Nowadays there is more and more TV advertisement, and there is a lot of misinformation in some of these advertisements. Some people think that consumers have the right to know the correct information and that government should restrict the contents of these advertisements. What is your opinion?
No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements and advertising exerts a tremendous influence on us. Recently, there are people who are of the opinion that public has the right to know the correct information of the advertisements and government also should restrict the contents of these advertisements. Personally I agree with this opinion for the following reasons.
In the first instance, consumers have the right to know the correct information before deciding on whether to buy them. Advertisements are highly information that helps people to make choice before they go to buy what they need. If the advertisement exaggerates the products it also will persuade people into buying things, which they don‘t really want.
Secondly, any misleading advertisements will lead to the marketing tricks, causing chaos in the market. Too many misleading advertisements are barrio to distinguishing between decent products or products of bad quality. His bread in truth is made with soy flour, while he advertises it as white bread. These misleading information causes illegal competition.
Last but not least, government should stipulate laws in consumers‘ interests. According to the laws, advertisements must be truthful. If the advertisements mislead consumers, government can impose great fine on them to set a lesson.
In general, the role of advertisements is inevitable and undeniable. A good advertisement can be a bridge between business and consumers and helps keep business moving. So we need correct information and government also needs to restrict the contents of advertisements. Let misinformation of advertisements be far away from us.
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