More and more women go out to work. It is responsibility of government to provide staff and facilities for children of working mother, free of charge. To what extent do you agree or disagree.
After a long, bitter struggle, women now enjoy the same educational opportunities as men in most parts of the world. More and more educated women go out to work after graduation. The achievement they have made in almost every field is spectacular. But no matter which kind of occupation they go into or how hard those works are most of them at the same time are engaged with another laborsome work, that is, bearing and rearing children. All of these things could have put men to shame who cling to their supremacy and always moan about the work pressure. However they are quietly sitting back and letting it happen.
It is about time the government done something about it. Many sociologists present their views on this issue and give a lot of practical advice. The most practical one among them, from my point of view, is to provide staff and facilities for children of working mother by government, free of charge.
There are at least two obvious advantages of this policy. First of all, it will disengage women from the time consuming work of rearing and educating children and give them a chance to enjoy life equally as men do. Just take a look at the wrinkles on the faces of your mother and wife and hoary hair as well. They could have been more beautiful and stylish but for years of hard work as a mother of three or four.
Secondly, it's better for children to be brought up in group instead of individually. For instance, those children brought up in group will be excellent in social activities and are naturally good at getting along with others. In addition, the professional staff who have years of nursing education can take better care of the children by contract with their young parents lack of experience.
To sum up, this is surely a long-sighted policy. Not only women but also children are its beneficiaries. And perhaps the great contribution of it is the spirit of equality between sexes we encourage.
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