The bar chart shows the results of a survey about different wards of a hospital and the percentages of patients who think “very good” of the experience of the hospital.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant.
该题目属于静态柱图。3W(when, where, what)中的时间没有给出,只说了是a survey, 默认使用一般现在时态。地点是一家医院里面的三种病房。具体项目是四种方面的满意度比例。该题目既要对比三种病房的满意度差异,又要对比四个评估方面的差异。仔细观察图例可以发现,Polly Ward在各方面都很突出,其次是Maple Ward, 而表现最差的是Oak Ward。建议可以尝试按照三种病房为主线,每一种病房单独描述。
The bar chart compares satisfaction rates of patients from three wards of a hospital in terms of four respects,as illustrated from a survey.
Generally, Polly ward performs the most extraordinary as the maximum proportion of patients think highly of its service of staff, time waste, quality of treatment and after care. It stands in marked contrast with Oak Ward which receives the least praise.
一般情况下,Polly ward的表现是最不寻常的,因为最大比例的患者认为它的服务人员,时间浪费,治疗质量和护理。它与橡树园形成了鲜明的对比,橡树园受到的赞扬最少。
Specifically, the vast majority of patients (90%) are very satisfied with quality of treatment provided by Polly Ward, exceeding its service of staff and quality of after care by 5% while three quarters of people favor its time allocation.
具体来说,绝大多数患者(90%)对Polly Ward提供的治疗质量非常满意,超过了其服务人员和售后服务质量5%,四分之三的人支持其时间分配。
Turning to Maple Ward, three quarters of people like its quality of treatment and after care while the service of staff is marginally less preferable. Also noticeable is that the least number of people (64%) are content with its time waste.
By contrast, the situation becomes barely satisfactory in Oak Ward, with merely more than half of people enjoying its three aspects of service except quality of treatment which gained satisfaction from 70% of patients.
Overall, among all the three wards, quality of treatment and after care are the most favorable aspects of service while the other two aspects are less popular.
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