雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思口语事件类词汇 雅思口语Part1遇到不熟悉的话题怎么办,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
To be a man is to have a story to tell. 考官一天都听一些各种口音各种语法错误的答案,一定很累很难受,如果这时候你能给考官讲一个独特的故事,跟其他考生的答案都不同,让考官能了解到新的东西,你在很大程度上就拯救了考官的一天,高分就不远了。这个故事一定是你自己经历过的,特别了解的,不是千篇一律编出来的或者是背出来的。第二部分无论是人事物地类的话题,都可以转化为事件类的问题,讲一个故事,就没那么枯燥了。人物类话题,可以将人身上发生的故事。物体类话题,可以讲*物体背后的故事,地点类话题,可以讲在这里发生过什么事情。
例如,在第二部分最近一个高频考题就是a friend with an interesting job。有同学就头疼了,什么样的工作是有趣的呢?想出各种奇奇怪怪的工作,自己不了解,也没多少内容可以说。其实每种工作都可卜茄纯以是有趣的,只要这个工作里会与人交流,发生故事或者学到东西。有一名学员特别聪明,她说自己的好朋友在农场摘水果(其实是她自己并且其实是很枯燥没什么乐趣的工作),和水果农场主聊天学到了很多东西,还向考官传输了什么样的水果好吃,如何挑选水果这样的知识。由于是她自己经历的,她自己了解并且能够带入感情,这样完全规避了长篇空洞的论述,考官就喜欢听这种独特的,考生用自己的语言表述真实发生的事情,而能够收到一种以情动人的效果。
在此情况下,考生应该机警的应对,采用风险转移法。例如,考官问道:“What are the most popular birds in China and what meanings do they have?” 其实先别提大多数考生是否知道在中国流行的鸟究竟有哪些,事实上应该连鸟的英文名字都叫不上来一两个,就更别提他们的含义了。这时候怎么办?总不能不回答问题吧?好办。考生可以坦然地告诉考官:“I don’t really know much about birds.”或者干脆说:“I don’t know.”但是记住,这永远不是问题回答的结束。接下来一定要说“but”。可是but之后又该说什么呢?胡侃瞎侃可以吗?完全可以,但是风险要转嫁出去。考生可以用一个简单的转移技巧:“but one of my friends is crazy about birds, and he used to tell me…” 你看这样子即使考生接下来乱侃一通,考官也不能指责纳纤考生,因为这些内容根本就是听别人说的嘛,要怪也要去怪别人吧。
所谓昵称法就是给自己所要谈的人或物冠以昵称,以体现考生对英语更灵活的掌握和对问题更巧妙地回答而使之成为一个闪光点。就人来说,考生可以使用Mr., Miss或 Mrs.加上一个人的特点或者直接用一个描述性的名次短语来给一个人昵称。例如:Mr. Handsome 可以指一位相貌出众的帅哥, Mr. Big Nose 可以用来称呼一大鼻子的人, Mr. Determination 可以形容以很有决心的人, Mr. “I don’t know”可以用来称呼凡事总是 “I don’t know”的哥们儿。遇到物品,例如谈一样有用的设备,我就会说“well, I am going to talk about my little girlfriend then…” 考官听到这里刚要纳闷怀疑我是不是没读懂题目,就听到我接着说到“…my iPod, a very trendy mp3 player and also a very useful electronic device, which I would always take along with me wherever I go.”此时,考官就会恍然大悟。“哦,原来在运用修辞,在玩幽默,还把自己的iPod当成了女朋友。”当然还有很多其他的例子,考生完全可以充分发挥自己的想象力来使自己的回答更加生动有趣。
纵览各类卡片题,发现一个共同的关键词,即Describe, 如Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you(人物题),Describe an object you use everyday(物品题),Describe a shop you often go to(地点题),Describe a family event(事件题)。
很多考生会集中精力去思考如何Describe,所以在人物题迟或中会试着用很多语言去描述外貌特征,如大大的眼睛,长长的睫毛,粉粉的脸颊,厚厚的嘴唇。且不论该考生是否都能将这些中文描述对应的恰当英文找到,除非是口语基础相当不错的考生,不然挑这些内容去讲无疑是搬起石头砸自己的脚。人物题还算是比较容易描述的了,那碰到物品题描述一个家用电器怎么办,如何去Describe?以a washing machine为例,我们能想到的内容可能是颜色,Its color is white. 大小,It’s one meter high. 别的似乎没什么可讲的了。这个时候就可以增加议论或评价。
对于颜色,可以添加的内容是The reason why I chose this color is that it matches well with my bathroom and besides, white has always been my favorite color. It’s clean. You know. 而对于大小,也可评价一番It is actually the *allest size at that time. I put it in the corner, and it takes only a little space.
很多考生觉得口语话题难,就是因为没话说,特别是看似较为抽象的话题,如Describe a success。总觉得success肯定是较为光鲜的事迹,对照自己似乎找不到素材。其实如果把success具体化,看作是successfully did sth,构思就会容易许多。可以讲成功地网上交友、购物,与网络话题结合,可以讲成功地交到一个知心益友,与朋友话题相结渣蠢合。
又如part 3中的一些抽象问题,如How has technology changed people’s life? 如果单单从较高层面总的去概括科技如何改变生活会觉得语言内容上频频受限,而换个角度,如果把change具体化,举自己的家庭为例,讲起来就顺口多了。Well, technology did change our life a lot. Take my family as an example, ten years ago, we used electric fan in hot summer but now the air-conditioning brings us more comfort.
如A piece of good law,这个难倒了众多考生的杀手题触及到我们较为不熟悉的领域——法律。而转身一想,法律其实是无所不在的,建议考生可以将其转移为环境问题,所以可以去讲“限塑令(The new standard of plastic bags)的制定和执行;亦可转换成工作问题,讲“劳工法”(The Labor Law)。
Describe a positive experience you had before
You should say:
What it was
When it happened
Where it occurred
And explain why you like it
细心的“烤鸭”不难发现,此题作为 “事件类” 话题,在以往的众多老话题中都能找到它的影子。比如,去年第二部分的高频话题 “describe something that you did with a group of people”(描述你和一些人一起做的一件事)和 “describe a project or homework you did”(描雀皮扰述你做的一个项目或作业),都完全可以作为描述这所谓的“积极的经历”的雅思口语选材。
One of the most positive experiences that I have ever had in my life was that I was rewarded with a Nokia 0323 cell phone by my father, since I had done well in the high school entrance exam years ago.
Clearly, I remember that before the exam came, I had been working extremely hard on it days and nights for at least 3 months, as I was eager to enter my favorite high school in Shanghai. What is sure is that during that period of time, I was making every effort to realizing my very first dream. I stayed up late until 2 o’clock in the early morning on a daily basis.
Eventually, when the results came out, I was so excited that I was admitted to my dream high school in the upcoming semester.
Even my whole family and friends were over the moon for me. More excitingly, my dad bought me a cell phone, Nokia 0323, the next day as an award. He told me that he was so proud of me and I deserved it. It was the first time that I received a present from my dad.
Now, the phone is still lying in the drawer next to my bed, although it is completely out of date, which keeps reminding me of a positive experience I had before.
所以,这里为大家总结了两大人物类话题的作答思路:亲近关系话题思路:1. introduction; 2. appearance; 3.personality; 4.unforgettable event。侧重描述经历和事件来扩充内容,但是1、2、3点都是我们说的人物特征的词汇运用。
个人熟悉类:1. 关键词(即话题中的的原因,其实就是人物特征词汇的描述)2. 的原因:1)冠军;2)打破世界记录;3)为国争光;4)个人精神-毅力,奋斗,坚持等。此类话题描述的重点:侧重关键袭余词的限定描述,通过对所做事情的解析,即“……的原因”分析来体现关键词的特点,并扩充内容。
Sample1,亲近关系 :
The person I am very close to in my family is my mother. My mother is medium height who always wears a friendly *ile on her face. Blue is her favorite color as she thinks it symbols peace and emotion. I think it has a lot to do with her personality. As a music teacher, she is always very patient and kind to her students. There are quite a few similarities between us. People all say that I look like my mother more than my father. We both like listening to the music and watching movies. (这里的对其外貌、职业、性格的介绍medium height、a friendly *ile、)Blue is her favorite color、peace and emotion、patient and kind……都是人物特征的体现,所以人物特征的素材积累是十分关键的,也是作答的第一宽如步。)
On weekends, we often go shopping in the supermarkets or department stores. But we are also different in many ways. My mother is a good gardener. Our veranda is lined with all her gardening masterpieces, such as chrysanthemum and Chinese roses. I am not so patient in taking care of the plants. Besides, my mother can cook many delicious dishes, while I can’t at all. I have learned how to treat people and how to deal with problems on my own from her. She is the one I am close to as she really influences me a lot.(这里则是通过日常和妈妈一起做的事情,所反映出的主人翁对妈妈的好感,以及妈妈对他的影响,即是侧重描述经历和事件来扩充内容的体现,也是人物类话题作答的关键之一)
The host I want to talk about is Oprah Winfrey, who is an American talk show host, media producer and philanthropist.
Winfrey is best known for her self-titled and multi-award- winning talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show. As the supervising producer and host of this programme, she has over the years conducted in-depth and insightful interviews with hundreds of movers and shakers in the world. They share their own life stories, career experiences, and personal insights, which have totally entertained and enlightened millions of viewers.(从best known、media producer and philanthropist……这些词可以看出他的职业以及程度,也就是从她的知名度和职业特征进行具体的描述,而这正是紧扣关键词描述的体现,对其关键词——职业的描述)
The main reason why I adore her is that as a public figure and a professional host, she has her own hosting style and unique viewpoint. I remember she once said, “Over the past twenty years, when I hit rock bottom and was about to give up, I told myself that there is no lucky guy in this world. Luck is just a matter of good preparation meeting right opportunity. If I look at it now, it might be dark; but if I look into future, it is so bright that it burns my eyes.” Her words inspired me a lot.
Besides, being a great philanthropist. She donates over a million dollars every year to charities, establishes schools in many places in poverty and fights for the rights for black women, which is really awesome.(对其的原因进行分析,她自己的主持风格和独一无二的视角,他说过的激励人心的话,以及他做的慈善事业等都是其如此的原因,正是通过对所做事情的解析,来体现关键词A host/TV presenter的特点,并扩充内容,即是作答的重中之重)
She is my role model on so many different levels not only because of the person herself, but also because of the things I've learned from her. She and her talk show have made me realize the only dream maker of my dream is nobody but me.(对整个话题进行总结)
1. Birds 鸟类
Do you like birds?
What birds popular in China?
核心词汇:轮岩magpie喜鹊 , swan天鹅, pigeon鸽子 and peacock孔雀
主要说喜鹊 因为喜鹊是好运的象征,他在我们中国有文化背景.
2. Birds and pets 比较
Is it popular to keep birds as pets in your country?
可以再补充几个核心的鸟类词汇parrot鹦鹉, thrushes画眉。
3. Flower: 花
Do you like flowers?
核心词汇:Rose, Ja*ine茉莉花, Peony牡丹, Carnation康乃馨
Do Chinese people like send flowers to people on some festivals?
Do Chinese people use flowers as a gift?
Have you received flowers?
Is there any special meaning for flowers?
4. Noise and neighbor噪音和邻居
what kind of sound do you like?
音乐的声音,light music,
乐器的声音 flute长笛,drum鼓,pinao 钢琴
why is there noise?
各种建筑工地的机器噪音Noise made by engines in building sites
Do you know your neighbors?
Do you think it is important to have good relationship with neighbors?
Do you prefer young people to be your neighbor or old people?
5. Cooking做饭
Who does the cooking in your family?
What does he or she often cook?
6. Fruit水果
Do you like fruit?
水果的种类:strawberry, melon, kiwi猕猴桃, cherry樱桃, blueberry蓝莓, raspberry红莓.
How often do you eat fruit?
What kind of fruit do you like best?
Why? 水果含有丰富的维他命,不含脂肪 卡路里也很低等等
What are the benefits of eating more fruit?
7. Vegetables蔬菜
Do you like vegetables?
How often do you eat vegetables?
What kind of vegetables do you like best?
What are the benefits of eating vegetables?
8. Driving开车
Do you often drive?
Is it necessary to learn driving?
Is it important to drive well?
When would you allow your children to drive?
9 English 英语学习
Why do you study English?
How does your teacher teach English?
What teaching style do you like?
现在兄桐罩最流行的英语教育就是communicative language teaching.
Do you prefer group learning or individual learning?
Group learning: 可以小组讨论可以交换学习计较可方法还可以想起她人学, 培养学生独立思考的能力和习惯这是一种很重要的技能。
How do you study English?
Where do you usually study English? With whom?
Do the young and the elderly learn English in different ways? What are the differences?
how many languages can you speak?
what languages do you like?
what are the difficulties in learning a language?
what did you collect when you were young?
10 collect收集
do you still collect it now?
what do you like to collect?
if you had a lot of money, what would you like to collect?
do you like to wear watches?
提醒自己要有时间观念 时间安排合理
do you think that time flies?
11 Sports:运动
Do you do sports?
Does you community have any sports equipment?
. What sport do you do? Do you think swimming is good?
Shape one’s body, good for lose weight, practice your lung volume, strengthen your muscle
Where do people go for swimming?
What sport are you going to learn in the future?
Are there any good sports facilities in your community?
What sport do you want to do in the future?
11. Friends朋友
Do you want to go out alone or in a group?
How often do you meet your friends?
What do you do when you are with friends?
12. Food食物
What food do you like?
What food don't you like?
Which restaurant is your favorite?
do you like cooking?
who does the cooking in your family?
what does he or she like to cook?
13. Internet网络
What do you do with internet?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of internet?
网络把整个世界带到你的身边,可以有效快速的找到你所需要的信息,但是缺点是网络犯罪和诈骗很多 总的来说网络带给我们的益处大于坏处
Do you think that life is better with the internet?
When did you begin to use the internet?
What’s the influence of the internet on you?
14. Living place你的详细居住地址
Do you live in a house or a flat?
I live in four-bedroom flat, which is on the 4th floor. It is in Zhongyuan district of Zhengzhou, not far from city center.
What can you see from the windows of your home?
15. Work: 工作
Do you think your job is easy to do? Why?
What’s your job responsibility?
16 Vacation:度假旅游
这个问题的思路嫁接到带水的地方也就是旅游景点 大连或者是青岛或者是英国
Do you like traveling?
What’s the most interesting journey?
Which country do you want to visit?
When did you have your vacation last time?
17。Society & Culture:社会和文化
Have you received any gift?可以说flowers
When do people give gifts in your country?过节日的时候,生日的时候,你可以举个例子五月的第二个周日是母亲节大家都送康乃馨来一次表达自己对母亲的感谢和爱
When will you give gifts?
Do you think it's difficult to choose a gift?
Have you ever made a gift by yourself to somebody?
18. bicyle 自行车
Do most people ride bicycles?
Did you learn to ride a bike when you were young?
Are there any benefits of bicycle riding?
益处是锻炼身体,休闲娱乐,缓解交通压力 reduce traffic pressure,
Why so many people ride bicycles in your country?
中国过去是自行车王国used to kingdom of Bicycles
在过去自行车是主要的出行工具main means of transportation
随着交通的快速发展rapid development of public transportation, 私家车的普及widespread of private cars
Do you think bike riding is safe?
What are the differences between being a child and being an *?
19.休闲活动Leisure activities:
When did you go shopping last time?
Do you like going to a party?
What do you dislike most about a party?
Do you like shopping?
What do you dislike most about shopping?
When do you usually go shopping?
Do you prefer *all shops or shopping malls? Why?
part 2 (高频考试题目)优先准备一下话题,然后有时间的同学可以把后面人事物地媒体的剩余东西准备一下
a foreign artist you admire (movie star, singer, painter, etc)
a walk you took
a family that you like (not your own)
a wild animal endangered animal 说说那些濒临灭绝的动物,他们的驻地被人共占用,他们被人们猎捕,社会工业的发展污染了他们的水源和食物
a happy event (in your childhood) ===a family event ===go for a picnic 这三个题目都可以互相串起来,
a school you went to when you were young (小时候的学校)
your favorite subject (不要说大学的pe )
a science lesson you learned说数学,物理说你很擅长的话或者说你学不懂
something you bought but has not been used frequently (*过的不怎么用的东西,与equipment*过了学英语的那个器材)
a trip you planned but didn't go for说大连和青岛,英国
A party you enjoyed 一次晚会国际学生晚会===a party you would like to hold (注意将来时)
手工制品 something you made by yourself 旗袍风筝剪纸中山装
a letter or email you received 通知你去参加party
a special meal 和上面这个话题连接,有中国饭菜举几个例子有外国饭菜
last weekend运动,看电影,听音乐
Old thing in your family旗袍风筝剪纸中山装
A person who visited you 最好的朋友
A public event 跟踢足球,篮球的比赛连接
An exciting sport也可以准备一下极限运动,
A change you would like to make 你通过看电影听音乐和用iphone*下载动词,来提高自己的英语具体看我发的讲义
A course you want to learn 英语 体育运动 饮食做饭 做衣服
Good news from phone 参加聚会
Something that is good for health 水果和蔬菜
sports event you watched that you want to do 嫁接到足球比赛
a trip not as good as you planned 实际就是要描述旅游中的突发事件,丢东西啦。交通啦。堵车啦。天气啦。。。。。
a picnic or a meal in a park 嫁接到国际留学生自己带食物去参加的话题(这个场景我在国外留学的时候经常会这样特别是到了夏天的时候大家一般都会park在举行)
an important conversation 父母跟你谈打算送你出国的事情
where when with whom what it was about