雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“沟通为本”的考试理念。对于雅思考生来说,也有很多考试难点和政策盲区需要帮助解答。今天雅思无忧网小编准备了文章瞬间提升雅思口语答案level的明星访谈-Gal Gadot,希望通过文章来解决雅思考生这方面的疑难问题,敬请关注。
瞬间提升雅思口语答案level的明星访谈- Gal Gadot
这回咱们一起跟着神奇女侠Gal Gadot练口语吧!虽然她出生在以色列,母语是希伯来语,不过她的英文同样地道哦!而且想知道她名字的正确发音吗?请戳视频链接:
Q: Now how do you start most mornings, when you’re at home?
A: I woke up, I washed my face and all that . Then I always drink a tablespoon of apple vinegar, water and coffee. And work out.
这里的and all that等于and other similar things. 例如:
I’m bored by history—dates and battles and all that (stuff).
起床洗漱这种常识性流程没必要说成流水账。Part 1是不是考过morning routine? 这回知道怎么回答了吧!当然如果你想加个do my hair and makeup也是完全没问题的。
问答No. 2:
Q: And what’s unique about Israeli culture?
A: It’s like one big melting pot . With people from so many different places and different cultures and flavors .
这里的melting pot指的是a place or situation in which large numbers of people, ideas, etc. are mixed together. 就是我们常说的“大熔炉”么!例如:
the vast melting pot of American society
The film retains much of the book’s exotic flavor.
Foreign visitors help to give a truly international flavor to the occasion.
问答No. 3:
Q: And as you know, it did pretty well in the box office , not too shabby. How did that feel?
A: Oh my God, it was amazing, incredible .
“电影*座”当然要看票房喽!所以想夸电影大*我们就可以用box office,除了可以像Gal说的It did pretty well in the box office, 还可以说It’s a huge box-office success. 另外类似incredible这样的广谱夸赞形容词也要多多积累起来哦!
问答No. 4:
Q: Did immersing yourself in the 80’s make you more or less nostalgic for the past?
A: More.
“怀旧”用英文解释更准确,它是a feeling of sadness mixed with pleasure and affection when you think of happy times in the past. 雅思口语里childhood的相关话题可能会用到哦!例如:
I feel quite nostalgic for the place where I grew up.
问答No. 5:
Q: And when do you know a part is perfect for you?
A: When I love the script, I love the film-maker and I’m intrigued by the character.
说起“感兴趣的、被吸引的”就只用interested可不行哇!快拿小本本把intrigued (very interested in something / somebody and wanting to know more about it / them)记下来,在考试的时候它是interested的完美替换,例如:
He was intrigued by her story.
I’m intrigued to know what you thought of the movie.
问答No. 6:
Q: When do you feel most fulfilled ?
A: When I’m having quality time with my kids.
I feel fulfilled in my present job. It’s like I’m doing something useful with my life.
Quality time是什么时光呢?现在来讲的话,就是全程不看*不看电脑,全神贯注的与对方相处的时间,尤其是下班后父母陪伴孩子的时光。所以“高品质时光”就是它了。雅思口语话题不是考过family么,可以用上哦!
问答No. 7:
Q: Who’d be your partner in crime , who is it?
A: My hu*and, definitely.
Partner in crime这个短语经常由于字面意思被大家误解,对于它目前的常用义,Urban Dictionary上的解释就很全面:A partner in crime is someone who knows you better than yourself. Someone who you usually get into trouble with. Someone who has your back no matter what. Someone who can tell your secrets and everything to. Someone who loves you even with all your flaws. 所以它的意思是“至亲”哇!
Q: And what’s something that your kids do that really makes you laugh.
A: Perform. Like when they start to sing and dance and do performances together, that’s when it cracks me up .
Gal如果去考口语,她就完美滴做到了替换题目中的表达,把make you laugh替换成了crack me up (to make somebody laugh a lot). 所以替换题干表达也是好用的考试技巧哦!
Q: Early bird or night owl ?
A: Definitely early bird.
这两个词对应中文里的“早起的鸟”和“夜猫子”,在morning routine的话题里都可以用到。
Q: Is there any director that you’re dying to work with?
A: Spielberg.
“超级想要”就用be dying for / to do吧!还有啥词儿能比die还强烈呢!例如:
After working non-stop for a month, I’m dying for a day off.
I’m dying to know what happened.
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