If you think that I can be of any help, please let me know and I’ll certainly do what I can.
I would, however, be perfectly satisfied if you would kindly replace the camera or refund my money, whichever is more convenient.
I would like to see a timely investigation conducted and would like to be informed of the progress.
I would like you to contact the auto dealer where I bought the car, explaining your error.
I hope you find these suggestions useful in helping you make your decision.
Meanwhile, if the problem cannot be solved quickly, I would like you to allow me to move to another room.
Would you please advise me regarding my courses and exams, particularly if there will be any special consideration given to me in light of my current situation?
I would be most grateful if you would send an engineer to fix the heating system in my room as soon as possible.
I will of course be willing to pay for any service charge involved.
I hope the above information will help you enjoy your stay in my hometown.
Since we feel we should be compensated somehow, we ask you to refund the total cost of our meal.
Well, let me finish here and I am already eagerly awaiting your reply to this first letter.
Failing that, I will have to insist on a refund in full of the price which I paid for it.
Could you please cancel my card immediately and make the necessary arrangements to issue me with a replacement card?
Should you ever wish to call me, here is my number: 123456789.
Anyway, do let me know if you can make it.
I hope you’ll find he is just as good as I’m now recommending him to be.
And should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at the following e-mail address:
I have enclosed my resume as well as a statement of my current financial status and my English proficiency level.
I’d also like to know if my wife and I can make one application, or whether we’ll have to apply separately.
I look forward to receiving the information at your earliest convenience.
I will arrive in London on August 26 from Shanghai and would be very grateful if you could send someone to pick me up or, at the least, send me the details of how to get to the university by myself from London Heathrow Airport, as this will be my first time to the UK.
I have enclosed my resume that outlines in detail my qualifications and experience as well as an open letter of recommendation from California State University.
Could you tell me what I have to do to obtain a student visa and how long the process will take?
I would also be grateful if you could tell me what I should bring with me, for example, clothes, books or anything else I cannot get in Canada.
If memberships are still available, I would appreciate it very much if you would send me an application form for joining the club and let me know the fee involved.
Please let me know if it is possible to become a temporary member of the library, together with details of opening hours, fees, etc.
Enclosed you will find my resume which further details my previous work experience and qualifications.
I would also like to request a tuition refund and hope I am not too late to receive the full reimbursement.
2021年05月26日 13:26雅思作文由两块构成:大作文和小作文。通过观察评分标准,官方对词汇以及句式的考察都有所涉及,分别是LR
2021年05月26日 13:28很多烤鸭都有这个疑问:“我要背范文吗?”“老师,多给点实用范文,让我能确保6分。”由于每个人英语水平
2021年05月28日 06:38雅思写作的评分标准很简洁而直观,4大标准中,2个是语言层面的,分别是词汇和语法,2个是思维层面的,分
2021年05月29日 06:18在2019年1-7月的雅思大作文考试中,各类大作文出现的规律与往年相似,主要仍旧以社会类和教育类为主
2021年05月29日 10:23由于2019上半年雅思写作部分在题型方面有比较明显的侧重点,因此预计下半年在题型方面依然将出现重点考
2021年05月29日 11:141、选择没有把握的题目,攻克难关:因为时间比较紧,再大量练习已经来不及了。要做的最重要的工作是让自己
2021年05月30日 03:02看到分数的那一刻心凉了半截,雅思写作分数居然只有5.5分。我傻了眼,虽然总分过了7,但是单项没过6我
2021年05月30日 03:27刚开始备考雅思的考生对雅思考试不了解,不知道什么分数时什么水平,今天七分雅思网为大家介绍一下雅思写作
2021年06月19日 09:24雅思考试中,雅思写作常见题型有哪些?一、教育类A.理论与实践1.知识和经验的重要性。2.为什么要上大
2021年06月01日 16:34