1、What do you do to keep healthy?
2、How do people maintain good health?
3、What would you say is a "healthy lifestyle"?
4、Is there any sport that you would like to try in the future?
5、What activity that promotes good health?
At the moment (2021) in China, there are about 30 different topics being used in Part 1.
These topics and questions are in the examiner's question book(topic pool), the examiner is not allowed to make his or her own questions in Part 1 test.
—Chris Green (a former IELTS examiner)
2022年01月11日 04:24雅思考试主要是通过对考生听、说、读、写四个方面英语能力的考核,综合测评考生的英语沟通运用能力,实现“
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2021年10月06日 00:44雅思口语Part3
2021年11月17日 23:51Health 1、What do you do to keep healthy?
2021年11月24日 00:47雅思考中写作是很重要的一部分,每个考生都希望写出更精彩的作文,这就需要同学们在备考时多阅读一些雅思写
2022年01月11日 06:54