Describe a time when you first ate a kind of food.
You should say:
When it happened
Where it happened
What food you ate
And explain how you felt about this kind of food
The time I’d like to describe to you is the time when I first ate a burger. I don’t mean a Macdonald’s burger or a fast food burger – I mean, a “real” burger in a proper burger and steakhouse. I was invited there by an American friend at university who insisted that I must try a really good quality proper burger. So, I agreed, and we went to this fairly well-known burger and steakhouse not far from campus. This friend of mine was really excited about the experience, and to be honest I was expecting something absolutely fantastic by the way he was talking. At this time in my life I had not yet learned that Americans tend to talk ‘big’ about almost everything and massively exaggerate! So, I really believed that this would be an incredible experience. Well, in actual fact it was a nice meal, and certainly a lot better than any fast food joint I’d ever eaten in. But, to be honest, I didn’t think the burger was that great. I mean, after all, it’s just a piece of meat inside a bread bun… with some friend onions and things on top! It was good, yes, but I was left with the impression that perhaps burgers were a bit over-rated compared to loads of other types of food and way more interesting foods too. What I did enjoy was the fries and the desert! Though I didn’t want to tell this friend that I thought the burger was just so-so but the fries and desert were amazing! So, it was an interesting and fun experience on a few levels really!
burger and steakhouse:汉堡和牛排屋
talk big about something:吹嘘
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