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更新:2022年01月24日 06:10 雅思无忧


2021年9月20日 雅思考 笔已经结束, 刘伟楠老师亲临考场,为大带来史上全面的雅思考回忆。总体来讲,本次听力考题偏难,其中Section l为往年旧题,本次考填空题尤其多,请烤鸭们多多练习高频题型。

Section one
版本号:  V08146S1
题型:Multiple choices 3,Matching 3,Completion 4
1-3 multiple choices
1. What the teacher praise student Emma for
A. good performance in public show (公演)
B. set examples to others (Emma在学校表现好,给其他同学做了榜样role model)
C. get start quickly (good adaptability 她适应得很快)
2. Why did the course need to change the time?
A. falling enrollment (enrolment is too much)
B. size of the classroom (注册的人太多了,地方space room limited不够大了)
C. availability of music room (music room is not available)
3. When does the new class begin?
A. 3:15pm B. 4:15pm C. 4:45pm (原来是3:15,女的说了a quarter to 5,男人说那个时间没空,女说只有这是时间有空,男的说那好吧。)
4-6 matching: what is the reason that Emma cannot have the course?
A  the course is full
B  the course fee is too expensive
C  she has another activity at that time
D  she has another activity at that evening
4. dance class  A (I have to put you in the waiting list.)
5. singing class  D (Emma has drama class on Friday evenings, it is too late in the evening晚上回会很晚了)
6. vocal class B (老师说Emma歌喉很好,但是那个男的说太贵了)
7-10 completion
7. teach children to play instruments and to write music (compose music, at last, performance music, having lot of fun)
8. course fee:$ 85 (包括多加的22元)
9. Emma can start at : 14th September (原文7th Sep.干扰,因为女的说这是该课程的开始时间,父亲就说Emma有特殊情况,所以只能在14th Sep才能开始。)
10. teacher’s name: Jamal Curtis

Section two
内容回忆:有关 ski and snowboard exhibition的相关内容
11. 为什么推荐 A. Comfortable
12. 有什么新的东西C. Instructor
13. 用什么letter代替门票是好方式C. newsletter
14. 之前媒体主要focus在什么上 B. reduction
15. *门票为什么worth  A rest C. special offers
(不同的人对ski & snowboard过程中需要注意的事项发表看法)
16. 人物一:讲了如何注意安全 G.
17. 人物二:讲了 ski & snowboard需要的以及如何准备所需要的装备B.
18. 人物三:讲了 ski & snowboard的不同方面 A.
19. 人物四:今年的活动与去年的区别E.
20. 人物五:  C.

Section three
场景:Action research tutorial
题型:Completion 3,Table completion 4
21-30 completion
21. there came a new teacher, who was very popular among students, and he wrote a book with the book title: Professional Learning.
22. covered research technique: skill for team research
23. objective: result presentation a collaborative culture
26-30 table completion
Table 1—observation method/technology

Observation check list 24.behavior of pupils Keep writing 25.diary
26. video recording in class 27.simulation
Table 2—non-observation method/technology
the evaluation of 28.test results evaluation Get data from statistics statistics
questionnaire The help of 29. Internet to identify respendents Choose own respondents for 30. interview

Section four
场景:Urban development immigration
题型:Completion 10
31-40 completion
31  produce less carbon than countryside by 40-50%
Advantage for moving into the city.
32  good for agriculture would recover
32  energy deficient because the service is concentrated in the city
33  rural area rely more on cars
34  in the city, more rubbish recycling
Are more likely to have late marriage
35  can gain more promoting at work. Instead getting married
The drawbacks of moving to city.
36  losing culture because people have to work hard to maintain life
37  more crimes in the city
38  poor quality of air
Economic reasons
39  increase economy because of consumption
40  more stress for traffic problems.

以上就是 上海 为考生们整理了2021年9月20日 雅思听力机经 ,供考生们学习。更多新全2021 雅思备考 内容尽在上海官网及雅思备考站。


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