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雅思面试问题集锦大全 雅思口语面试技巧

更新:2023年08月06日 01:37 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思面试问题集锦大全 雅思口语面试技巧,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思面试问题集锦大全 雅思口语面试技巧


雅思 口语考试要面试的弯岩,很多人可能为了给考官留下一个饥慎好印象,会很注重考试时的穿着打扮。其实,比起着装,考官更在乎你的发言表现和内容。所以,没必要花太多功夫在穿衣打扮上,只要整洁得体不邋遢就好。并且,不需要对考官过分的热情。大部分考官都是很专业很有经验的,考试时最好的态度就是大方自信,不卑不亢,就当做是平时和朋友聊天交流就好。




1. What's your name?

2. Does your name have any special meaning?

3. Where were you come from?

4. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?

5. What is the main crop in your hometown?

6. What is the difference between Beijing and your hometown?

7. What are the main places of interest in your hometown?

8. What is the climate like in your hometown?

9. What is the character of the people like in the region where you live?

10. What are the differences in accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing?

11. What is people's favorite food in your region?

12. How do you make dumplings?

13. What do you do during the Spring Festival?

14. Why is the Spring Festival so important to Chinese people?

15. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country?

16. Tell me something about the Lantern Festival.

17. Tell me something about the Qing Ming Festival.

18. Tell me something about the customs of your country.

19. How long have you lived in Beijing?

20. What is the weather like in Beijing?

21. How do you compare the climate in Beijing with that in your hometown?

22. What place in Beijing do you like best? Why?

23. Which is the worst place you've been to China?

24. Which is the best place you've been to China?

25. What places in Beijing should a foreigner visit? Why?

26. Are there any special customs about wedding in your region?

27. Describe a traditional wedding ceremony.

28. How do Chinese usually celebrate birthdays?

29. Are there any traditions concerning the birth of a baby?

30. Do you enjoy shopping?




雅思口语是很多同学的硬伤。很多启余时候花了大工夫也不一定见效。环球青藤小编积总结了一些雅思口试面试技巧,希望能帮助大家更好的进行雅思激旁差口语备考,取得满意的成绩。 雅思口语评分有4项:发音、流利度与连贯;语法正确性与多样性;词汇,初看之下不包括内容,所以很多人认为雅思口语要拿,主要是提高语言水平,这显然有些片面。 其实有很多的考生在口语考试中遇到的很多话题,根本无内容可以说。要么就是说的太少,说的不流利。 口语第二部分是要讲两分钟的,如果这部分内容准备的好,部分和第三部分就不愁没有内容可以讲了。而且,很多学生口语成绩不理想,主要还是因为第二部分表现的不够好。 因此环球青藤小编觉得,从口语复习的大方向来说,提高雅思口语主要包括内容的储备和语言的提高。雅思口语的要求是:内容与题目相关即可。不会因为内容的新颖、有趣或者深奥而加分的。所以,口语考试时说的内容不需要非常新,也不需要多么具有说服力,而一定需要内容丰富和具体。内容具体,自然而然所用到的词汇就会多;内容丰富,自然而然句型就会复杂多样。至于发音方面能尽量减少口音,吐字清晰,就已经足够了。 以上就是环球青藤小编分享给大家的雅思口语面明皮试技巧。



1. What's your name?

2. Does your name have any special meaning?

3. Where were you come from?

4. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?

5. What is the main crop in your hometown?

6. What is the difference between Beijing and your hometown?

7. What are the main places of interest in your hometown?

8. What is the climate like in your hometown?

9. What is the character of the people like in the region where you live?

10. What are the differences in accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing?

11. What is people's favorite food in your region?

12. How do you make dumplings?

13. What do you do during the Spring Festival?

14. Why is the Spring Festival so important to Chinese people?

15. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country?

16. Tell me something about the Lantern Festival.

17. Tell me something about the Qing Ming Festival.

18. Tell me something about the customs of your country.

19. How long have you lived in Beijing?

20. What is the weather like in Beijing?

21. How do you compare the climate in Beijing with that in your hometown?

22. What place in Beijing do you like best? Why?

23. Which is the worst place you've been to China?

24. Which is the best place you've been to China?

25. What places in Beijing should a foreigner visit? Why?

26. Are there any special customs about wedding in your region?

27. Describe a traditional wedding ceremony.

28. How do Chinese usually celebrate birthdays?

29. Are there any traditions concerning the birth of a baby?

30. Do you enjoy shopping?




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