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雅思口语part2范文信件 求:剑七 Test2 雅思口语Part2 an idea 解析题目: De...

更新:2023年07月21日 02:25 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思口语part2范文信件 求:剑七 Test2 雅思口语Part2 an idea 解析题目: De...,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思口语part2范文信件 求:剑七 Test2 雅思口语Part2 an idea 解析题目: De...

求:剑七 Test2 雅思口语Part2 an idea 解析题目: De...

Describe an idea you had for improving something at work or college
Work: stationery/electronic device/work cell
College: teaching building/dorm/vehicle/food
Improve: why/how
Being in school for months, I realize that…should be improved as soon as possible.
Improving… is really urgent.
I would like to design…
The details of my idea are…
I think the following innovations can be useful.
With my improvement, problems of…纯判 can be easily solved.
… can be more user-friendly after adopting my idea


雅思 口语解答思路之part2的4种描述方法为你带来在雅思口语考试游乱的第二个部分,我们常说的part2当中,可以用来描述题目的4种答题方法。雅思口语共分为3个部分,其中part2和part3是比较难的部分。因为part3会在part2的基础上唯磨铅进行 延展性 的提问,因此,part2的回答其实是很重要的。那么,对于有难度的part2,我们应该采用什么思路呢,一起来看看下文。
在教学的过程中,当问到学生雅思口语三个部分的考试哪个部分最难以对付时,大多数情况下学生会认为Part 2是最令人 头痛 的部分。现在Part 2 的话题越来越细化、刁钻,虽然有1分钟的准备时间,但在紧张的考试环境下,大部分学生都称“脑子是空白的”,以导致不充分的准备让1-2分钟的描述变得非常指好的惨白,无奈收尾,给考官的感觉始终印象不深刻,无法达到通过细致的描述想亲自尝试的意愿。
通过分析学生Part 2的回答范例,发现不少同学要么仅将话题卡中给的问题提示作以简单回答,要么使用较为明显的模板回答方式---也就是我们常说的无关紧要的话,来填塞内容上的空白。如 ”If I really have to choose a place to describe, I’d like to tell you that …. is such the place。” 这也是中国学生雅思口语在40个 国家和地区 垫底的原因之一。在这篇文章中,本文将总结出四种Part 2描述题的拓展策略。
当考生在面对话题无从下手时,可以利用 ”WH Questions”来引导思路的拓展,包括 “what, when, where, who(whom), why, how (how exactly, how often, how long, how much, how many)”。
例如,Describe a restaurant or cafe you like. 首先须明确what(the Bookworm),when(some five years ago), where (down the south of Chengdu),who(foreigners for most of time);其次是整个描述的重点why(comfortable, pleasant, intimate ),how exactly (detailed description of being comfortable, pleasant, and intimate),how often(once a month…),how much(30-40 yuan on average per person),how many(3 in Whole China)。
Sample answer:The Bookworm is my favorite cafe in this city, which is about 15 minutes drive from the Tianfu Square down the south, and unlike other fancy cafes in the downtown, it sits in a quiet surrounding. The Bookworm was born 5 years ago with the help of a journalist, who soon became the business partner and co-owner of Chengdu Bookworm. During these years, it’s been popular and welcomed by almost every foreigner in Chengdu. I guess it’s probably because the cafe is really the place that can make them feel at home, ranging from the food, coffee, inside decoration, and those books written and published from their country。
The Bookworm creates a warm and intimate atmosphere, offering its customers home style food and drink. When you get annoyed from a trouble in study or at work, having a rest at Bookworm will be the very pleasant thing to chill out. The greatest part is the live music every Friday night at which you can enjoy the best jazz and blues. There are three Bookworms in China, Beijing has the first, and Chengdu and Suzhou follow the step, therefore if you‘re taking a trip to Beijing or Suzhou, you can still have the opportunity to enjoy the nice little cafe. I like the cafe, for it’s the place where I can relax, eat, drink, read and enjoy music。
在Part 2话题描述中,如果仅有描述,仍会让整个陈述略显有些平淡,建议考生在描述的同时加上相应的例子,这样可以大大增加描述内容的丰富性和生动性。但是, 在Part 2里例子,并不一定要非常正式的举例,如“For example”;口语化的一些表达方式会更自然一些,如“such as,like”。比如,”Describe a special shop”,除了描述这个shop里有一些special goods外,若再具体举例说明有哪些特殊商品可以更能增强生动性。In the shop, you can always find some special and interesting stuff, such as hand-made floating lantern, photo books, tiny china pot, and Nepali jewelries and things like that。
Part 2话题属于细节描述题,在适当的时候如果能够使用数据来进一步支撑描述,可以增强话题描述的真实性和说服力。但是,建议考生在使用数据的时候不要太过夸张数字,而且频率不应过多,使用一次数据就可以了。另外,与雅思写作有别的是,在写作中引用数据时最好有个出处或来源,但在回答口语Part 2问题时,这个出处可以省略,否则会导致回答内容是背诵的嫌疑,降低真实性,这就与我们的初衷背道相驰了。
比如“Describe a concert hall”,我们可以通过数据的支撑来这样描述“The Civil Concert Hall holds about 50 to 60 shows on an average each year, receiving almost 30,000 audiences, and part of them come to this hall simply because of its comfortable seats and great sound and lighting effects. ”有了数据的支撑,可以使我们对音乐厅的规模和条件有个更直观的了解,而不是简单地描述“the concert hall is very popular and well-equipped。”
1-2分钟的描述中,除了单方面地进行描述外,可以通过描述同类事物进行比较的方式来使内容更加全面细致。但是,这个部分毕竟是口语考试,所以选用的比较类的词语应为口语化的连接词,“unlike,similar,like,be different from”等。
例如“Describe a magazine”,我们这样来描述:The magazine I’ve been reading recently is O2 (Oxygen Magazine), which mainly covers good books, movies, music, and life design as well as eco protection are the key topics throughout the whole magazine. Unlike the normal magazines, you cannot find any company’s advertisement on it. Another thing makes it different from the ordinary ones is that it uses recycled paper, and that’s what it’s aimed since it was born. 通过对比的方式,可以令考官加深对描述的印象,也丰富了枯燥话题的陈述内容。
以上四种策略可以帮助考生拓展雅思口语Part 2的回答,让描述题不再变得单调乏味,通过举例和数据支撑法来增强内容的真实性,细节法和比较对照法来弥补考生在题目上“无话可说”的问题.以上希望对你有所帮助,需雅思最新备考资料可SOU雅思带路喵网站。

雅思口语part2部分关于收不收板子/卡片的问题? - 百...



中国可以说是一个美食之国数扒了,那么大家有没有印象深刻的第一次品尝某食物的经历呢?为了帮助大家备考,下面我给大家带来雅思口语part2 范薯团昌文 :第一次吃的东西。


Topic:Describe an occasion when you ate a kind of food for first time

You should say:

When you had it

Where you ate it

What it was

and how you felt about it.


Last month I tried the Pakistani food for the first time in a restaurant with my friends, and among all the dishes, I like the Biryani best. The restaurant is located near our university, and it is famous for the Pakistani food. At first, I'm not sure I will like it or not, but since every day the restaurant is packed with people, so I went there to have a try.

To my surprise, the food there was so delicious that I thought it was unmatched for flavor. It tasted a little spicy, but suited my taste very well. The dishes were flavored with exotic herbs and spices. I had been to many countries in this world and tried many things, but I had never tasted any other delicious food like this. Pakistani food soon became my favorite food.

I remember that at that time I just failed the exam, and I felt so frustrated that I didn't want to eat anything. But the Pakistani food was so tempting that as soon as I saw it, I started feeling hungry. It was so mouth-watering and scrumptious that I ate it in high quantity. I think Pakistani food has a magic power that can help me forget sadness and cheer up again.


Describe a time when you tried a new food for the first time.

You should say:

what food it was

where you ate it

what it tasted like

and explain whether or not you liked this food

Well, I’m a great fan of barbecues and I would like to talk about the first time I tried some typical barbecue food. This happened when I was 10 years old.


My family went out to have dinner to celebrate my younger sister’s birthday. After putting so much thought into some new savory food to have for our meal, we decided to go to a BBQ restaurant on Ba Trieu Street.


We ordered four dishes with three different tastes. One of them which really interested me was grilled-Australian beef, flavored with something spicy, rich and aromatic. It not only tasted delicious, but also looked appealing. Also, it went well with two kinds of dipping sauces and was served with baguettes. There was also a salad, which gave it a mild taste to contrast with the spicy flavors.


The idea of a barbecue originated in America, and for us it was a novel and sophisticated meal.


What I really enjoyed was that we could watch as it was cooked in front of us. I loved how juicy it was and the aroma it had. Just mentioning it makes my mouth water. I mean, the BBQ was out of this world. That was the first time I had tried it, and I would have liked to have kept on coming back for more, but I was just too full.



I like to eat the pizza outside the home. Pizza is not made in our house except very rare occasion once or twice in a year and that's why I have always eaten it outside my home. Dominous Pizza, Pizza Inn, Helvetia, Tongue & Tommy, CFC are some of my favourite places where I eat pizza.

I like it because it is tasty and delicious. This food item requires only few minutes to be served and I can eat it when I am in hurry. Another reason is the variation this food item has. Several types of pizza can be found and because of that a pizza lover can taste the different types of pizza and variation of those pizzas. It is cheaper compared to other dishes I eat outside. A moderate size pizza can be shared among 3-4 persons. Finally it is not a very rich food and can be eaten any time of a day.

I usually eat pizza once in a week and the frequency of eating pizza sometimes depends on the frequency of my meeting my friends in a restaurant who serves pizza.

Eating pizza is not occasion dependent like some other dishes like Mexican foods, Italian food etc. I mostly eat pizza when I need a quick meal and when I meet my friends in a restaurant. Since pizza is liked by most of my friends, when we sit together in a place where pizza is served and we need to eat something, we mostly order pizza.

Similar Cue Card Topics

Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would also enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:

1. Describe your favourite food

2. Describe an outdoor meal you had

3. Describe a food item you often eat

4. Describe a fast food item you like

5. Describe a food you often eat with your friends

6. Describe an outdoor meal or picnic you had


雅思口语考试不同于IBT的口语考试,它是面对面,即face-to-face的考试。所以在雅思口语练习中最好是跟别人练习口语。即使平时一个人练习的很熟练,到了考场上,发现对面坐着一个陌生的面孔,对自己的正常水平的发挥也是很有影响的。如果条件不允许的话,只能一个人来练习口语,那么也是有有效的 方法 的,比如说:可以自己拿一张第二阶段的卡片练习,把自己说出来的答案录下来,然后自己听。当然也可以跟着磁带模仿或者朗读一些 文章 。关键是要把不同的练习结合起来,因为每个不同的练习方法有不同的效果。

在练习口语的时候,还有一个很有效的方法,就是找到一本自己很感兴趣的英文原版的书,找出其中的经典的 句子 ,去记忆去背诵。这也算雅思口语技巧之一。这样脑海里存了一些内容资料,在回答问题的时候也会增加不少的信心。建议每天可以花20-30分钟的时间练习口语,至少花10分钟做模仿练习和10分钟做朗读练习。然后要做的就是和人面对面的交流。


What are the characteristics of a good friend/ describe the person you admired most/describe the person who has great influence on you.

In my opinion, a good friend should possess the following three main characteristics. First, he should be reliable, as it is an essential quality of a good friend. That is, I can trust in him since he will not tell me a bad lie or tell others some of my secrets. Second, he should be helpful. He can give me a hand when I face some trouble or provide me with some suggestions when there is a (dilemma)( 用的很漂亮!)in front of me. Finally, he should be optimistic, since I don’t want to hear a person always complaining every day.


1.从回答的结构上看,采用了First,Second,Finally. 使内容一目了然,很有条理性。

2. 从内容上看,内容基本完整,而且较有深度。实际上雅思口语考试的难易程度与大学英语六级相仿,但是在内容方面更具有深度.这也恰恰体现在口语方面.例如在回答的内容上再添加一点,就会更加锦上添花。例如:In my opinion, another valuable quality in my friend is his refusal to admit defeat. Whenever he is confronted with a problem or difficulty, the very first idea that occurs to him is that there must be a solution. 这样看上去,回答的内容更加丰满了,而且个人观点也很鲜明了。

3.在回答问题的时候要多多注意语速,要适中.还有一个更为重要的方面,就是发音,这是一个 “门面”.实际上吸引人的发音,可能会大大弥补内容方面的欠缺.建议可以跟读磁带,并可以做成dictation的形式, 既纠正了口语发音,又练习了听力.




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