雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了看名师如何用“小词”写雅思作文 4月3日雅思作文范文,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
那些人背诵单词和看语法书已经有十年多了,这样的十年在英文学习上证明是徒劳无益的,他们写出来的句子毫无法则,单词也不会用。无法表达自己。既然这样,结果证明是失败的,那么他们为什么还要愚钝地坚持自己错误的做法呢?我不是批评,我是告诉大家,要不断检验自己的方法和效果,并且不断改进。下面是我课堂写的一段关于高中毕业生是否在上大学之前要工作或者旅游一段时间。注意,我用的单词全部是高中1500核心单词之内。这并不是说高中英文教育还有什么价值,而是说大部分人是经历过高中学习的,已经具备了一般高中词汇的认知能力,全文257单词, The established idea about high school students is that they should enter universities or colleges after they have finished high school study. But in these years the number of students who go to travel or work increases at a fast speed, attracting attention to study. Either to travel or to do a job, part time or full time, helps students to grow in a happy and healthy way. To work usually means to earn a sum of money which a student uses to buy whatever delights him or her. Besides, the sum of money has deep sense to a student because he or she feels that he has grown up enough to help parents release pressure. My own experience in a factory in the summer holiday in 1996 severs as a good example. I earned totally ¥92.75 RMB that summer, almost half of my total year tuition. To travel is also positive to students who have been kept in classrooms for long. When one travels, he or she learns more in a different way unavailable in classroom. My English professor once said that a person learns more in a hundred-mile travel than reading ten thousand books. In fact, a travel is a complex process, in which one learns to make stranger acquaintance, acquaintance friends, and friends brothers and sisters. In traveling, not only can the traveler learn more about the geography, biology, and culture but also the deep means of life. Clearly, to travel and to work both are helpful to the high school leavers. 点击查看原文》》》发贴:北语雅思
Contrary to people's belief, international touri* does not promote understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree?
Every year, hundreds of millions of people move around to see a different part of the world. It is natural to assume that tourists who have seen other countries have a better knowledge of the people. That assumption also leads to the conclusion that international touri* promotes understanding between nations. How true is this? Let us examine what tourists do in a different country.
First, before going abroad, tourists are often told by their travel agents of the possible hazards which sometimes include local people. They are given example of extreme cases where victims are always the travelers. Then, when they arrive, they are immediately taken to their hotels in big coaches. They flood places where local people don't go. Their shopping, meals, entertainment all take place in secluded areas. They wear a bubble all the way. Apart from speaking to the guide and a few shop assistants, tourists rarely talk to the local people. To make it even worse, they meet pickpockets, they are ripped off by dishonest traders. Furthermore, very few local people bother to talk to them out of a genuine interest in the guests' country, people and culture. Therefore, when asked how much they know about the local people, their answer is "very little".
If someone really wants to understand a different culture, he has to learn its language, stay there for at least a few month without wearing a bubble, learn how to curse and swear, bargain with a vegetable vendor and then he can say that he understands the people.(258 words)
不同文化所推崇的东西也不同,这里有一个political correctness的问题。
注意第二段中 first, then, to make it even worse, furthermore 的用法。