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雅思大作文议论文政府话题真题分析及高分范文 写作真题V86A

更新:2023年04月30日 23:48 雅思无忧

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雅思大作文议论文政府话题真题分析及高分范文 写作真题V86A


Question 2

Governmentsshould introduce healthcare which prevents illness rather than cures it.

Howfar do you agree with this statement?

Key words *ysis

  • government: *,这里加了s.表示各国*

  • introduce: 介绍,这里表示引进,鼓励

  • cure: 治疗


  • 这是属于议论文中的argument类型,通常会在agree或disagree之间进行选择。但是该题特别提到说how far do you agree or disagree,那么我们最好是能够讨论到这个事件的两个方面,然后给出自己的意见。

    Possible reasons:

  • 预防比治愈的成本小

  • *有责任去引导正确的生活方式,减少疾病率

  • 有些病是不能只预防的,所以同时治疗系统要完善

    Model Essay 1 – Part 1


    Healthcare is very important for everyonein the world but it can be very expensive. Many people believe that governmentsshould try to prevent illness by making sure everyone in their country has ahealthy lifestyle. I agree that preventing illness is better than curing it.

    Main body 1

    The cost of medical treatment can be highso governments have to think of ways to encourage people to be healthier. Ifpeople are healthy, they will not need medical care so often. Many diseases canbe prevented if people have good diets, take exercise and give up unhealthyhabits such as *oking. If people cannot work or care for themselves or theirfamily due to illness, this will cost governments and taxpayers a lot of money.In my opinion, governments should spend money on producing information leafletsand films which encourage people to follow healthy lifestyles, such as eatingplenty of fruit and vegetables, taking regular exercise and giving up *oking. Governmentsshould also try to reduce environmental pollution because this can causeillness and health problems.

    Model Essay 1 – Part 2

    Main body 2

    However, having a healthy lifestyle cannotprevent all health problems. There are many diseases, such as cancer, which area result of living in the modern world and which cannot be prevented by ahealthy lifestyle. Accidents at work or on the roads will also cause injurieswhich need medical treatment. If governments focus mainly on prevention, theremay be less money for urgent healthcare and many people could suffer.


    In conclusion, I believe that governmentsshould provide a balance of prevention and treatment because of the differenttypes of health problem, but their main focus should be on prevention ratherthan cure.


1) 告诉他们你的决定
2) 你决定的理由
3) 如何照管你的东西



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