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雅思作文素材库 我雅思作文的一点经验

更新:2023年05月03日 19:18 雅思无忧

雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思作文素材库 我雅思作文的一点经验,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
雅思作文素材库 我雅思作文的一点经验


I. Are cars doing more harm than good?


1. Cars are evils resulting from modernization, for they make people suffer rather than enjoy life.
2. Traffic accidents caused by cars not only bring death and injury, but also make people suffer mentally and psychologically.
3. Every year car owners have to pay vast sums to the exchequer: road tax, purchase tax, oil tax, etc. This is a big drain on their resources.
4. Since China has such a large population, the popularisation of private cars will only bring about serious social problems.
5. Cars should be done away with. We should try to find a safer means of transport which will bring joy and comfort rather than injury and death.
6. The roads are so often jammed with cars that ambulances and fire engines find it difficult to fulfil their duties.
7. People's hidden frustrations and disappointments are brought to the surface when they drive.
8. Road networks for cars have not only made cities uninhabitable, but also desecrated the countryside.
9. Cars often produce air pollution and fill the cities with unbearable noise.
10. Cars are the cause of traffic accidents. All over the world thousands upon thousands of people are killed or injured every year.


1. Motor cars are highly desirable for obvious reasons. We should recognize this and adapt ourselves.
2. Motor cars enable people to become more mobile. Without cars, the world would still consist of isolated communities.
3. If there are more cars in China's rural areas, people can get to cities more easily. The gap between town and country will become *aller.
4. Possessing a car gives one a much greater degree of mobility, enabling him to move around freely.
5. The owner of a car is not forced to rely on public transport and is, therefore, not compelled to work locally.
6. Long distances can be covered rapidly and pleasantly.
7. Buses are often crowded and slow, especially during rush-hour. If there are more cars, people can get around more easily.
8. With the popularisation of cars, the suburbs will become more developed, and the downtown area will be less crowded.
9. Cars and motorists are not to blame for road accidents. Problems like too many road signs, faulty traffic lights, sudden narrowing of a street and congested parking are the real cause of traffic accidents.
10. There must be universal adoption of multi-storey and underground car parks so that car-parks won’t become a problem.

II. Are pets good for mankind?


1. Pets are of particular importance to children in this Plastic Age when most of us live in large cities.
2. Watching the everyday activities of a pet helps a child to understand nature and cope with problems.
3. Learning to care for a pet helps a child to grow up into a loving * who feels responsible towards those dependent on him.





increase decrease
rise drop
grow fall
shoot up(非常得快) decline
reach a peak
reach a number
________ level off, to stablize,to maintain a trend
rapid(ly) *dramatical(ly) *slight
*sharp(ly) *gradual(ly)
sluggish(ly) *stead

带* 的我比较常用:)

还有就是注意要比较数据之间的关系(same ,similar,twice...),通常在文章的结尾给出一定的猜想,例如趋势什么的。

还有实心的线(solid line),虚线(break line),点线(dot line) 图表作文,要看到就写,因为就是让你描述这个图说了什么,数据之间的关系,所以不用想太多,留点时间给下面的部分。第一句话经常是: this graph shows(illustrates)



其次,就是一些连词的使用。通常我们的中文写作是没有这样的连词的使用的,但是在英文写作中,连词就变得很重要。如果不能合理的使用连词,有的人甚至没有使用,那就大大的糟糕了。因为通过连词,别人能发现你要做什么比如说furthermore, 那么别人就知道你要进一步的说明。如果是however 那么别人就知道你要转折了。这些连词在读文章的时候也是很重要的,引人注目的地方。


however,on the other hand,furthermore,in addition,
表示因果的:result in , lead to,result from.consequently


第一段,一般是概括全文 ,首先一般是定义,要是单独的argument, 这种文章你就发表一方面的观点就行了,同意或反对,这种文章,接下来就要说你的观点了,然后就是outline, 就是你同意的理由的总结,一般是给出几点理由,然后以后的文章就按照这种理由的顺序来写,每个理由分成一段。这样的文章让人感觉到结构比较紧密。最后一段就是总结,一般用的就是in conclusion,sum up 什么的。

如果是discussion, 就是说你要说两方面,要是写成这样的文章比较难,因为时间不够,两方面阐述比较累,但是要是有的题目不这样写不行,那么通常的结构是:第一段 定义以后要学双方面存在的 优点和缺点,我给的我的文章的advertising 就是那样的(那篇文章我抄用了不少我认为不错的句子),然后就是整体的outline 分别有双方面的理由。然后的以后的段落,基本上是先说你的最后不同意的观点,1段,2段,3段 然后是你比较倾向的观点4,5,6 自己比较倾向的观点写的多些。最后一段要总结全文,对比双方面,然后给出自己的观点,这点比较重要,就是说 虽然是 议论文,你还是要有自己的观点的。


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