雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了雅思G类大作文写作环境话题真题练习及范文 雅思写作真题总汇,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
Economy and environment
You should spend about 40 minutes onthis task.
In many developing countries, thedevelopment of national economy is often achieved at the expense ofenvironmental pollution.
To what extent should economic planningbe influenced by the need for environmental conservation? Give your reasons andexamples.
Write at least 250 words.
Environment: Sample
It is a sad fact that many developingcountries, in their eagerness to improve their national economies, often tendto overlook the importance of environmental protection. From my point of view,economic development should be achieved without damaging the naturalenvironment and the idea of environmental conservation must be incorporatedinto any economic planning.
Main Body 1
The most obvious reason for takingenvironmental protection into consideration is that a clean and fresh naturalenvironment is beneficial to the health of working people, who are the maincreators of economic prosperity. It must be realized that healthy citizens,rather than any economic system or strategy, are the foundations of a thrivingnational economy. And it is impossible to conceive of any economic developmentachieved by people who are afflicted with ailments. Therefore, creating andpreserving a pleasant environment for all humans is the first step to improvethe national economy, without which any seemingly wise economic planning wouldbe meaningless.
Main Body 2
On the other hand, in order to hasten thepace of economic development in a particular region, many governments oftenformulate industrial strategies without careful consideration of theirenvironmental consequences. As a result, the local environment is seriouslypolluted, water supplies are severely contaminated, and many species are facingimminent extinction. Although the local economy may be significantly promoted,the ecological catastrophe will take its heavy toll in the long run. Forinstance, China has witnessed rapid economic development in recent years, but theother side of the equation is that the country has to spend billions of dollarsannually in repairing the damage of the environmental degradation nationwide.
To sum up, the condition of a country’snatural environment is closely associated with the ups and downs of itsnational economy. Therefore, it is advisable that the notion of environmentalprotection should be integrated into any economic planning. Governmentofficials, especially those who are decision-makers, must raise theirenvironmental consciousness to a higher level.
8. 你房子旁边有棵树,给你带来很多不便,请给*写封信说明情况,请他们调查并采取某些措施解决这个问题.
9. 作为学生你已离校,给在校的朋友写信告诉他你离校前做了些什么,回家旅途的经历并邀请他以后来做客。
10. 你在英国读书,但你觉得现在学的有一门课程对自己来说难度太大,请给校方写封信,询问是否有可能另换一门课程学习。
11. 你出去旅游,不小心东西丢了,写封信给保险公司,请求赔偿。
12. 你打算学习一门新的课程,向以前的老师写一封信,请他给你一些建议。(7.22)
13. 你的朋友从邮局给您寄来一个包裹,但很长时间还没收到,请您给邮局写封信。(8.12)
14. 你的朋友要去另外的一家公司工作,请你帮他给公司的老板写一封推荐信。(9.9)
15. 你去澳洲的朋友家做客,回国后发现自己的笔记本电脑忘在朋友家了,请给朋友写封信,感谢他的款待,并请他把电脑还给您。(9.23)
22、You went to London by train last week but you were not satisfied with the service, seating and lateness on the train. So write a letter to the train company and give some suggestions.(3.24)
2021年05月26日 13:26雅思作文由两块构成:大作文和小作文。通过观察评分标准,官方对词汇以及句式的考察都有所涉及,分别是LR
2021年05月26日 13:28很多烤鸭都有这个疑问:“我要背范文吗?”“老师,多给点实用范文,让我能确保6分。”由于每个人英语水平
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2021年05月29日 10:23由于2019上半年雅思写作部分在题型方面有比较明显的侧重点,因此预计下半年在题型方面依然将出现重点考
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