近从economist 读了一篇文章题目叫做the ironing lady,非常诙谐的一篇文章,但是很适合考鸭们在大作文女性类话题中写。那么就和大来一起分享这篇文章看看哪些东西是适合大在写大作文中可以用到的知识点呢。
They are regarded as chores by both sexes, but fall disproportionately on only one. The latest survey of time use in America suggests women still shoulder most of the housework,
spending on average an hour a day scrubbing, hoovering and shopping, compared with barely 20 minutes for the unfair sex.
相信很多考生在写到女性的传统责任时,可能只会用到一些简单的词例如 washing clothes, take care of children. 但是这里用了scrubbing (擦洗东西)and hoovering(用吸尘器打扫地板),是不是让考官内心一亮呢.有时储备些词汇还是很应该的哦。虽然是些简单的动作,但是不是越简单的动作越想用书面词来描述而越难呢。
在解释这个问题时回答到 standard explanations for this division of labor rest on the pay gap between the sexes.而中的烤鸭们是不是喜欢用这样的句子呢one of the reasons is that….其次烤鸭们总是喜欢用this phenomenon或it 来重复提到给出的话题,而不擅于用其它词汇来提炼一个现象,比如这里的this division of labor 就是文中不断重复的话题。这样做的目的能够体现出一个学生的语言功底和用词的多样化。写完一个原因考生要用一些句子来支持你的中心句。这里给出了couples can maximise earnings if the lower-paid (usually female)partner does the unpaid work at home.所以考生在写到一个观点时千万不要忘了还得要具体解释哦。
the major determinant of how much housework a man did was how much he disliked it
. Men who liked housework a lot spent around 60% more time per weekday on it than those who were indifferent to it, sparing their partners up to ten minutes of drudgery.
Women’s preference seemed to have no effect on the time they spent on chores.
Determinant这里的意思是决定因素,在大作文中非常适合大用的啊。 我们看出原来广大女同胞们的命好惨啊,不论喜不喜欢我们都得做务啊。所以女烤鸭们加油考雅思,出深造,等我们get a decent job and financially independent, 我们说不定还能以后少做些务呢。
今天分享的这篇文章适合大作文中二种类型的考题, 叫causes and solutions. 我里面提到的内容大要牢记啊。