To Add: and, again, and then, besides, equallyimportant, finally, further, furthermore, nor, too, next, lastly, what's more, moreover, in addition, first (second, etc.),
To Compare: whereas, but, yet, on the other hand, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, on the contrary, by comparison, where, compared to, up against, balanced against, visa vis, but, although, conversely, meanwhile, after all, in contrast, although this may be true
To Prove: because, for, since, for the same reason, obviously, evidently, furthermore, moreover, besides, indeed, in fact, in addition, in any case, that is
To Show Exception: yet, still, however, nevertheless, in spite of, despite, of course, once in a while, sometimes
To Show Time: immediately, thereafter, soon, after a few hours, finally, then, later, previously, formerly, first (second, etc.), next, and then
To Repeat: in brief, as I have said, as I have noted, as has been noted,
To Emphasize: definitely, extremely, obviously, in fact, indeed, in any case, absolutely, positively, naturally, surprisingly, always, forever, perennially, eternally, never, emphatically, unquestionably, without a doubt, certainly, undeniably, without reservation
To Show Sequence: first, second, third, and so forth. A, B, C, and so forth. next, then, following this, at this time, now, at this point, after, afterward, subsequently, finally, consequently, previously, before this, simultaneously, concurrently, thus, therefore, hence, next, and then, soon
To Give an Example: for example, for instance, in this case, in another case, on this occasion, in this situation, take the case of, to demonstrate, to illustrate, as an illustration, to illustrate
To Summarize or Conclude:in brief, on the whole, summing up, to conclude, in conclusion, as I have shown, as I have said, hence, therefore, accordingly, thus, as a result, consequently, on the whole
2021年07月22日 23:33雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“
2021年07月23日 11:51雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“
2021年07月23日 17:52雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“
2021年07月23日 18:33雅思写作在雅思考试中是十分重要的,今天小编就给大家整理了雅思写作逻辑连接词解析,一起来学习和提高吧!
2021年08月07日 12:36在雅思写作备考中,考生可以多积累一些连接词,方便在答题中进行运用,增加写作的连贯性。但是也要注意使用
2021年08月08日 00:54在雅思写作考试中,经常需要用到一些连接词,尤其是表示一定关系的连接词,可以起到承上启下或者并列的作用
2021年08月08日 07:36在雅思写作的评分标准中,有很重要的一项叫做连贯与衔接(Coherence and Cohesion)
2021年09月24日 22:51雅思作文重在论述,论述重在逻辑,逻辑的表现就是逻辑连接词。灵活而不重样地使用这些词汇,既代表着语法的
2021年10月08日 18:43本文老师整理了2019年汇总的信息,文中内容只是让大家当作参考学习,期望考生们可以认真的阅读。
2021年12月27日 01:38