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更新:2023年01月17日 18:15 雅思无忧




  Some people think pollution and damage of environment are resulted from a country developing and becoming richer, and this is hard to be avoided. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  1. 不可否认的是,工业化是任何一个国家经济起飞的必经之路,这就会带来污染。举例,为了追求GDP,中国这个发展中国家不得不大力发展*业,成为全球工厂,而这带来的是大量的煤尘和化学废料被从工厂中排放到空气,水体和土壤中。

  2. 此外,当人们财富增多的时候,他们的消费就会增多,举例,使用汽车,冰箱,空调。而这些都是造成气候变暖的主因。

  3. 然而,我始终认为人们对于生活习惯的改变能缓解一部分的环境问题。举例,骑车或是步行去上下班,放弃开车。还有,使用可重复使用的杯子和餐具,而不是一次性物品。最后,积极地进行垃圾分类。


  Doesthe economic development come with the environmental pollution, as the speakerasserts? This question has been a heated social issue in debate. In my view,industry is the pre-condition of a thriving economy, so that industrialpollution is inescapable, and my reasons would be explored as below.

  Undeniably,there is a universally regular pattern of economy growth that in all countries,the economy rising is always at the expense of environment, and which no onecan be exempt from. First, in retrospect of human history, industrialization,an essential stage in midst of economy development, are an unavoidable sourceof environmental pollution. For example, in order to keep a rapid growth ofGDP, Chinese manufacturing industry receives all kinds of product ordersworldwide, from iPhones to sports shoes to Barbie dolls. In the process ofproduction, an excessive number of *og, chemical wastes and toxic heavy metalsare discharged into air, water and soil, thus contaminating the environment inan overall way.

  In addition, an increase in social wealth boosts the goods consumption, which further deterio rates the enviomental destruction. In China, again, soaring average salaries among the public make private cars and appliances like fridges, air conditioners and microwave ovens affordable now. However, these modern facilities are main carbon emitters, and whose wise use would contribute to the global warming inevitably.

  Althoughthe complete prevention of pollution is a fantasy, I still believe our effortsto change lifestyle in daily life can partially reduce the level ofenvironmental pollution. For example, if urbanites can use walking or cycling,rather than private cars, for day-to-day commuting outside, then the gasemission would decline steeply. Similarly, if the public can consciously obeythe principle or 3R--reducing the consumption of one off goods, reusingrefillable bottles and containers, and recycling those renewable materials likeplastics, paper and metals, then the amount of industrial and daily-lifepollutants will be lowered quickly.

  Inconclusion, as long as the economy and the wealth of ordinary people aregrowing, the environmental pollution would exist for a long time. However, wecan still our efforts to reduce the pollution level, by living a green andclean life.(359 words)


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