雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了来啦!《剑15》 Test 4 口语 Part 3 详细解读!,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
剑15的Part3算是给了各位同学一个烧脑的Ending. “在中国,人们对于科技的兴趣有多少”,“现在的孩子会不会在科学领域远超他们的父母”,“你觉得是不是不会有更多的重大科技发明产生了”。这些问题,尖锐,直接。很多热爱科技,专攻理综的考生如果想剑走偏锋地给出评论答案,给考官留下深刻的印象,在语言使用上输出不足或者单词障碍明显,则会得不偿失。
仔细一瞧,这些其实不是纯粹的Speaking test的考题内容,而更像是一场有关科学历史、科学发展和科学未来的简易版学术探讨。在这种类型的答题过程当中非常容易出现考官和考生“互相往来”的现象(和考生探讨某个论点,不是让考生单纯地回答问题),因为大部分Part3题型的考核过程都是“有来无回”。因此,这个话题尖锐、直接,对话过程也可回味无穷。
How interested are most people in your country in science?
Actually, we could divide the people into two groups:
1.drastically interested in science– balance equations and solve for unknowns in chemistry – doingall the tests on a mysterious substances is so like a puzzle – it’s fun to reach the correct conclusion
2.not a science-centered person– lost the confidence in school life – low grade and complicated system
Why do you think children today might be better at science than their parents?
Reason 1.higher teaching quality at schools: introduced some principles behind everyday phenomenon (ex. why we see the lightning before hearing the thunder) – arouse students’ interest in science;
Reason 2.more completed facilities and equipment: most of the science classes involve experiments and field trips – have more chances to operate various equipment and add a range of ingredients to create miracles
How do you suggest the public can learn more about scientific developments?
The best way to learn: do voluntary works in scientific field – to understand how scientific developments help people (ex. work in the hospital – see the medical ways to cure cancer – how to release the pain for patients – recognize the significance of finding the effective ways to cure cancer) – an important part of learning is understanding
What do you think are the most important scientific discoveries in the last 100 years?
List the scientific discoveries (at least 2 of them)
1.thefirst quartz clockwas developed – more accurate – the regular vibration that occurs when an electric current is run through the mineral quartz – people began to rely on them to run businesses, transportations, and markets;
2.ahome robot– Roomba – a turtle-shaped robot that slowly vacuums its way around the room – sense the walls and turn to avoid stairs and objects on the floor
Do you agree or disagree that there are no more major scientific discoveries left to make?
Definitely not.
Reason 1:Roberts will play a more important role in the future – explore the ocean // *yze the surface of distant planets – deficient resource is a big issue for us;
Reason 2:high demand on job searching – the field of technology is always attractive – more challenges confronted by scientific workers – strong pursuit of achievement in scientific discoveries
Who should pay for scientific research – governments or private companies?
Private companies:
Large amount of profit could cover the cost – government should pay more money on free healthcare – those who are living under the poverty line and suffering from the various diseases, they might even fail to afford a *all proportion of their medical care expenses