雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了维思大学留学费用高吗 维思大学在美国本地认可度怎么样,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
阿伯斯维思大学(Aberystwyth University )创办于1872年,是威尔士一所历史悠久的大学。经过长期的发明模展,学校目前有3个学院、19个系。学校的优势专业是艺术和影视学(导演),其中,影视学在英国名列前茅。阿伯斯维思大学在本科和研究生两个阶段均为留学生提供奖学金,奖学金金额为2000英镑到8000英镑之间。关于阿伯斯维思大学的本凳乎科奖学金,请看为大家整理的以下介绍。
Aberystwyth University offers a competitive range of Scholarship, Bursary and Award schemes, providing some financial support during your time at University.
Undergraduate Scholarship
Aberystwyth International Scholarship - £2,000 a year
The Aberystwyth International Scholarships, worth £2,000 a year each towards tuition fees, will be available for International (non-EU) students commencing a full-time undergraduate programme in September 2021. In order to be considered for one of these awards, an application for a place on a relevant programme at Aberystwyth University must be received by 29th July. It is not necessary to apply for the Scholarship – all international applicants will automatically be considered.
阿伯斯维思国际奖学金 ——每年2000英镑
Terms and Conditions for the Aberystwyth International Scholarships (AIS) for 2021-18
(1)Scholarships worth £2,000 a year towards tuition fees for full-time non-EU students are available for students who commence their studies in September 2021 in Aberystwyth.
(2)Separate application forms are not required. Therefore it is essential that the application for a place be received by the University by 29th July 2021 at the very latest.
(3)Selection will be on the basis of academic performance and the applicant’s suitability for their proposed course.
(4)Acceptance of an offer of an award must be received within 2 weeks of being offered.
(5)Decisions for 2021 will be made centrally in-line with the decision making process.
(6)Scholarships are available essentially for self-financed students, i.e. they cannot be held by:
a.students with full-awards, e.g. Chevening Scholarships, Commonwealth Shared Scholarship or any governmental award or any AU award or
b.any partial awards with a resultant combined value greater than 25% of the value of the tuition fees, with the exception of the International Excellence Undergraduate Scholarship.
(7)Scholarships should be used the year for which they are applied and awarded for. In the event of candidates deferring the year of entry the scholarship can also be deferred. If it is deemed necessary for the Scholarship holder to suspend their studies, the scholarship will be held on University account and carried forward to the year of resumption of studies and the candidate will be expected to pay their contribution on a pro-rata basis.
(8)During and after the period of study the candidate may be asked to participate in promotional activities for the University. This may include receptions and social events, testimonial or publicity articles or even assisting with activities in their home country.
(9)If, in the view of the appropriate Institute Director, a scholarship holder’s progress is deemed unsatisfactory, the scholarship may be withdrawn. A scholarship may also be withdrawn on the grounds of failure to comply with any of the conditions of the award. The candidate may be required to repay the University any award which has been made, in whole or in part. If the scholar feels that such a withdrawal is unjustified s/he may appeal in writing to the Director of the International Office within 15 days of the date of notification.
(10)Where the applicant arranges to pay fees by instalment the scholarship will be deducted from the final instalment. Where the candidate arranges to pay their tuition fees in full in advance, they will receive the scholarship deduction immediately and the tuition fee will be adjusted accordingly. International (non-EU) applicants are required to pay a deposit towards their tuition fees in accordance with University policy.*
(11)This scholarship scheme is subject to annual review. The University reserves the right to make, amend, withdraw, suspend or cancel without notice these and other such Regulations as may be in force from time to time and such decisions shall be final.
* Please note that an AIS award cannot be used against the non-refundable tuition fee deposit that was specified in the offer letter for your place on the Masters course. You would have to pay this deposit in advance of completing the admissions process. The Aberystwyth International Scholarship would thus be a reduction in the remaining tuition fees.
* 请注意 ,根据硕士课程录取通知书的特别规定,阿伯斯维思国际奖学金不能用于抵消不可退还的学费保证金。必须在完成入学流程之前,支付这笔保证金。阿伯斯维思国际奖学金因此用于其余学费减免。
International Excellence Undergraduate Scholarships - £8,000
阿伯斯维思国际优秀本科奖学金 —8000英镑
Aberystwyth University offers International Excellence Undergraduate Scholarships that are worth £8,000 in tuition fee discounts over the duration of a 3 year degree scheme. These scholarships are available for international students applying to study a full degree (not gaining entry to Years 2 or 3 of the course). The discounts will be as follows:
Year 1 - £4,000 Year 2 - £2,000 Year 3 - £2,000
In order to be considered, you must have applied to Aberystwyth by 30th June, and subsequently place us as your Firm choice of university. In addition, you must not have studied at any other University for more than 1 year. It is not necessary to apply for the Scholarship – all international applicants will automatically be considered. The Scholarships will be awarded based on academic achievement. If you are successful in obtaining a Scholarship, you will be informed before the start of term.
For 2021 entry, Scholarships are available to applicants normally resident in the following countries:China,Hong Kong,India,Malaysia,Nigeria,Norway,Singapore,Thailand,USA,Vietnam.
As well as a number of scholarships available to well-qualified applicants from outside of the UK/EU.
Terms and Conditions
1. All international applicants who have applied to Aberystwyth by 30th June and placed Aberystwyth as their Firm choice of University will automatically be considered for a Scholarship. In the case of direct applicants, they must have applied to and selected Aberystwyth as their Firm / first choice by 30th June
2. Applicants must be classed as full-time overseas students for fee paying purposes. The Scholarships are available to self-financing students only. This includes students using overseas government loans to fund their studies.
3. Applicants must be undertaking a full degree at Aberystwyth University and must be applying to study a full degree (not gaining entry to years 2 or 3 of a course).
4. Applicants may not previously have been degree students at any university for a period of more than 1 year.
5. Awards will be determined by the International Scholarships Committee, whose decision is final and not open to appeal. The Committee will not directly correspond with applicants before or after the application has been made. Applicants or their families who attempt to lobby a committee member will be ineligible for the scholarships administered under the Aberystwyth Scholarships Fund. Aberystwyth University reserves the right to not award scholarships where no suitable candidates are identified.
6. Applicants awarded a scholarships will be informed by email from the Communications, Marketing and Public Affairs Office on behalf of the International Scholarships Committee. Details of the award will be provided in a document enclosed in the email. All official arrangements will be made with the applicant directly. The deadline for accepting the scholarship will be within 2 weeks of notification.
7. All international candidates are required to demonstrate the ability to fund their studies including their living expenses in accordance with the University’s obligations under our Tier 4 license and Border Office regulations. Scholarships will be awarded subject to the University receiving all necessary documentation to complete the application to study e.g. passport photos, copies of results, confirmation of English language ability, photocopy of passport, financial declaration form, deposit, by 31 August.
8. Scholarships take form of a discount on tuition fees. These scholarships are not available as a cash alternative. Where the applicant arranges to pay fees by instalment the scholarship will be deducted from the final instalment. Where the candidate arranges to pay their tuition fees in full in advance, they will receive the scholarship deduction immediately and the tuition fee will be adjusted accordingly.
9. These scholarships may not be combined with most other Aberystwyth University awards, scholarships or bursaries, but they may be combined with the Early Payment Discount, and the Aberystwyth International Scholarships.
10. The continuation of all scholarships is based on satisfactory academic performance, as defined by normal progression from one year to the next (please refer to our Examination Conventions for further details). A scholarship may be withdrawn on the grounds of failure to comply with any of the conditions of the award which has been made. The candidate may be required to repay the University any award which has been made, in whole or in part, as determined by the Committee. If the scholar feels that such a withdrawal is unjustified s/he may appeal in writing to the Head of the International Office within 15 days of the date of notification.
11. Students undertaking a 4 year course which includes a year in employment, year in industry, year abroad etc. don't receive the discount for the 3rd year of their course.
12. Where an International student holding an Aberystwyth International Scholarship Fund award is excluded from the University, and as a result the University withdraws its Tier 4 sponsorship of that student, the scholarship will be withdrawn.
13. Scholarships will be allocated in the year which they are applied and awarded for. In the event of candidates deferring the year of entry the scholarship can also be deferred. If it is deemed necessary for the Scholarship holder to suspend their studies, the scholarship will be held on University account and carried forward to the year of resumption of studies and the candidate will be expected to pay their contribution on a pro-rata basis.
14. During and after the period of study the candidate may be asked to participate in promotional activities for the University. This may include receptions and social events, testimonial or publicity articles or even assisting with activities in their home country.
15. Any Agent commission will be based on the net fee paid by the student.
16. Scholarships are awarded on the understanding that applicants intend to return to their home countries after completion of the course.
维思大学(英语:Wesleyan University),又译卫斯理安大学、威斯里安大学,位於美国东北部康乃狄克州的米德尔敦,创立於1831年,是一所私立四年制文理学院。维思大学与同位於新英格兰的阿默斯特学院及威廉士学院组成 "小三强" (Little Three)。维思大学也是小常春藤盟校和新英格兰小学院体育联盟的创始成员。1929年学校获新英格兰院校协会认证。
CSS,指的是该"社会研究学院"(College of Social Studies, CSS)成立于1959年,是一门研究西方政治,经济,哲学和历史理论的三年学院专业。其构筑模式与牛津大学等的哲学、政治学及经济学(Philosophy, Politics and Economics, PPE)类似。该专业的教职工(多为终身教授)也都由政治系,历史系,哲学系和经济系借调而来。若想要加入专业,学生必须完成入门经济学课程并获得C-以上的成绩,提交书面申请,并接受由教职工以及该专业现有学生的面试。不是所有学生都会通过选拔过程。录取进入该专业后,学生必须在大二参加政治,经济和历史的三节必修课以及一节关于社会理论的座谈会必修课。这四门课占毕业要求的10.5学分中的5.5。这该专业的课程多半也不计算成绩。在大二学期末,学生亦需参加一门统考,测试学生对这四门必修课的掌握情况。统考不通过的学生将会被淘汰出专业。同时,缺课以及欠交/迟交作业过多的学生也可能被移出专业。该专业的学生也必须完成基础教育要求。
社会研究学院的教职工普遍在公共事务中心(Public Affairs Center)办公,因为政治,经济和历史系的办公室都位于该楼。
2022年12月21日 00:42雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“
2023年08月08日 19:02雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“
2023年08月12日 17:54雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“
2023年07月30日 09:58雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“
2023年03月12日 10:48据英国驻广州总领事馆透露,作为全球规模最大的留学、移民及职业发展领域的英语测试,雅思考试已经获得全球
2021年05月28日 04:37编辑推荐: 更多内容请关注,也
2021年08月20日 12:50据英国驻广州总领事馆透露,作为全球规模最大的留学、移民及职业发展领域的英语测试,雅思考试已经获得全球
2021年08月25日 03:43在2013年,雅思已得到8,000多个机构的认可,涵盖全球170个国家的教育机构、雇主单位、专业协会
2021年08月26日 19:19今年年初至今,全美新增500所院校在本科生和/或研究生录取中认可和接受雅思考试成绩,这使得全美认可和
2021年08月29日 12:06