雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思作文修改一例:现代技术对人的影响 雅思写作名师指导:做好语言准备,写好雅思作文,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
Modern technology has had a great influence on people's entertainment choices, making them less creative. Co you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Modern technology has had a great influence on people's entertainment choices, making them less creative. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Bearing in mind the likely effects of the modern technology on entertainments on today's users are important, because it is an issue that is discussed daily nowadays by people in both the private and public sectors. However, does the modern technology benefits all aspects of human society? Some people may answer to the contrary. As far as I can see, current technology is undermining modern people's creative ability by providing individuals sorted ways of relaxation.
The likely effects of modern technology on entertainment for people today are important, because it is an issue that is discussed daily in both the private and public sectors. However, does modern technology benefit all aspects of human society? Some people may answer in the negative. As far as I can see, modern technology undermines people's creative ability by providing individuals pre-digested forms of relaxation.
To begin with , it has been known from the latest resources that modern people prefer to enjoy high-tech ways of recreation. More and more people from all works feel so pressuarable that they turn to modern technology which is supposed to be there providing convenient, time-saving and fresh entertainment while fewer and fewer individuals choose to play jigsaws or make some exquisite handicrafts which is the very things expand their imaginary world and make them more creative in their spare time.
To begin with , it has been known from recent sources that modern people enjoy high-tech ways of recreation. More and more people from all walks of life feel so pressured that they turn to modern technology to provide convenient, time-saving and fresh entertainment; while fewer and fewer individuals choose to play jigsaws or make some exquisite handicrafts, the kinds of things that expand their imaginations and make them more creative in their spare time.
Furthermore, modern people are more likely to count on current technology whether in physiological or psychological. What is meant by this is that plenty of people fully enjoy the entertaining products such as, TV, MP3 or internet games high-tech brings to them that they spend lots of time on them without doing anything else. Couch-potato syndrome is one such example. The more people rely on those modern entertaining items, the more possible that people form a negative habitual opinion that these high-tech can do everything for them, and the less likely people will be initiative and creative in their life.
Furthermore, modern people are more likely to rely on modern technology whether for physiological or psychological reasons. What is meant by this is that many people fully enjoy the entertainment devices, such as TV, MP3 or internet games, that high technology brings to them, so that they spend lots of time on them to the detriment of everything else. The couch-potato syndrome is a result. The more that people rely on those modern entertainment devices, the more they form a negative habits, relying on all that these high-tech devices can do thing for them, and the less likely like they are to show initiative and be creative in their lives.
那怎么才能让我们的雅思作文符合英文学术写作的标准和要求呢?首先大家应该了解一下什么是真正的英文学术语言。正式的英文学术语言首要的一个特征就是正式性和严肃性,具体体现为不用简写、不用口语、不用个人语气、不直接引用别人的原话或对话。道理很简单,学术文章不是小说,小说为了生动,给人一种身临其境的感觉,经常使用口语话、个人化的语言,也经常直接引用人物之间的对话。而学术文章则要求客观、严谨、条理清楚、逻辑清晰,没有或者极少个人的感*彩。举例来说,我们在口语或者小说中经常使用词的缩写形式或简易形式,比如you‘re, there’s等等,但在雅思作文中我们就不能用这些简写形式,而应该用完整形式you are, there is;又比如口语中经常把冰箱叫做fridge, 雅思作文中我们就应该用refrigerator不用fridge。另外,在论述的时候最好不要直接引用别人的话:如“。。.。。.”, says 某某某,而应该用According to 某某某,然后再用自己的语言简述他的观点,这样显得很专业。当然,你如果用了这些简写或者口语化的语言也不能说你错了,考官也能理解你的意思,但会极大影响考官对你作文的整体印象和评分。
英文学术语言的第二个特征就是经常使用被动语态。一般说来,当强调动作承受者,不必说出执行者或含糊不清的执行者时,多用被动式。须注意的是,许多地方与汉语不同,有时候汉语中没有“被……”的意思,英语却应该用被动态,这是语言使用习惯问题,在英语中被动语态的使用已经成为了一个习惯。换句话说,在写作文的时候,大家不要等到在汉语中有“被……”的意思的时候才想起用被动语态。在该用被动语态的时候用主动语态,就会感到很别扭,意思可能相差不大,但让人一看便知不是地道的英语。例如,Richard Nixon曾经有句名言,他是这样说的:“A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits.”这个意思如果用汉语说,就是“当一个人失败的时候,他还没有完;而当他放弃的时候,他才是完了”。在汉语里没有一个“被”字,但同样的意思你如果不用被动语态在英语里就表达得不正宗、不地道、不到位。在描述事件和客观事实的时候,被动语态用得更多,大家来看BBC网站上的一个新闻报道,题目就是“10,000 NHS patients ‘to have genes mapped’”请大家注意其中mapped的用法,翻译成汉语就是10000个NHS患者的基因图谱破译成功(注:NHS 即National Health Service,英国国家卫生事业局,如果大家去英国留学就会每人填一张NHS的登记表,享受免费医疗),这么多意思,一个mapped就表达出来了,这就是地道的英语,请大家细细体会其中的精妙之处。
英文学术语言的第三个特征就是用词准确、句式多变。用词的准确性和多变也很值得一提。例如在犯罪类考题中,如果问到“是否应该加大对罪犯的惩处力度”,在表达“(实施)惩罚”时,能用的动词就包括“to punish”、“to impose … on”、“to carry out”和“to enforce”。又例如在经济类考题中,如果问到“经济是否是评价一个国家成功的唯一标准”,句子中的经济就可以用以下表达方式: “economic factor”,“economic growth”,“economic development”,“domestic economy”, “a sound economic performance”等等。这种用不同的词汇表达同一个意思的能力, 能让你的文章显得更加生动。试想,如果通篇表达经济这个概念时只用一个简单的“economy”,虽然没什么错误,但也绝对没有亮点,这是想取得高分的同学的大忌,这也是我一直向学生强调的一个重要的写作原则。当然,要做到这一点并不容易,需要大家平时多用心,多积累。
The idea that a marriage should be arranged by the parents of the couple, or by other members-of the family, is quite acceptable to some societies, yet completely out of the question for others. It all depends on your cultural expectations。
In so-called western societies, it is very unusual for marriages to be arranged. Most young people would not welcome the idea that their parents have the right to choose their partner for life. They feel that arranged marriages deny them their fundamental right to choose, even if they make a bad decision。
2021年05月26日 13:26雅思作文由两块构成:大作文和小作文。通过观察评分标准,官方对词汇以及句式的考察都有所涉及,分别是LR
2021年05月26日 13:28很多烤鸭都有这个疑问:“我要背范文吗?”“老师,多给点实用范文,让我能确保6分。”由于每个人英语水平
2021年05月28日 06:38雅思写作的评分标准很简洁而直观,4大标准中,2个是语言层面的,分别是词汇和语法,2个是思维层面的,分
2021年05月29日 06:18在2019年1-7月的雅思大作文考试中,各类大作文出现的规律与往年相似,主要仍旧以社会类和教育类为主
2021年05月29日 10:23由于2019上半年雅思写作部分在题型方面有比较明显的侧重点,因此预计下半年在题型方面依然将出现重点考
2021年05月29日 11:141、选择没有把握的题目,攻克难关:因为时间比较紧,再大量练习已经来不及了。要做的最重要的工作是让自己
2021年05月30日 03:02看到分数的那一刻心凉了半截,雅思写作分数居然只有5.5分。我傻了眼,虽然总分过了7,但是单项没过6我
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2021年06月19日 09:24雅思考试中,雅思写作常见题型有哪些?一、教育类A.理论与实践1.知识和经验的重要性。2.为什么要上大
2021年06月01日 16:34