雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思G类大作文写作文化话题真题练习及范文 11月1日雅思作文真题,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
English and native languages
You should spend about 40 minutes onthis task.
The spread of the English language andthe development of international touri* have a mainly negative effect on thenative languages and cultures in many countries.
To what extent do you agree or disagreewith this opinion? Give reasons for your argument.
Write at least 250 words.
Environment: Sample
The English language is undoubtedly themost preferred international language in the world. It dominates almost everyfield of human communication and interaction, including business, politics,science, arts, and even education. However, we should not ignore its negativeinfluence on many native languages and cultures, which are struggling for theirsurvival.
Main Body 1
It must be admitted that the spread ofEnglish does facilitate the economic development in many countries of the ThirdWorld. By communicating in English, they can do import and export businesseswith industrialized nations, the majority of which adopt English as one oftheir official languages. Also, technologically underdeveloped countries thatunderstand and use English can master a lot of sophisticated technologies bystudying various kinds of scientific literature where English takes a paramountposition.
Main Body 2
Nevertheless, the victory of English allover the globe has resulted in a twilight existence of countless nativelanguages, which are vanishing at an astonishing rate. Countries whose mothertongue is not English are often eager to embrace the growing trend ofglobalization and are considering replacing their native language with Englishas the only official language. What is even worse, many native cultures areprone to suffer the same fate. Because language is the foundation andembodiment of any culture, the extinction of native languages leads unavoidablyto the demise of their corresponding cultures as well as many customs andtraditions.
In summary, although the dominance of theEnglish language has produced many benefits for the world, its inimicalinfluence on the native languages and cultures should also be taken intoconsideration because we cannot afford to sacrifice them for the prosperity ofa single language.
Task 1
Task 2
The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent crimes in society.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this issue?
v116task2: *应该控制电影、书籍、网上的不良信息,以减少对青年和社会的不良影响。
2021年05月27日 11:44为便捷雅思考生的报名和在线支付,自2019年11月14日起,考生可以使用支付宝和首信易智付两种在线方
2021年05月27日 13:44接英国文化教育协会通知,报考2019年10月24日雅思考试的考生口语安排如下,供广大考生参考。请在笔
2021年05月27日 17:50新西兰移民局在其官网上公布了申请2019年银蕨签证的开放日期,于新西兰时间11月20日上午10:00
2021年05月28日 00:16请参加了2019年11月8日雅思考试的同学们注意了。根据教育部考试中心雅思报名官网的查分安排,201
2021年05月28日 01:01接英国文化教育协会通知,报考2019年11月7日雅思考试的考生口语安排如下,供广大考生参考。请在笔试
2021年05月29日 09:582019年雅思考试费用上涨,2019年已近尾声,是否还有同学希望赶上2019年雅思的末班车,在这个冬
2021年05月29日 10:032019年11月雅思考试时间有哪些呢?2019年11月雅思考试时间具体是哪几天呢?在下文中,小站老师
2021年05月29日 12:19小站雅思老师特别提醒:2019年11月共4场雅思考试,时间分别为11月7日,11月14日,11月19
2021年05月29日 12:39雅思2019年考试进程已过大半,不少考生准备报考2019年的雅思考试。2019年雅思考试时间表,是很
2021年05月30日 03:57