雅思写作 在 雅思考试 中不仅有字数限制,更需要考生们有清晰的写作思路。今天小编为大家整理了雅思写作task2旅游便利产生的利与弊满分范文,来看看吧。
写作题目: Nowadays it is more convenient and easier for people to travel to other countries. Do you think the positive effects exceed the negative effects?
Never before was travelling to alien countries so convenient and popular as in this century. This phenomenon is partially attributed to improved technology and cheap flight tickets. Facing this travel frenzy, some are concerned that it will bring about too many side effects whilst others insist that is should be supported and maintained.
Admittedly, cross-border travel has more downsides than one. Firstly, the carbon dioxide planes emitted is reported to be disproportionately more than that emitted by other transportation means. The carbon dioxide will lead to ozone layer thinning and thereby increase the probability of people contracting skin cancer. Moreover, being easier and more convenient to travel among countries means that some criminals could flee to other countries after committing hideous crime. This will pose a threat to local security and community stability.
However, the downsides cannot overshadow its upsides. For starters, travelling around the world with more ease could expand individuals’ horizons and stimulate their love of life and they will be more productive at work in the future. Moreover, companies could visit foreign markets more conveniently than before and as a result, they could locate potential target market and sell goods there or buy materials from there if the price is competitively enough. If a company could flourish this way, employees will benefit and the society in which companies are operating will be more stable and harmonies. Last but not least, if more and more people are afforded opportunities to go to other countries, there will be less misunderstanding and more respect among countries. All these will contribute to a diverse but harmonious culture.
To sum up, despite the numerous drawbacks mentioned above, travelling to other countries with more convenience and ease is, by and large, a positive development.
2021年05月26日 13:26雅思作文由两块构成:大作文和小作文。通过观察评分标准,官方对词汇以及句式的考察都有所涉及,分别是LR
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