?
- I think it may help in two aspects: sense of color, and to be observant.
What are the benefits of drawing for *s?
- To be observant to details.

Do you think the art is important to life?
- Yes, I do.
Can you give an example of arts you learn?
- Chinese paiting, with Chinese writing brush.
What kind of art do you like?
- I like all kinds of art.
What kind of art experience did you have when you were young?
- like I said, Chinese paiting.
What kind of art are you good at?
- Not really good at any of them.

When did you begin to read newspaper?
- When I was in high school.
What’s the difference between Chinese newspapers?
- It may have different focus, some on politics, some on business,some on international affairs, and some others may on local information.

What music do you like?Why?
- I like popular music, because I'm more reponsive to this kind of music, and it helps me to relax.
What musical instrument do you like?
- Guitar
Are there any friends around you playing some instruments,like piano or guitar?
- Yes, some of my friends are really good at guitar.
Have you ever listened to someone playing a musical instrument?
- Yes, I'm at least a good listner for my friend.
What musical instrument do you enjoy most and why?
- Guitar as I mentioned. I love the sound made by your finger and the metal strings.
Can you play any musical instrument?
- A little bit guitar.
Do you often go to the concert?
- Not really.

Do you like shopping?
-Yes, I do.
Who does the shopping in your family?
- Mostly my mother.
What don’t you like when you go shopping?
- I don't like when there is too many people around. It will be hard for your to pick the stuff you like, or consulting with the shop assistant.
What do you often buy when you go shopping?
- Clothes I guess.
Where do you like to go shopping?
- Big shopping mall.
What style of shopping do you like?
- I'm becoming a fan of online shopping, it will be much easier for you to find what you want.

Do you like to watch films in the cinema or at home?
- In the cinema.
Why do you like to watch films?
- It is a good way to relax and feel the theme which may presenting people with quite different kinds of life.
What kind of films do you like?
- Action movie, like Bond series.
How often do you go to the cinema?
- Once or twice a month
What’s the difference between American films and Chinese films?
- You will see more modern elements in American films and more ancient elements in Chinese films.

What Where Who
Do you like to watch TV or listen to the radio?
- I like watching TV, because it helps to visualize things.
When do you watch TV?
- Evening.
What’s your favorite program?
- Currently a soap opera called "24"
What TV program did you watch ten years ago?
- Mostly cartoons.

What kind of weather do you like?
- I like snowy day, it is beautiful when the city turns white.









3、武汉ielts考试中心 房间15

P1 rainyday dictionary best time to study

P2 positive experience

p3 old and yong generations

4、湖北大学room13.part1 学校专业做饭 part2喜欢的运动 part3 中国*出台的提倡全民健身政策

5、湖北大学RM4,207 part1 name.study.street market.


part3 how to make friends?will you make friends with someone that share nothing common with you?why people make friends on internet?



7、首经贸,RM4,part2问的good law in China,part3有问到警察这个职业好不好,为什么

8、湖北大学,RM12 part1 喜欢去公园还是花园 公园该怎么改建 part2 学一门除英语以外的一门语言,如何学习的 part3 什么人学英语 英语课堂如何改进 中文有什么改变

9、湖大RM5,白人,和蔼,1work/animal/wild animal;2park/garden;3green area/food quality between city and townvillage


11、湖北大学RM5 part1 fullname cooking dictionary part2 other culture part3 the way to learn other culture, past and now,other culture in film

12、湖北大学r4,居住地 家乡 喜欢的食物 拍照p2家庭聚会 p3婚姻观 目测常规题

13、太原理工r m 3 回忆 part1 study map what do u do on weekend? What do you want to change in a week?

Part2 a time when your equipment has a problem

Part3 How do you repair broken equipment.? Other equipment people used in the past.

14、太原理工大学 room02 p1 clothes,language,hometown等

p2 an intellengent person 最后问我希望这个人当你男朋友不...深戳他笑点

p3 如何培养孩子的智力,家长在教育中扮演怎样的角色,男女老师的教学差异,寓教于乐的教学方法,如何培养对艺术的兴趣。

15、湖大,R8白人小伙,很大方,热情 p1,major,rain



16、湖大rm12 P1 学习 / 工作 学习的地方 博物馆 / 艺术馆

P2 一个外国的电影

p3 各种关于电影的话题 比如 中国容易看外国电影嘛、哪个国家的电影受欢迎、看电影有利于英语的学习嘛

17、东南大学room421,part1:work or study、drive car、maps、


part 3:wild animal ,goverment duty等等

18、东南328,P1,家乡,有什么不满意的地方,电视节目,学科,P2,喜剧演员(in your country),P3,关于film actor的问题,是不是赚的太多的之类的,

19、北外rm09 part1 work or study,major,subject一系列问题,study in the morning or afternoon

part2 positive experience in your teenager years,

part3关于teenager和old people的好多问题

20、交大room4 part1:name living study or work在哪里上学为什么在那里上



21、天津11:05。rm12胖胖的白人大伯,神打断,一直打断从未停止,p1:cook music p2: a present you received when you are a child p3: different people like different presents.

22、北外rm02。P1开学第一天,为什么选这个学校,注意力集中,为什么有人爱住在亲戚家或者朋友家。P2一个远离家的地方 p3关于hotel的好多问题。你认为hotel最重要的是什么,那些高档酒店重要么,

23、深圳赛格VIP4 part1 work or study/major/favourite animal/animal in the zoo

part2 sports that you play or watch part3 popular sports in China/people do the sports now and in the past

24、天津考场room4 第一部分 家乡 你喜不喜欢,会不会常住 。问喜不喜欢雨,你觉得哪下雨比较多。 第二部分 你这个城市的建筑 第三部分 有什么老的建筑在你的国家,你觉得老的建筑与新建筑的比较

25、问了一些关于中国人对于 家的理解 年轻人是否需要和老年人相处 之类的。时态错了很多 希望其他童鞋注意。长沙 rm9

26、石家庄R3,1住哪,对那的人了解么,用地图么,谁教你,纸的还是电子,喜欢street market么,想去国外的street market么为什么,为什么人们喜欢去street market 2* 3为什么人们喜欢发短信,微信和短信的区别,为什么用微信还发短信,谁用*多

27、贵大,room01,11.35考,part1,study or work ,clothes pattern 在学校你穿什么衣服,你小时候的你怎么打扮的,part2 你忘记做一件事,when and why。part3关于记忆的。什么样的人比较容易忘记做事?记性不好对工作有什么影响等等

28、深圳赛格VIP8 P1live,school,clothesP2,a sport you like to do P3各种运动,以及*还是私人投资运动员哪个好

29、深圳赛格v7 p1 living place &bithday 问了好多…… p2 interesting animal p3 TVprogram对珍惜动物的好处,zoo好还是不好,学校要教孩子保护动物么 ,孩子照顾动物有什么好处,*怎么保护稀有动物,公众怎么保护动物



托福官方指南中将托福听力对话部分分为两类:office hours与service encounters。office hours是美国课后与老顷型师交流的时间,讲的基本是一些与学术或是课程有关的问题。而service encounters则是校园中日常起居有关的话题。
a) 澄清作业具体要求b) 作业具体要求,步骤,先后顺序等问题c) 学生对完成作业难易度的判断
a) 学生咨询选课计划,选多少,选哪些,及如何满足某缺乎仔些课的特殊要求b) 教授对学生选课计划的担忧 c) 教授对学生选课的建议 d) 该课程最终得分情况
a) 对话目的- 确定论题, 选定题目有困难b) 讨论论文得分及被教授指出优缺点c) 论文进度及教授的具体要求 d) 请求延期
a) 关于考试建议,复习建议 b)分数讨论,过低如何补救c) 大小测验占总成绩比重(出勤率及课堂参与度) d) 成绩单出现的问题(出错/更改)
a) 还书是否及时 overdue, duedate b) 是否罚款 fine, check out(付帐后离开) c) 借书时困难的解决 put an hold on the book(预约借书) d) 还书时发生误会等
professor’s office hour 教授答疑时间
lecture hall 讲堂,讲演厅,报告厅
tutorial 个别指导
deadline 最后期限,截止时间
overdue 过期的
schedule 时间表,计划v. 安排,计划
time slot 时间空档
dissertation 论文
course 课程
option 选修科目
presentation (国外学生在课堂上所做的)演讲
field work 野外考察 实地考察
attendance 出勤, 上课
information 信息
exam schedule 考试时间表
term 学期
date 日伏汪期
book 预定
department 院系
invigilator 监考人员
sign up 注册
sheet 单子
bulletin board 公告板
draft 草稿
dean 系主任
review 复习
draw up 结论
manually 手工的
consult 咨询
register 注册
physiology 生理学
sophomore 大二学生
second year course 大二课程
first year student 新生
transfer 转系转专业
begin my first lecture 开始第一次课
introduce 介绍
complete 完全的
approach 方法途径
laws of physics and chemistry 物理化学定律
process of life 生命进程
vital force 关键力量
philosophical approach 哲学方法
scientific experimentation 科学实验
final exam 期末考试
midterm 期中考试
multiple choice question 多选题
essay question 问答题
comprehensive exam 综合测试
the subject 主题
review 复习
text book 教材
class note 课堂笔记
the final will count for 50% of your grade 期末考试占总成绩的50%
research project 调查项目
run into problems 遇到困难
school bulletin 学校公告栏
required writing course 必修写作课程
first year student 大一新生
third year stuent 大三学生
research paper 调查报告
sign up 注册
cover the entire process of writing a research paper 涵盖论文写作的全过程
selecting topic 选择性题目
final format 最终格式
presentation 课堂展示
hand in 提交
assignment 作业
final grade 最终分数
class meeting 班会
lecture 讲座,课程
different concept 不同的概念
hand in 提交
issue 发行
revision 复习
grade 分数
research paper 论文
due 截止日期
proposed topics 推荐的论文选题
make comment 评论
the most frequent problem 最常见的问题
broad 广泛的
preliminary outline 初步提纲
schedule 计划表
available 可利用的
appointment 预约,约会
final outline 最终提纲
no more than two pages long 不得多于2页
thesis statement 论文陈述
precise statement 精确的陈述
conclusion 总结






雅思考试口语真题:面试时最令人哑口无言的问题 - 百...

本文来自雅思口语网liuxue86.com《面试时最令人哑口无言的问题》。 面试时最令人哑口无言的问题

Tell me about yourself: How to answer this difficult question
面试时最令人哑口无言的问题 - 请你自我介绍一下

A common interview question that can leave people speechless is "Tell me about yourself." The immediate response for many people is: where do I start?
面试时,我们会面对形形*的问题,而最令态脊祥人哑口无言的,往往是一些最简单野镇和最常见的题目,如「请你自我介绍一下」。大多数应征者的实时反应是 - 「我应该如何开始作答呢?」

The basic answer about where to start is with preparation. You'll have a better chance of impressing the interviewer if you think about this question before the interview.

The first thing to realize is that the question, "Tell me about yourself," provides you with a great chance to promote your strong points. This is particularly important when applying for a job that is different from what you have done in the past. You need to show the interviewer that your previous jobs provide you with skills that can be used in the new job.


With that in mind, make a list of the three most important things you want the interviewer to know about you. Avoid focusing on simple references to things that are already on your resume, although this information should form the skeleton of your answer. Around this skeleton should be the meat of your answer; your less obvious, but important skills. Here are some of the skills that you might want to mention:


Problem solver 解决问题能手

Creative thinker 充满创意

Accurate 小心谨慎

People person 与人相处融洽

Team player 合群

Organised 组织力高

This doesn't mean that you just say, "I'm a great problem solver." Instead, explain how you used your problem-solving skills at your previous job.


What you actually say, in terms of the words you use, is something that you have to decide. You need to create an answer that sounds natural and, at the same time, interesting.

The way to determine whether your answer is natural is simply by writing a first draft of the answer and then read it out loud. When you do this, you'll probably spot things that you have to change.

Don't worry too much about making the written answer perfect. You're not going to recite it from paper. Instead, this is just a chance for you to determine the length of your answer.

As you prepare your response, think about how you would talk. You'll want to sound interesting, not boring, so avoid writing just a list of your strengths.

Here are some final things to think about when answering the question "Tell me about yourself."

Mention major awards or accomplishments that relate to your career;

Promote your strengths, but do not mention any of your weaknesses;

Try to be funny if you can, but don't force it;

Summarize your career and education, but don't recite a list;

Don't start with your date of birth;

Avoid information that is not career-related. the fact that you own a dog won't get you a job

Always answer this question

Try to sound natural

Relax and enjoy yourself !


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