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雅思口语加分的法宝:形象生动的明喻与暗喻 关于口语机经的对话

更新:2023年05月04日 07:42 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思口语加分的法宝:形象生动的明喻与暗喻 关于口语机经的对话,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思口语加分的法宝:形象生动的明喻与暗喻 关于口语机经的对话




比喻作为一种修辞方式 (figure of speech),其实也是认知的一种基本方式,在汉语中也是非常常见和常用的。我们常通俗地叫它作打比方,根据思想对象同另外为人熟悉的事物之间的相似或相同之处,用另外的事物来比拟思想对象,以达到通过熟知的事物特征来重新认识思想对象的目的。由此可见,它是一种具有化抽象为具体,变深奥为浅显的神奇力量的修辞,如果能在雅思口语考试中很好地加以运用,一定会有事半功倍的效果。



1.Simile 明喻

It is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic in common. To make the comparison, words like as, as...as, as if and like are used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other.

很明显,在明喻中上述的三个成分都会出现,表示比喻关系的词通常为”as, as…as, as if, like”等,汉语中我们解释为“好像、似乎、仿佛”等喻词。

Example 1: Describe a person who likes to help others

例如Part 2要求考生描述一个乐于助人的人,考生可以讲述自己接受其帮助的亲身经历,在描述自己遇到困难心急如焚的尴尬时,可以说:I was really like a cat on hot bricks at that moment. 这里的明喻,”like”就是用于表示比喻关系的词,把自己比作“爬在热砖上的猫”,表达更加形象,易于理解,也多了几分轻松调侃的意味。所以,在很多地道的英文短语、常用谚语和句型中考生可以积累到很多用作比喻的表达。但考生需注意的是一些与汉语相同的意思在英语中的表达方式却可能不同,两者不要混用。比如上面的例子,汉语我们通常会说:“急得像热锅上的蚂蚁”,但英文中却说“急得像爬在热砖上的猫”。同样的意思,但将自己比喻成的动物和相应的情境却不一样。所以,在考场上要能正确使用英语比喻,考生们在日常学习当中一定要善于积累地道的英语表达方式,使用的时候才能做到有的放矢。



John:Part of the reason that you don't see 机经 for the spoken test is that there are no "correct" or "incorrect" answers for the spoken test. The interviewer gives you a score based on your ability to communicate, and not based on whether or not your answers conformed to a predetermined "answer sheet".

While the topics do are updated frequently, the types of questions never really change. It's much more important to work on improving your ability to communicate using spoken English than it is to try and guess exactly which questions the interviewer ask.

红星照我去战斗:But I don't think the speaking part of IELTS is perfect enough to test one's speaking level by some topics according to different background knowledge of different people.Set I myself for example, I don't like sports ,and I know nothing about sports stars.If it happened to me that my topic is that, I would fail in the exam. However, if we can collect the topics ,then we can collect words related to the topics to develop our speaking materials.

John:I disagree.

In fact, it's very unlikely that you'll be given a card in Stage Two of the interview asking you to describe a "sports star". It's much more likely that your card would ask you to describe a "famous person", in which case you could describe a sports star, an entertainer, a busines*an, a political figure, or any number of different types of people.

And if you are asked about the topic of "sports" in Stage One, it's fine for you to say "I don't like sports!" The interviewer will probably ask you "why?", but you don't need any specific knowledge of sports in order to explain why you don't like sports. :)

The most important part of the IELTS interview is *not* your knowledge of the specific topics; instead, the most important thing is your ability to express yourself in English about a variety of topics.

Let me know if this is unclear. I'm happy to continue this discussion.


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