通过对雅思写作大作文的分析我们发现,尽管议论文的话题繁多,但其问题模式都可以归属于两大类,讨论和分析解决。讨论类常见的如:To what extent do you agree or disagree? What is your opinion? 而分析解决是指对某一负面现象进行原因的分析,再给出解决方法。如:Discussthe possible causes of this phenomenon and suggest some recommendations abouthow to combat it.
在雅思写作的评分标准中,我们看到前两个评分标准中,均出现了对段落扩展的描述,第一个评分标准task response,指任务完成度,在文章内容方面的体现即文章是否回答了题目的关于topic的论证,是否都围绕主题,无偏题离题现象发生,能否完整全面的对话题进行论证。而第二点coherence and cohesion,指连贯和衔接,内容是否连贯,很大程度上取决与论证过程的扩展是否有紧密关联,有无逻辑性。可见议论问论证过程的合理有逻辑的扩展非常重要。
1.As is granted, ... However, convincing arguments have been made that ...
2.Opponents would argue that... However, ...
3.Although/ In spite of the fact that ..., people tend to believe that...
这种论证方法常出现在讨论类的单边论证中,我们来看一个题目:The mainpurpose of public libraries is to provide books and they should not waste theirlimited resources and space on providing expensive hi-tech media such ascomputer software, videos and DVDs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Introduction: State my opinion
Thehi-tech media should been provided by the public libraries.
Body: Ph 1 Making concession
Multimediafacilities are expensive.
Ph2 Reason1 to support my opinion.
Hi-techmedia can store information much longer than traditional means.
Ph3 Reason2 to support my opinion
Visitinga library with multimedia access is much more interesting.
Conclusion: Restate my opinion
Theinvestment is justified and should be encouraged.
从上述结构我们看出作者的观点是支持提供高科技媒体,但这个论证过程非常全面,它先在论证的第一代就退一步承认其缺点,然后再就这一点进行反驳,这个段落就是让步段,参考之前提供句型,得出这一段:Opponents of a high-techlibrary would argue that multimedia facilitiesare expensive. This may be true to some extent,because a DVD player is often more expensive than a bookshelf. However,with immense storage capacity, these new high-tech media can actually save themost valuable resource-space.