L: 8.5/ R:9/W:7/S:6.5 Overall 8.0,成绩单如下:
“More and more people like to buy imported food in some countries. What do you think are the reasons for people to buy foreign food? What can be done to encourage people to buy more local food?”
Nowadays an increasing number of people in some countries tend to buy more imported food rather than local food. This article tries to give possible explanations for this phenomenon before providing feasible suggestions in order to encourage people to buy more local food.
One possible reason for these people to act in this way lies in the human nature. As creatures driven by curiosity, human beings have the natural tendency to be attracted by things they are not familiar with. In this regard, they are curious about the food produced faraway from their hometown in a total alien country. Being too familiar with the local food, they just want to taste the flavor of foreign food. Another possible reason is that facilitated by globalization and the Internet, people have easier access to the imported food. On one hand transnational food transactions are made much more easier owing to globalization, evidenced by the fact that people around the world are able to conduct business with each other in spite of their different locations. On the other hand, the Internet provides people with a handy platform to complete their purchasing process. They just need to log on the internet and press several buttons in order to buy foreign food. From this perspective, the demand has always been there, only that this demand is made more achievable than ever before.
Still much can be done to encourage people to buy more local food. First and foremost, there should be a more clear advertising focus for sellers. Compared with imported food, local food are usually more fresh and safer. They can also be delivered to people’s houses in a faster way. Advertising in this regard should put emphasis on the fresh nature of local food in order to attract the part of customers who regard freshness and safety as top priority before making the buying decision. Secondly, discounts should be given from time to time in order to attract people to buy local food and also to maintain customer loyalty since price is still the key factor influencing people’s purchasing decisions. Apart from that, different markets and shops have their respective role to play and should take creative measures in order to retain customers.
In general, the reasons for people to buy imported food are manifold, among which curiosity about foreign food and the convenience brought by the Internet and globalization may be the most noticeable ones. Measures such as setting a clear advertising focus and giving customers occasional discounts can still be taken to encourage local food buying.
练习写作不同类型的文章。在写作信息类和议论类文章时, 注意要充分展开自己的观点 ,并大限度地 提供相关论点与细节予以支撑 。论述中 不要将论点割裂开来,而是要问自己:如何组织论述才能逻辑自然地过渡到下一步 ?然后,再问自己:我采用的分段方法有助于凸显我的论证思路吗?我是否也采用了分段之外的其它手段来达到此目的?运用 丰富的结构 ,尤其选择利于提升文章整体效果的结构。努力运用 丰富的词汇 ,始终做到选用词语。对于不会使用的生词或词组,上网查找,看看他人是如何使用的,并注意它们常与哪些词语搭配出现。要对文章进行检查, 特别关注一下你不太确信的词语和语法结构。
One possible reason for these people to act in this way lies in the human nature. (controlling idea提出原因的main stance 是人类的本质) As creatures driven by curiosity, human beings have the natural tendency to be attracted by things they are not familiar with. (具象化了本质实际上是curiosity) In this regard , they are curious about the food produced faraway from their hometown in a total alien country. (将人类的好奇心与话题内容进行贴合,进一步具象化) Being too familiar with the local food, they just want to taste the flavor of foreign food. (反向补充为啥本土食物不足够吸引人)
这一段非常符合于雅思写作中观点展开的整体逻辑,这应该也是为什么考官会将文章的TR 评定到7分的原因吧。
Apart from that, different markets and shops have their respective role to play and should take creative measures in order to retain customers.
在这里,作者只是用一句说明了市场和食品商店应该扮演好维护customers的角色,但是并没有非常具体说明这种角色应该是什么样子的,这也就不难理解为何在考官的评价中会出现类似“ 注意要充分展开自己的观点,并提供相关论点与细节予以支撑 ”。
作者用了非常充分而多样的cohesive markers完成句间的衔接,比如我在主体段中标注的一些指代成分,以及一些比较明显的介词短语,包括“on one hand”“first and foremost”等等。这些成分都能够非常好地完成句间的衔接和层次结构的明晰化,尤其是指代词的使用是非常精准而熟练的,使得句子的过渡比较自然。但CC部分还是建议尽量再减少一些明显的连接词的使用的,并且有些连接成分反而使得段落的论证过渡不够平滑,出现了考官在评价中所写出的“论述中 不要将论点割裂开来,而是要问自己 : 如何组织论述才能逻辑自然地过渡到下一步? ”的问题。
Another possible reason (观点割裂) is that facilitated by globalization and the Internet, people have easier access to the (imported food 不需要加the) imported food. On one hand (介词短语做状语,要加逗号) transnational food transactions are made…..
这里作者使用了较明显的linker即ANOTHER POSSIBLE REASON 来完成第二个分论点的罗列,但看完整个段落的内容后我们不难理解,其实两个原因之间是内外因的关系,也是相辅相成的;一方面,由于人类本身的猎奇心理使得人们对外来食物的兴趣更加浓厚,而发达的互联网和全球化使得这种欲望和需求能够实现。所以这个地方如果使用一些其他连接方式,诸如“这种对于外来食物的好奇心在现代社会中得以实现,因为。。。”会使得整个逻辑论述的过渡变得更加的平滑而完整。
作者的词汇使用可以看出其扎实的英语功底。很多的语句搭配都能够做到非常精准,如 put emphasis on, conduct business等。词汇的使用中并没有刻意为了展露高难的词汇而作生硬的同义替换或是使用偏难的词语用法,这使得整个文章的可读性高,非常适合于作者的整体文风。
但依然出现了一些不是很恰当的词汇使用,但瑕不掩瑜,如主体段用“press several buttons”来表达在线购*,其实可以考虑用“click on some links”会稍微更恰当一点。
On one hand (介词短语做状语,要加逗号) transnational food transactions are made much more easier (去掉more) owing to globalization, evidenced by the fact that people around the world are able to conduct business (good collocation) with each other in spite of their different locations.
雅思写作,丰富的结构和精准多样的词汇是骨架,决定了作文的基本分(5.5-6),但是想拿更高的分,灵魂在于扎实的逻辑与推导的自然过渡。始终要铭记的点是: 充分展开论点 (提出论点至少2-3句进行阐述), 自然过渡 (包括本身句与句之间,以及句子间的逻辑)。
2021年05月26日 13:26雅思作文由两块构成:大作文和小作文。通过观察评分标准,官方对词汇以及句式的考察都有所涉及,分别是LR
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