雅思写作 在 雅思考试 中不仅有字数限制,更需要考生们有清晰的写作思路。今天小编为大家整理了雅思写作task2关于媒体泛滥利与弊满分范文,来看看吧。
写作题目: In many countries, 24-hour TV programmers are now tran*itted throughout day and night. Some people think this is a positive development, but others do not think so. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
第二段:24小时电视播放的来由:1, 工种繁多,需求多样。2 体育直播和时事报道新闻,增加收视率,提高效益。
第三段:但是1,某些时段的收视率低,盈利能力低。2 ,很多重放的节目,关于琐碎的事情。3 ,过长时间的看电视不利身体的健康。
In many countries, 24-hour TV programmers are now tran*itted throughout day and night. Some people think this is a positive development, but others do not think so. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Since television was invented, it has become a crucial source of information and indispensable tool for leisure activities. However, the debate about its influence on our society has never stopped, especially since in recent years, TV programmers have the ability to be on the air day and night.
Obviously 24-hour running TV programmers fulfill a need to certain groups of audiences. They include night shift workers who have a totally different schedule from housewives or retired people. Some sports fans would stay up late at night in order to watch the Olympic Games or any other live broadcast of international sports events. Also historic events such as the 9/11 attack are news-worthy events that need to be reported live. These live reports generate high viewership and therefore allow TV stations to attract more advertising, increasing revenues.
However, 24-hour TV broadcasting can be unprofitable since during certain time slots few people watch TV. A large part of news coverage is dedicated to re-runs,casting doubt on viewership of any significance. Another possible negative effect in 24/7 TV tran*itting is that it encourages a sedentary lifestyle which is ultimately unhealthy. The term “couch potato” seems to perfectly describe those that espouse this behavior, and children in particular are vulnerable to the addicting effects of television programs.
In general, abundant TV programs are free for people to access; however, this does not mean that they are a positive influence to the viewing public. In fact, it would be much more meaningful to devote more of our precious time to activities that add value to our lives and to the lives of the people around us.
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