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1科技类话题真题练习 【干货分享】新雅思考试口语真题大汇总

更新:2023年04月24日 02:51 雅思无忧

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1科技类话题真题练习 【干货分享】新雅思考试口语真题大汇总

雅思口语Part 1科技类话题真题练习

Part 1 – Technology

Practice Question 1:What other technologies do you think are great?

Your Answer:

Practice Question 2:How ‘computer literate’ are you?

Your Answer:

Practice Question 3:Have you ever bought a PlayStation?

Your Answer:

Practice Question 4:In which area do you think is the most innovative one in the future?

Your Answer:

Practice Question 5:What technology do you think is the best ?

Your Answer:

Practice Question 6:Will something replace the phone in the future?

Your Answer:

Part 1 – Vocabulary Exercise A

Choose appropriate words to fit thedescriptions



1. Themobile phone has become widely__________ to households in the China by 2005. Almostevery one in big city have a cellphone of their own.

2. Thi*iologist and his team members have been __________ new ground in geneticresearch. A journalist is going to interview them this Friday.

3. Thegovernment is trying to __________this eco-friendly car.

4. Cloudcomputing will permit access to multiple __________ centers anywhere.

Part 1 – Vocabulary Exercise B

Choose appropriate words to fill in theblanks

monitorpossibilityartificial intelligence

satisfymissionget ahead

1.Meteorological satellites have been used to __________ the weather and climateof the earth.

2. Thesescientists are discussing the __________ of a manned __________ to Mars.

3. A goodreason to support space exploration is to __________ the human curiosity.

4. Asinformation management becomes increasingly complex, __________ will allow usto share information within and across organizations.




A person in history

House moving

An intelligent person

A comic actor/actress

A future plan you have

A family business

A science class

A film you dislike

A TV program you like/dislike

A competition you took part in

An ancient/old building

A restaurant impressing you a lot

A place where you learnt about a new culture

An antique or old object your family has kept for a long time

Something you saved money for

A recent change to your life

A difficult time you went through

Something you forgot (物品)/Something you forgot to do(事件)

A training course you had

A positive event in your teenager time

A subject you disliked in high school

An old man you enjoy talking to

A famous/successful person in your country

A friend you haven’t met for a long time

Someone with an important job

A stranger who helped you/who you helped

Someone who paid you a visit at your home recently

Favorite singer/musician/music band

A foreign place(been to/want to go to)

A city (been to/want to go to/important city in your country)

A place you go for music

A park or garden you like

A beautiful flat or house you visited

A room you spent a lot of time in

A book( you read for many times/you want to read again)

A photo which you are in

An important letter or email you received

A popular product made in your country

An electronic equipment (not computer) you bought for your home

A piece of clothing (in important situation)

A historic event

A childhood story

A sport event/something good for health

A performance you watched

A conversation with a stranger

Your favorite season or time in a year

A decision taking a long time to make

A group activity you took part in

Experience of moving to a new place to live

A party you want to throw

A job you’d like to try

A radio program you like

A useful website you often browse

An advertisement



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